How do I know if I am traveling abroad? Travel abroad. Rules for traveling abroad

As you know, during the summer holidays, when the lion's share of Russians flock to exotic foreign countries to bask in the sun, a real stir begins. And he is often connected not with difficulties to buy a treasured ticket to Thailand or India. The problem is that customs officers do not allow you to travel abroad. The questions “What for?” Immediately arise. and why?"

Reasons why you are not allowed to go abroad

In fact, everything is simple to the point. You have outstanding cash obligations to the state.

How to find out if I am traveling abroad

You could be in arrears for utilities, on a loan or simply forget to pay a receipt for violation of traffic rules. Be sure that even ignoring a fine of 100 rubles can face huge troubles. In relation to the debtor, an absentee decision is often made, which also does not bode well for him.

Who is authorized to restrict freedom of movement

Only the servants of Themis can impose a ban on the freedom of movement of a person, and it should be noted that this measure applies to someone who is officially recognized as a debtor and is not going to return money voluntarily. Before litigation, the borrower must be notified that in the case under review he will act as a defendant. However, in practice, the debtor often does not receive the summons due to the banal change of place of residence.

Check if I am traveling abroad

It is for these reasons that a person falls into the black list, not even suspecting that the bailiffs are looking for him.

What to do

"How do I know if I am traveling abroad?" - asks the young lady in anticipation of the holiday season. Of course, the first thing you need to visit the nearest department of the bailiff service. It is there that you will receive comprehensive information on why you are not allowed to go abroad. "How do I know if I am traveling abroad?" - Interested in a business woman who urgently needs to negotiate in another country. In the age of high technology, many prefer to contact government agencies not directly, but online. Agree, this is very convenient, since it saves a lot of time.

"How do I know if I am traveling abroad?" - worried girl who plans to graduate in Europe. In fact, everything is very simple. To do this, it is enough to have Internet access and open the official site of the FSSP. After that, you will only have to look at the database of enforcement proceedings available on the pages.

We work online

"How do I know if I am traveling abroad?" - asks the lady who intends to go to another state for permanent residence. One way or another, but there are many who wish to receive information about this.

Am i traveling

On the bailiff’s website, select the “individual” option, in the territorial authorities section enter your own region of residence. If you are registered not in the place where you are constantly located, then you should indicate the address for registration. Tell the system your first name, middle name, last name, year of birth and click "search". A few seconds after entering the captcha, you will find out everything that interests you. If enforcement proceedings are instituted against you, the system will notify you of this. If you do not owe anything to anyone, you will see the inscription: "nothing was found by your request." This service has a convenient interface, so using it as easy as possible. The developers of the above Internet resource went even further: they created an option for those people who see poorly.

"How to check whether I am traveling abroad?" First of all, a Russian businessman wants to know about this, who is afraid not to go abroad, because due to simple negligence he did not pay taxes for a small amount. There is another option to check your last name on the black list. And again the World Wide Web comes to the rescue. However, the list of debtors can be found on the public services portal. In this case, the system will require you to register, otherwise you will not receive any information. However, there is nothing complicated in this procedure, since even a schoolchild can do it.

What measures to take so that you no longer appear on the black list of debtors

So, imagine the situation. "Am I traveling?" - An employee of an ordinary company, who decided to take a vacation to learn a foreign language in France, is interested. Suddenly he finds out that he has outstanding debts. Agree, the situation is not the most pleasant.

Rules for traveling abroad

What to do in this case? He has only one thing left. Pay your creditors as soon as possible. It is important to remember that online debt information is not immediately deleted. First, information that he owes nothing to anyone should be processed by employees of government agencies at all levels, and only after 7-10 days after that it will be entered into the computer. Of course, this often creates confusion.

Often there are situations when a person is formally denied travel abroad, in fact, he has already paid the debt, but there is no data on this in the system. What to do in this situation? It would seem that we can only wait until they are introduced, since the rules for traveling abroad are the same for everyone. However, if you also grab a receipt with the ticket that all your debts have been paid off, then none of the regulatory authorities will put up any obstacles, and you will calmly go on vacation to Turkey.

Some statistics

It should be noted that the servants of Themis in our country the year before last deprived of such a privilege as traveling abroad, about 20,000 Russians who were officially recognized as malicious debtors. Their total debt exceeded 12 billion rubles. During the same period, FSSP employees did not allow almost 400,000 debtors to overseas countries.

Travel abroad

At the same time, more than 122,000 Russian citizens who did not want to provide material assistance to their minor children received the status of “travel abroad”. The toughest measures were applied to violators: they were literally removed from flights, and unused tickets for flights were sold with the aim of partially repaying the debt.

The maximum number of debtors was then recorded in the suburbs: more than 2.5 thousand people were denied access to Russia. By their inaction, the state suffered damage totaling 6 billion rubles. Petersburgers in this list take the second position. About 1,300 residents of the Northern capital could not leave the borders of our country - their debt totaled more than half a billion rubles.

Do not forget the following: to be able to relax wherever you want, pay your bills on time!


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