Mass event: organization, venues, security

Modern mass events are an expression of social activity, a way for the population to organize their leisure time, satisfy spiritual and cultural needs, participate in social processes and political life, and familiarize themselves with sports and art. In the life of people there is a large number of various mass events: from wedding ceremonies to street processions, from theatrical performances to ubiquitous festivities. A separate mass event, at times, can amaze with its scale and scope.

mass event

Classification of mass events

Classification of mass events can be done as follows:

By goals and objectives:

  • cultural;
  • sports;
  • spectacular;
  • advertising and commercial: trade fairs, presentations, sales;
  • business receptions and meetings: meetings, receptions, receptions and other;
  • spiritual: prayers, processions and others.

By content:

  • public: conferences, congresses and symposia;
  • political: meetings, meetings, receptions and so on.
  • cultural: festivals, festivals;
  • sports;
  • event: exhibitions, shows and more;

By significance:

  • international;
  • state;
  • regional;
  • local
  • local
  • private.

By the method of occurrence:

  • pre-prepared, planned;
  • spontaneous.

mass events

At the venue:

  • in rooms and special facilities;
  • on the ground (within the boundaries of the settlement, beyond its line).

By frequency:

  • everyday;
  • Seasonal
  • periodic;
  • one-time.

By availability:

  • free access;
  • with restrictions (for example, closed club events).

By security level:

  • the highest category (with the presence of senior government or foreign officials);
  • the first category (with the participation of regional officials, famous people);
  • second category (without VIP).

cultural events

Organization and preparation of a mass event

Organizing public events is a difficult and responsible task. Organizational abilities alone will clearly not be enough. It will require versatile knowledge, sufficient experience, well-developed intuition and foresight, as well as a considerable amount of money, depending on the grandeur of the plan.

When organizing an event, one should know and remember that the law is always at the forefront. So that the planned mass event does not turn into a natural disaster, you need to follow the letter of the law, clearly comply with all applicable requirements enshrined in law, follow certain rules and recommendations.

A gathering of people is like a water stream - under normal conditions, it flows along the riverbed, but when the elements break up, it is able to “get out of the banks”, sweeping and destroying everything in its path. People are emotional, they can panic, fear of something will not leave a person in a serene state.

sports events

Therefore, when organizing mass events, you need to be able to foresee a lot, first of all, ensure the safety of all participants. And subsequently think over how to make their pastime as comfortable as possible. And only the last thing to do is miscalculate your planned profit (if the event is commercial in nature).

Holding mass events can bring big profits in the case of competent organization and preparation, but can also cause serious financial damage if mistakes are made during the preparatory phase.

The legislative framework

The organization of mass events is regulated by the applicable federal laws and other regulatory acts of the federal and regional levels. Laws governing the organization and conduct of events (mass): the basic law is 54- (06/19/2004) as amended, 192-, 57-, 329-.

organization of mass events


A mass event can be held in any territory suitable for this purpose. The most popular venues for events:

  • premises;
  • facilities;
  • streets;
  • area;
  • sports arenas;
  • parks;
  • squares;
  • suburban areas and more.

In a nutshell - anywhere. With a single if. If it is not prohibited by law and does not create a security risk.

Legal restrictions in choosing a venue

There are separate places where events are initially prohibited. It does not even make sense to coordinate this issue with representatives of the territorial administration, since the fact of their resolution will be a gross violation of official duties, and, therefore, a violation of the law. This entails an inevitable punishment - from "put in a corner" to "put on a bunk." So, the prohibition of the territories located near:

  • hazardous production facilities and other facilities with increased safety requirements;
  • overpasses;
  • oil pipelines;
  • gas pipelines;
  • power lines, high voltage stations;
  • television and radio towers;
  • military units;
  • correctional and other institutions;
  • playgrounds.

As well as a number of other territories indicated in the Federal Law.

public event

Public events

There is the concept of a “public event”. This mass event is described in detail in 54-FZ. It is characterized as an open, accessible and peaceful meeting (action) of people organized by a person or group of people or a public organization, political party, religious society. The objectives of such an event may be different: the implementation of the guaranteed right of freedom of speech and expression of one’s attitude about something, the announcement of requirements, discussion of social issues, politics and economics, and much more. There are five main types of public events:

  • meeting, rally;
  • demonstration, procession;
  • picketing.

The organizers of this event cannot be: minors and the legally incompetent. As well as representatives of parties and organizations banned in the Russian Federation, religious communities, etc. Mass events of this form cannot be started earlier than seven in the morning and end later than twenty-three hours (local time).

physical education events

Cultural events

It is impossible to overestimate the benefits that cultural events bring. Their main purpose is the spiritual development of society. Such events have a number of directions:

  • hedonistic, which is an entertaining character that helps to entertain people, temporarily distract from everyday problems, charge with positive emotions and give vent to bright emotional outbursts;
  • educational, contributing to the acquisition of new useful knowledge, broadening the horizons, and self-education of the population;
  • developing, aimed at the formation of aesthetic tastes, the improvement of creative abilities;
  • educational, instilling self-organization, forming a system of spiritual values;
  • social, giving an incentive to social activity;
  • artistic and creative, introducing to the cultural and creative process.

Cultural events include festivals, shows, contests (regional and federal, as well as international), entertainment festive events, thematic concerts, educational programs, exhibitions, fairs and much, much more.

Sports events

Sports, physical culture events - evidence that society is involved in the process of physical development and improvement, strives for new sports achievements. Sports events held in Russia are diverse and impressive in their scale.

This is a professional competition in almost all known sports, and fitness and health events of various levels and all kinds of orientations. As they say, there would be only desire. Opportunities and favorable conditions to engage in professional sports and physical education - more than enough. Physical development in Russia is given great attention. And this is no coincidence.


The health of the nation is a paramount state task

Human health is a set of indicators of his physical, spiritual and psychological state. Physical culture is one of the components of universal culture. A just winged expression borrowed from Latin (Decim Junius Juvenal) is “in a healthy body - a healthy mind”.

How many countries can boast that their leader “drives the puck” on the ice or fights on the tatami? Many leaders able to stay on horseback? Not to mention that without a saddle. These lines are far from political and other propaganda. The usual statement of facts.

The bottom line is different. Running day, day of walking, swimming day, day of gymnastics and so on. You can list and list. Sports events for children and adults, families and the elderly, “Leather Ball”, “Golden Puck” - this is just a list of the most famous and popular events that Russians liked. And how many of these remain "behind the scenes"? A bunch of.

Mass runs, cross-country skiing, swimming in the pool and in open water, hiking, kayaking, mass skiing, can not be listed, even if you set a goal. This is not an advertisement? Is this not pride for the nation (figurative expression, which should be understood as the entire multinational Russian people)?


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