Medical elbow faucet: features, types and reviews

Each medical institution should be equipped with all necessary plumbing equipment. One of the most needed special-purpose devices is considered a medical elbow mixer. You can install it anywhere, but most often you can meet it in the surgical departments. What is it, what are its features? About it further.


To mix hot and cold water coming from water supply systems, elbow mixers are used along with other types of taps. The main feature of these devices is a long handle that extends at the end. All plumbing of this kind has a lever control.

medical washbasin with elbow faucet

The medical elbow mixer is controlled by raising and turning the lever. Judging by the reviews, you can perform these actions with the elbow, without even touching the tap with your fingers or hands. This is very convenient, since the sterility of the hands is very important for the medical professional during work. Therefore, such mixers are also called surgical or sterile.

medical surgical mixer

The demand for an elbow mixer in medicine is explained by the fact that it can be controlled without the risk of infection by touching the device. In addition, the device is characterized by durability, strength, ease of installation and economical water consumption. The only drawback of the device is that it is not very suitable for taking a shower. By accidentally touching an element, you can change the pressure or temperature of the water.


Elbow faucets can be found not only in medical institutions. They are installed in any public places. Often a washbasin with an elbow medical mixer is used in private households and apartments.

Surgical cranes are of the following types:

  1. Classical. It features a long flywheel handle. A spout equipped with an aerator can be either straight or curved. This type of faucet is often mounted on large sinks and deep sinks.
  2. With a flexible bend. Equipped with a long curved gander. This type of mixer is installed mainly on large sinks. In apartments and houses it is almost impossible to meet him.
  3. With an exhaust watering can. This is an element of narrow purpose. They are mounted only in medical institutions and are quite expensive.
  4. For Bath. The main feature is that the element is equipped with a shortened gander. It is used only for filling bathtubs if shower hoses and watering cans are missing.
  5. With a hygienic shower. This type refers to conventional devices that are additionally equipped with a system for switching to a hygienic shower.
  6. Single lever - equipped with a special fixed spout. Designed exclusively for washbasins.
  7. Wall mounted. Designed for mounting vertically.
washbasin with elbow faucet

Despite the fact that elbow faucets are classified as medical, they are increasingly being used for domestic purposes.


The medical elbow mixer has several advantages. Of the main ones:

  • the ability to install the device both under the sink and on the wall;
  • due to the specific form of the lever, you can switch the water pressure and adjust the temperature with the elbow;
  • design features of the device minimize contact with contaminated hands;
  • faucets provide the proper level of hygiene in public places;
  • have excellent characteristics that allow you to use the device in harsh environments.

Due to its advantages, the medical elbow faucet is considered one of the most effective and hygienic, regardless of where it is installed.


The medical elbow faucet is made of special materials and is most often used in specialized institutions.

surgical surgical elbow mixer

In appearance, such an element is difficult to confuse with any other. The first time they saw it, many pay attention to the lever, which is made in the shape of an elbow. It also features a convenient spout, sturdy case, reliable handle and cartridge. The latter can be performed depending on the model and manufacturer in various variations. Regardless of the manufacturer, the elbow medical mixer is very popular today.

Style and Design

In addition, when using an elbow mixer, its versatility and practicality are primarily noted, many models also have a stylish design. Most often, modern models are purchased in chrome color. Such plumbing will undoubtedly become an adornment of any room.

medical elbow washbasin

How to choose the right one?

Any mixer is very important to choose the right one. One that will be used for medical purposes will be no exception. In order not to purchase a medical ulnar surgical mixer of poor quality, it is necessary to pay attention to certain features when buying.

First of all, you should decide on the material from which it is made. It must be borne in mind that the most reliable are those made of brass. They are more reliable in operation and will last longer than others.

It is also necessary to determine which device is needed - a medical elbow mixer or wall-mounted single lever mixer.

You should not pay attention to cheap models, since their operation brings many problems.

The best option is to purchase a medical mixer from a trusted manufacturer. Such an item can be bought at a specialty store. The price of a medical elbow faucet will completely depend on its quality and the manufacturer's company (on average, from 1.5 - 2 thousand and more).


Before proceeding with the installation of the element, you must carefully read the instructions. If there is no relevant experience and confidence in the correct installation made by yourself, it is better to turn to professionals for help.

surgical elbow mixer

After the elbow mixer is assembled, it is imperative to turn off the water supply, and then make the connection to the old crane. A fully equipped faucet must be placed in the selected place and secured, as well as bring all the necessary pipes and hoses to it.


We examined what a medical elbow faucet is and what is its advantage over other models. At the moment, this plumbing is becoming more and more popular and in demand not only in special institutions, but also in apartments of ordinary consumers. First of all, this is due to ease of management. In order for the selected device to last for a long time, it is necessary to purchase only high-quality goods from trusted manufacturers, and install in accordance with the instructions.


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