At the top of fashion is the Armani Peony. Description, care features, photos

Which flower is considered a symbol of wealth and happiness? Of course, a peony! Even a novice gardener can grow it on his plot. These plants have been growing in the same place for decades without the need for transplanting or special care. To date, about five thousand varieties of peonies have been registered. One of the most attractive is the Armani peony.

peony armani

You will be pleased not only with large flowers that change color from ruby ​​to burgundy, but also with decorative foliage. In summer, it has a saturated green color, and in the fall it acquires a dark red hue. How to grow Armani peonies on your plot? What care is required for these luxurious colors? Look for answers in this article!

Peony Armani: Description

Flowers of this variety are distinguished by a dark color. The diameter of a blossoming peony can reach 20 centimeters. The flower is very beautiful, terry, with silky petals. The uniqueness of Armani is in a deep ruby ​​color, which every day becomes increasingly darker. The bush is quite tall - up to 90 centimeters. An advantage of this variety can also be considered decorative foliage. Even after flowering, the Armani peony will continue to decorate the garden - glossy green leaves become burgundy red by autumn. Therefore, experts in landscape design recommend combining peonies of this variety with pastel colors.

Landing place

The most difficult task for an amateur gardener is choosing a place for a peony. Armani requires open space and plenty of sunlight. Of course, you can plant a peony in the shade, but you need to know that it will grow in a shaded area, but it will not bloom. It is important to plant a plant away from sprawling trees, dense shrubs and buildings - this is necessary for air circulation.

peony armani photo

If the site indicates a close occurrence of groundwater, it is better to refuse to plant peonies. Otherwise, the roots will rot in the flowers, and the plant will die.

Soil for peonies

Ornamental plants, the splendor of its flowering and aroma depend on the soil. Cultivated soils, preferably slightly acidic, are ideal for peonies. You can add sand to the clay soil, and one and a half buckets of clay to the sandy soil. In acidic soil, you can add lime at the rate of 200-400 grams per bush.


For planting or replanting peonies, autumn is best suited. The place chosen for the plant should be prepared in advance: the best option is a month before planting. In order to land the Armani peony in the ground, you need to dig a hole 60 x 60 x 60 cm. Two-thirds of it must be filled with a mixture of peat, humus and sand. To enrich the soil, bone meal (0.5 kg), iron sulfate (one tablespoon per three buckets of the mixture) added to the mixture will help, wood ash (a liter jar).

Peonies usually bloom in the second year. However, if this does not happen, there is no need to worry. The main thing is that the plant looks healthy, and the number of stems increased to 4-6 pieces compared to the first year.

Peony Armani: photo of an adult plant, care for it

peony armani description

With proper care, flowers of this variety can bloom profusely and remain healthy for more than 25 years. To do this, you must follow three basic rules:

  • regularly feed foliar way;
  • watering the plant infrequently, but plentifully - 2-3 buckets of water for each bush;
  • mulch the plant with peat for the winter, the layer should not be less than 5 cm.


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