Do you know how much it costs to clear a car from Germany?

It's no secret that the German automotive industry today occupies a leading position in the market, because Germany is a synonym for reliability and quality. Motor vehicles manufactured in this super-pragmatic country are not only distinguished by a high level of comfort, but also by increased efficiency. For these reasons, acquiring a new BMW or Volkswagen model is the ultimate dream for many Russian motorists.

But will he go for the car himself?

It should be noted that a huge part of our compatriots goes to Germany specifically in order to acquire an “iron horse” there.

Thus, they decide how to customs clearer a car cheaper: everyone knows that when registering a car for an individual, you can save on VAT, the amount of which is 18% of the customs duty. However, this is not the only way to reduce the costs of the procedures that are carried out when crossing goods across the border of states. We will talk about this a little lower.

One way or another, many compatriots are interested in the question of how much it costs to clear a car from Germany. At the same time, for a large number of Russians, this procedure causes extremely negative emotions. And this fact is quite simply explained: there are quite “rather big taxes”, despite the opportunity to save on VAT.

how to clear a car cheaper

What you need to know

Those who are concerned about how much it costs to clear a car from Germany should be aware that the fitted "iron horse" must be registered in the German state. Naturally, this must have written confirmation, which will allow customs procedures to be carried out.

Do you puzzle over how much it costs to clear a car from Germany? Please note: if it is established that the transported vehicle is more than 10 years old, then the above procedure is not possible at all. In Russia, there is a ban on customs clearance of old cars. Consider this when buying.

At the same time, the position of the authorities does not require separate comments and explanations: “In our country there are already many cars that belong to the category of second-hand ones, and all this negatively affects the movement.”

how much does it cost to clear a car from Germany

List of documents

Before answering the question of how much it costs to clear a car from Germany, we list what documents must be submitted to state structures in order for them to carry out the procedure itself. Their list is very small:

a) data sheet;

b) a document confirming that the car was driven from Germany;

c) certificate of deregistration;

c) a document confirming the fact of the purchase of a car, certified in Germany (contract of sale).

Before submitting the above package of papers, you must fill out the appropriate declaration, which records all the information about the purchased car. If you have any privileges regarding the implementation of customs procedures, do not forget to submit them as well.

Factors affecting the cost of customs clearance of cars

Now let’s dwell on the factors that affect the cost of the procedure.

  • Firstly, the price of customs clearance of a car from Germany depends on the engine size: the larger it is, the more expensive the process will cost you.

Remember that the excise tax does not exceed 10% of the amount that you paid for a German car. Thus, the price of the car also matters.

  • Secondly, the cost of customs procedures determines the age of the “iron horse”. Want to save? Then buy a vehicle no older than five years. If your choice falls on an old car, you will be forced to fork out, because the tax will take a tidy sum.
  • Thirdly, the amount of customs duties is also affected by the type of fuel used in the “German” you purchased. At the same time, lawmakers created a fairly simple rule: "The blacker the smoke, the greater should be the cost of customs clearance of the vehicle."

In addition to this, it should be noted: if state structures consider that a foreign car poses a threat to the environment, then customs procedures will not be carried out with respect to it.

customs clearance price

Consider the calculation of the cost of customs duties on a specific example.

We purchased a Volkswagen Polo 1.6 TDI DPF Team (Klima Einparkhilfe) for 9,000 euros. It was made in 2010. Engine displacement is 1598 cu. centimeters.

According to the current tariffs in our country, a payment of 2.5 euros per 1 cubic meter is set for a car with the above motor parameter. centimeter.

We need to multiply 2.5 euros by the number of cubic meters of engine. By simple calculations (2.5 x 1598) we get an amount equal to 3995 euros or, in translation into our domestic currency, 183 770 rubles. This will be the size of customs duties. However, this is not all costs. We are talking about measures of the so-called "non-tariff regulation".

The owner of a German car is required to pay a recycling fee of 3,000 rubles, the cost of a Euro-5 certificate, which will also cost 3,000 rubles. If the car is more than 4 years old, then before you receive the above document, the car will need to be specially converted, and this will require additional costs in the amount of 15,000 rubles. In addition, the characteristics of the purchased car must comply with the requirements of the regulation "On the safety of wheeled vehicles." If this issue is not all right, then its solution will also require material costs. Well, going “on your own” abroad, do not forget about the cost of transportation services. Also remember that with the help of customs brokers, their work also needs to be paid.

Thus, only after a detailed analysis of the cost estimates can a final decision be made on the question: "Is it cheaper to buy a car if you drive it yourself from abroad?"

customs clearance of a new car from Germany


In fairness, it should be emphasized that clearing a new car from Germany today is not so easy and simple. The BMW owner will have to spend a lot of time to settle all the formalities associated with the passage of goods across the state border. That is why it is necessary to study in advance all the subtleties and nuances of customs procedures. It will not be superfluous to use the services of a professional lawyer who will tell you how to do everything with the least loss of money and time.

You can also use the help of a customs broker who will carry out all the necessary work promptly and competently.


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