Earthworks. Description

The organization of excavation involves various activities. These, in particular, should include the excavation and development of soil, its reception, removal and disposal. Excavation includes digging trenches, road excavations, canals, building dams, embankments, dams. They also include the arrangement and planning of sites, fields, sites, the construction of closed passages in the ground like mines, tunnels, tunnels for various underground structures.

Excavation is considered one of the main elements of hydraulic engineering, housing, transport, industrial construction. They are carried out with the aim of creating soil structures, building foundations for buildings, planning the territory for development. Another purpose of excavation is the removal of soil mass for the subsequent opening and development of mineral deposits.

Any construction begins with the preparation of the territory - the construction site. Excavation is a determining factor in successful construction as a whole. The range of preparatory activities, as already mentioned, is quite wide. Their specific gravity is large and reaches about fifteen percent in cost and about twenty percent in labor input.

The pace of construction will also depend on the quality and efficiency of earthwork. It is necessary to approach the issues of meeting deadlines and the accuracy of their implementation at this stage with maximum responsibility. Only in this case, the result of the construction will justify the money spent and expectations.

Excavation includes an integral stage - soil removal. Timely removal of soil from the site is a very important point. It is impossible to do without operational cleaning of the construction territory at the initial stages of construction work. Due to the timely removal of soil, the optimal pace of construction is ensured, and labor costs are reduced.

Changing the height of the embankments has a direct impact on earthworks. In addition, a decrease or increase in the duration and complexity of the preparatory phase depends on a number of other factors. So, for example, the soil-hydrological environment affects the design of the soil bed. On this, in turn, will depend on the choice of certain technologies in the implementation of earthworks. Equally important is the season for the preparation of the construction site. So, the most suitable periods for soil removal are summer and autumn periods. At this time, the ground is not frozen and has an optimal level of humidity.

The choice of development method depends on the depth of the foundation and design features. Under tape and shallow columnar bases, development can be carried out manually. The mechanized method is used to prepare the soil under the basement with a basement and buried foundations. Additional work can be avoided with strict observance of technological rules and regulations.

The mechanized method involves the use of special equipment. Machines and assemblies can significantly reduce the complexity and duration of excavation. For example, when digging pits and loading onto dump trucks, excavators are used. When constructing roads or artificial reservoirs, bulldozers are used that can level the soil and form slopes of the embankments.

In accordance with the chosen method, as well as the equipment used, the cost of excavation is established. Of great importance is the time of year, during which preparatory activities are carried out.


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