Wheels for wheelbarrows: their design and cost

A wheelbarrow is simply indispensable in the household, in the country, and even more so in individual construction. It is thanks to her that you can quickly transport any heavy load, spending a minimum of physical effort on it. In the back of such a car, you can put absolutely everything - sand, bags of cement, gravel, boards and other construction materials. But in addition to the body in the design of this device, there are several more things without which it is impossible to move the car even by a meter. These are pens and. actually the wheels. We’ll talk about the latter today.

wheels for wheelbarrows

Wheel construction for a wheelbarrow

It is the wheels that account for the bulk of the load, so they should be as strong and reliable as possible. Often the wheels for wheelbarrows for construction have a diameter of about 35-40 centimeters, while in their design there is a strong steel disk and an inflatable chamber. The use of such a device allows not only to carry goods on difficult and uneven roads, but also to absorb the body as efficiently as possible when hitting bumps and bumps, which are very common during construction. However, it is worth emphasizing their vulnerability to punctures.

wheels for wheelbarrow construction
When hitting an iron reinforcement, the camera simply breaks through and only vulcanization can restore its previous tightness. Tubeless options are less vulnerable to punctures, but they are rarely used on such cars.

One or two wheels?

For wheelbarrows construction most often used 1 or 2 wheels. This is quite enough to carry out the rapid transportation of any building material. Choosing one or two wheels for wheelbarrows is a matter of principle. Both options have their pros and cons. For example, a one-wheel car is maneuverable, however, at the same time, most of the load during transportation falls on the person himself, so rolling such a load will be much harder. Regarding the scope: these cars are most often used for minor repairs, small-scale construction, or when performing garden work.

wheels for cars Price
Two wheels for wheelbarrows are a guarantee of faultless and efficient transportation of goods as the load-carrying capacity. With so many wheels, you can transport much more building materials, since the body in this case does not lose its center of gravity. And if the body will be filled on one side more, in any case, the person will not feel it too much. Both wheels for wheelbarrows take up the entire load, so the handle practically does not get it. All that is required of you is to push it and direct the movement of the car in the right direction. In addition, it is worth noting the increased cross-country ability of these structures, since the weight of the cargo falls on a large area of ​​the wheels, respectively, and the road, too. But because of their advantages, such cars also have a higher cost. As a rule, the price for them is about 30 percent higher than the cost of their one-wheeled "brothers."

How much are wheels for a wheelbarrow?

The price of a pneumatic wheel is about 300-400 rubles per unit.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20225/

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