How to decorate the box with your own hands: the best ideas

In the old days, every woman had a casket for storing jewelry, letters and other things dear to her heart. Despite the fact that today this item is not so popular, for many it remains indispensable in everyday life. A beautiful box is not only practical to use, but can also be an excellent element of room decor. It is not necessary to buy an expensive product, the usual box is quite suitable, which is independently decorated to your taste. How to decorate the box with your own hands, we will describe in this article.

Choose a technique

Product size is not so important. However, before trying to decorate large caskets, it is still recommended to practice on miniature products. And in order to determine which technique is easier and more interesting to work with, it is necessary to try out the design in each of them. This does not require a large consumption of material and time.

As the advantages of self-finishing the box is worth noting:

  1. Convenience of decoration. The product can be of any size.
  2. There are no restrictions on the choice of a particular technique, it all depends on the imagination.
  3. The box can be made independently, and then issued.

Depending on the purpose for which the accessory will be used, the technique of how to decorate the box with your own hands is selected. Most often, decoupage, painting, paper art, quilling and shabby chic are chosen for decoration. Some of these techniques require special skill and practice.

What tools will be needed?

You can decorate the product with any materials at hand: lace and artificial flowers, beads and glass, buttons, beads, coins, textiles, etc. It is worth noting that the tool kit mainly depends on how you want to decorate the box with your own hands.

Among them, for the most part are used:

  • glue;
  • brush;
  • scissors;
  • varnish;
  • paper;
  • tapes;
  • paints, etc.

Mosaic technique

Quite a simple method even for a beginner, allowing you to decorate the box with your own hands, is a mosaic technique. Details can be small or large, from materials of different shapes and textures. For decoration you will need:

  • Roller brush
  • scissors;
  • polymer clay;
  • plastic or colored glass;
  • glue and varnish;
  • cardboard;
  • talc;
  • satin ribbon.

A jewelry box decorated with glasses and ribbons with your own hands will be a great gift for a young girl.

Mosaic technique

First of all, circles are cut out of cardboard, which will form the appearance of the product. To decorate the inside of the box, it is recommended to use polymer clay of any color. To create a form, you can use the reel. It is carefully covered with clay, avoiding the formation of bubbles and carefully smoothing the joints. The excess is removed, and the finished form is dried in the oven.

On the outside, the walls are treated with talc, which will greatly facilitate the process of applying glass or plastic. Elements of different shapes are cut from the latter. Mosaic details are glued onto the finished base in a chaotic manner or patterns are formed. The satin ribbon is attached to the lid, forming a loop. The final stage is the final varnish coating. If the mosaic is made of glass, this step is skipped.

Mirror box

Such an object looks very unusual on which the sun's rays are refracted and the colors of the surrounding objects are reflected. How to decorate the box with your own hands (photos of some product options are presented in the article) using such elements, we will consider further.

To decorate the boxes you will need:

  • ruler, knife;
  • glue;
  • brush;
  • gloves
  • Scotch;
  • Reflective coated plastic or mirror pieces.

Several levels are measured on plastic, depending on the dimensions of the box. Parts are cut so that in the future they easily fit on the surface of the product. It can be squares, triangles, etc. The box is covered with glue and mirror parts are attached. After this, the workpiece is left for several hours to completely dry. Then the inside is glued with felt. If desired, you can make a hook for closing.

A box in the style of shabby chic

This method is considered one of the most sophisticated and feminine techniques. A box decorated in this way is perfect for storing accessories. How to decorate the box with your own hands (see photo below), we will consider further.

Shabby Chic Technique

For decoration you will need:

  • textiles and lace;
  • dense thread;
  • glue;
  • beads, beads;
  • beautiful box;
  • Styrofoam;
  • sheet with a pattern.

A form is cut out of the foam, which will lie on the bottom of the box. Using a sheet with a pattern and glue, the inner and lower outer parts of the box are formed. Then proceed to the formation of the cover of paper and fabric. You can also use the finished form of polystyrene foam and sew material to it. The final stage is the decoration of the box cover with beads, beads and other elements.

Egg Shell Accessory

If you have a thick paper box, then you can make and decorate a cardboard box with your own hands. It is quite simple to arrange it yourself in this technique, for this you will need:

  • eggshell;
  • glue;
  • cardboard box;
  • acrylic paint;
  • tassels;
  • patterned napkins.

The box is painted or pasted over with paper to create a background that will be visible between the parts of the shell. Then, PVA glue is applied in separate sections. Until the composition has dried, lay the shell. Gently press the finger so that it cracked. Small fragments are denser shifted to each other and again lubricated with glue. Then, patterned napkins are applied on top and stained with paint so that a beautiful pattern is printed on the product. After complete drying, the box can be varnished.

Kansasha decorating the item

This is a Japanese technique in which the design of hats and accessories is performed. How to decorate the box with your own hands with kanzashi-style ribbons, read on.

Kansashi Technique

For decor you will need:

  • glue;
  • satin ribbon (several colors available);
  • scissors;
  • needle and tweezers;
  • candle;
  • thread with beads or beads;
  • wooden box.

Product design begins with the formation of petals using the kanzashi technique. To do this, the cut pieces of tape are folded at an angle and burn the edges above the candle so that they stick together and the petal becomes flat. The more details you make, the larger the flower will be. If the petals are of different colors, they are strung on the thread alternately. You can alternate colors. Then the ends of the thread are tied, and the petals are turned. Glue is applied to the box lid and the finished flower is attached. Its center is decorated with rhinestones, beads or beads. It is worth noting that it is not recommended to use the "Moment" glue, since it has the ability to corrode the glossy finish of parts.


This technique is very popular among needlewomen. It is performed by twisting paper strips and creating fancy patterns with them. How to beautifully decorate the box with your own hands in this way, we will consider below.

Decoration quilling

To decorate using the quilling technique you will need:

  • double-sided colored paper;
  • Toothpicks
  • glue, brush;
  • scissors.

Let's get started. Stripes of different widths and lengths are cut with paper scissors. Then they are twisted with spirals and glued into strips. After that, columns are formed on the box. Ready strips are glued to them. The easiest way to twist the spiral with a toothpick. On the sides of the box you can stick leaves made of green paper. In the same technique, the product cover and bottom are decorated. The surface of the casket is usually decorated with flowers, which are spirals connected in a special way. Finally, all parts are additionally glued for reliability.


This is an old technique, it has its roots in French Provence. Previously, special decor paper was used for decoupage. You can understand how to decorate a box of wood with your own hands in this technique using the following materials and tools:

  • decor element carved from fabric, napkin or print;
  • glue;
  • brush;
  • paints;
  • varnish.
Decoupage technique

First, scissors cut out the details of the pattern and try on the future product, forming a picture. Then they are applied face to the surface, according to the sketch, and smeared with glue on top. Then the top layer of the paper picture is carefully removed and varnished. If decoupage is performed using photographs, then the lower layers are pre-cleaned by wetting with water. In this way, you can arrange the inside of the box.

Vinyl wallpapers

Surely many homes had an unnecessary piece of vinyl wallpaper. This material is perfect for decorating a wooden box or cardboard. The picture can be in any subject, while it is important that it matches the size of the box. It is unlikely that someone will like the design in the form of half a bird or a stubby drawing. The exception is the abstract pattern. This technique is not the easiest, but it allows you to do a really stylish thing. Consider how you can decorate a box with your own hands using vinyl wallpaper. To do this, you will need:

  • glue;
  • tassels;
  • vinyl wallpapers;
  • varnish.

The future casket is measured from all sides, on the basis of these values ​​a piece of wallpaper is cut out. Then the parts are soaked in water and the paper base is carefully removed. As a result, the layer will lie smoother on the surface.

Glue is applied to the blank and wallpaper is fixed on the surface of the box. After that, the product should dry well. The cover can be decorated with flowers, large beads or apply a pattern with acrylic paint. Then the box is completely covered with several layers of varnish, previously drying the previous one.

Artificially aged products look great. To do this, the main color is made bronze, and then in places using a sponge they apply a green tint. Solemnly look silver and gold caskets. At the end of design work, the product must be varnished.

Painting, volumetric decor

For creative people with artistic talent, the painting technique is ideal. Moreover, you can decorate the box yourself or using ready-made stencils. They can be printed and cut. Consider how to decorate a wooden box with your own hands using art painting. It should be especially beautiful.

Hand painted decor

To do this, you will need:

  • wooden box;
  • wood degreaser;
  • paints;
  • brushes;
  • adhesive tape or glue;
  • varnish.

The wooden surface is degreased on all sides and allowed to dry. A white background is then framed for clarity. After drying, the main color layer is applied. If a ready-made stencil is used, it is attached to the product with tape or glue. After that, the drawing is applied with paints and allowed to dry for several hours.

For greater realism, the corners of the box are stained as follows. The composition is applied to the sponge and wiped with a dry cloth. Then a soft haze is created in the corners.

Another option involves darkening the paint a tone darker than the main background. After complete drying over the corners, the main color is applied. The finished product is varnished.

It is quite difficult for a novice to decorate a product with a voluminous decor, this requires practice. The work is carried out using a special paste or putty. The procedure here is the same as in the painting option. The surface is degreased and the main background is applied. Then a stencil is applied and putty is applied with strokes. Without waiting for drying, the mold is removed and with the help of a toothpick and a cotton swab, the irregularities of the pattern are removed. After drying, the drawing can be additionally painted over. The final stage is varnishing and final drying.

Marine Theme

This decor is very popular. It serves as a reminder of warm countries and the sea coast. To decorate the box, sea sand and small pebbles are suitable. You can decorate the box with your own hands with shells. Silhouettes of plastic fish are also suitable. For decor you will need:

  • glue;
  • shells;
  • varnish;
  • tassels.

First of all, it is necessary to make an approximate sketch of the box and select the required number of shells without damage (with a margin). Grind the remaining crumbs. The product is generously lubricated with glue and sprinkled with crushed shells. After drying, the excess should be shaken off. Then proceed to the design of the pattern with pre-set shells. You can decorate not only the lid, but also the side parts of the box. Finally, the product is varnished.

Seashell decor

A handmade box can be a wonderful gift for loved ones and friends. It will decorate the interior and serve as an indispensable thing for storing small items.


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