Civil marriage: the pros and cons, the difference between official and civil marriage

Relations between a man and a woman from time to time go to new stages of development. For example, during long meetings, people decide to start a family, acquire common property and have children. This article will talk about civil marriage. Many are in favor of and against such relationships. What does the population think? How does such a union differ from the official creation of a cell of society? The answers to all this and not only can be found further.

Formal or civil marriage

Relationship types

Everyone can speak for and against civil marriage in Russia. But first, it’s important to understand what a person agrees to. What types of family creation are there in the Russian Federation?

Today, a cell of society can be created:

  • civil union;
  • official marriage;
  • guest marriage.

The latter scenario is extremely rare. Therefore, we will not consider it.

More and more people stop at the first scenario. What is the difference between civil marriage and official marriage? What and for what reasons to give preference?

Official relationship

According to Russian law, officially registered in the registry office are called civil marriages. After all, they are concluded between two citizens of a country.

Nevertheless, the concept is interpreted differently among the people. For and against civil marriage are those who understand what is at stake. Such "families" have nothing to do with official painting.

Registering a marriage is the safest way to start a family. The spouses will have rights and obligations with respect to the spouse and children. But such a union sometimes causes a lot of trouble. Therefore, we consider the relationship without registration in more detail.

Life without registration

What is the difference between a civil marriage and an official one? To understand this issue, it is important to understand what each scenario provides for.

Civil Marriage Happiness

With the official order of creating a family, everything is clear - the couple is registered in the registry office, after which it is considered a unit of society. This is a serious step in the legal sense.

Civil marriage among the people is cohabitation. This type of relationship does not provide for registration at the registry office. It is generally not prescribed and not regulated anywhere. In fact, the couple just lives together.

Legal differences

The difference between civil marriage and official marriage is mainly in legal relations.

As we have said, if citizens decide to register a family, then they will undergo a procedure at the registry office. The painting can be both solemn and ordinary. Immediately after marriage, the husband and wife acquire responsibilities towards each other. Their relationship begins to be regulated by the Family Code.

In a civil marriage, a couple simply gathers and lives together. Family law will only work for children. Therefore, it is necessary to know the pros and cons of civil marriage. For someone, such a format is better. But why?

Property Issues

For example, due to property disputes. The discussion "Civil marriage: pros and cons" without fail covers issues related to the purchase and division of property.

In official relations, everything bought in a marriage is recognized as common property. Personal property - this is what was before the painting, as well as transferred objects through gift or inheritance.

In a civil marriage, everything is much simpler - to whom the property is registered, to which it belongs. So, with the collapse of the pair, there will be no problems with the division of property. Here the principle of "each for himself" applies. The cohabitant does not share the credit burden of the spouse, does not lay claim to property drawn up against him in any way.

In addition, during an official marriage, citizens can enter into a marriage contract with each other. It allows you to clarify property disputes. When cohabiting, there is no such right.

Cohabitation of citizens

Governmental support

Arguments against civil marriage can be heard mainly from women. And we will dwell on them in more detail later. First, consider the key points of the previously mentioned types of unions.

By registering an official marriage, the couple receives the right to additional support from the state. For example, under the program "Young Family" or "Affordable Housing." Various benefits and payments are offered to family people.

When cohabiting, the bulk of the "family" state bonuses are not available. After all, a couple is not considered a separate unit of society; in fact, nothing connects them.

Children and marriages

Men against civil marriage are extremely rare. And they have their own reasons. Especially when you consider that many young people do not understand responsibility to their spouse and children.

Cohabitation is a relationship that most often occurs before the birth of children. This is due to the fact that the couple will be able to calmly disperse in the event of disputes and disagreements. Having a baby brings a lot of trouble to your roommates.

Why? For example, the following troubles may occur:

  1. Paternity will have to prove. Sometimes in court.
  2. The mother of the child can apply for the status of a single mother.
  3. The baby's last name and patronymic are recorded in the registry office according to the mother.
  4. Until paternity is established, the father of the child does not have any rights to meet and raise a minor. Mom can just leave, pick up the children, and no one can take them away.
  5. There are problems with registration if the child wants to register a biopap at the place of residence. This process is accompanied by paperwork.
  6. While there is no paternity, children are not bound by the responsibility to support the disabled dad in need.
  7. To obtain alimony from a roommate, if he leaves, is problematic. We'll have to prove the relationship of children with a biological dad.

From the point of view of the child, there is no particular difference in the studied types of relations. After the establishment of paternity, children become heirs of the pope, they have the right to communicate with him and to material support.

Wedding or cohabitation


What to choose - civil marriage or official? For and against these unions can be any person. Everyone decides which format of relations is beneficial to him.

It is worth paying attention to the termination of relations in the family. In the case of official marriage will have to try. Divorce is carried out either at the registry office (if both agree and there are no children / property), or in court. The collapse of the official cell of society is often accompanied by litigation, the division of property and the determination of the place of residence of children.

Discussing the views of the pros and cons of civil marriage, it is worth noting that it is easier to break up with partners. They just leave. Especially if paternity of children is not established. Otherwise, the common-law spouse may apply to the court to determine the place of residence with him. But, as a rule, this does not happen. Or the court takes the side of the mother.

In addition, civil unions are the absence of any responsibility for the family, the high risks that relations will end in an instant and absolutely unexpectedly. Formal marriage makes people think about the consequences of a break. And people in the registry office or in court are given time for reconciliation. There is time to change your mind, while with cohabitation, citizens leave once and for all.

Is it worth living together

Than good cohabitation

Which is better - civil marriage or official? We got acquainted with the key points of the mentioned unions. But what to choose?

For a woman, cohabitation often ends in failure - a cohabitant can simply go to another, leaving the “spouse” with the children alone, without any obligation to them.

Nevertheless, civil marriage has its advantages. Especially for self-sufficient girls who do not plan to impose children or give birth at all.

The arguments for cohabitation are as follows:

  • no need to spend money on a wedding;
  • lack of paperwork;
  • complete freedom of action;
  • lack of responsibility and obligations to the spouse;
  • ease of breaking up;
  • the possibility of being in the status of a single mother (the absence of "ballast" in the form of an ex-husband who wants to participate in the lives of children).

Nevertheless, according to statistics, women even in common-law relationships behave like official wives. What can not be said about men. But this is not so important. Indeed, the arguments for and against civil marriage have not yet been fully explored.

Statistics of the Russian Federation

Why No to Cohabitation

On the positive sides sorted out. And why is it better not to choose cohabitation as the main format of relations?

The arguments for both men and women are the following factors:

  • no responsibility to spouse and children (lack of security and confidence in the future);
  • after the collapse of the relationship, you can be left with nothing because of investments in the spouse's property;
  • problems in drawing up benefits and registering a child;
  • the father’s lack of rights to children until paternity is established;
  • the need to establish a relationship with dad during the appointment of alimony.

As practice shows, a man in a civil marriage behaves in the same way as a free young man. The stamp in the passport makes the person responsible for his actions before the family and before the law.

What to choose

So what is the best place to stop? The opinions for and against civil marriage are of interest to many couples. They help you choose a relationship format. What is the best advice for families?

Cohabitation is an intermediate stage in the relationship between “we are a couple” and “we are a family”. If people responsibly approach the creation of a separate unit of society and the birth of children, they better sign it. It is recommended to live in a civil marriage when the couple is eyeing each other, does not plan a long-term relationship and having children.

Family in a civil marriage

There are people who have lived a civil marriage all their lives and are happy. Such relationships are built on complete trust. But in the modern world, such unions are found less and less. Each couple must decide for themselves how to live. The main thing is to remember that official marriage is a responsibility to the created family.


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