The best drainage pumps for dirty water: reviews, rating

Today on sale are many varieties of drainage pumps. They differ in design, cost, technical characteristics. To choose a quality product, you need to consider reviews of a similar technique. It is worth giving preference to products of trusted manufacturers. Rating of drainage pumps for dirty water, as well as their features will be discussed in detail below.

Hardware Features

Drainage pump for dirty water designed for pumping fluid from pools, pits, wells. They are designed for pumping substances with a certain size of fractions. Most often, the size of suspended particles in the water that the pump can remove from the tank does not exceed 40 mm.

Drainage pump application

Use the equipment strictly for its intended purpose. They are designed for pumping clean or slightly contaminated liquids. For permanent work in wells and wells, cleaning cesspools, they are not suitable. This requires the use of special equipment.

Drainage and fecal pumps for dirty water differ significantly in capacity, design (the presence of shredders, work in an aggressive environment) and cost. Replace one type of equipment with another will not work. Therefore, you need to clearly understand for what purpose a pump is purchased. Depending on the type of apparatus, the size of suspended particles in water can be 3-40 mm.

Type of construction

There are two types of designs. The pump may be submersible or surface. Their choice depends on the scope of the equipment. Surface pumps are mounted on the edge of the tank from which water must be pumped out. The inlet pipe must be long enough to reach the bottom of the tank. Here, water with various impurities will be absorbed through it.

Submersible drainage pump

The surface pump operates without user intervention. For this, a float mechanism is connected to the system. It works when a certain level of liquid is reached. If its level rises, the float pops up. This becomes a signal to turn on the pump. When the level drops, the equipment turns off.

Surface pumps are also called self-priming. This is a portable, mobile device. It is known for its ease of maintenance, lack of difficulties in transportation. Since all the mechanisms and components of the system are in the public domain, the pump is repairable. The power of the surface unit is most often average. This equipment can be used as part of a pumping station that serves wells, wells.

Submersible Varieties

Submersible drainage pump for dirty water is slightly different from the previous equipment. It is designed to work in the environment that it pumps out. The unit is completely immersed in the water tank. The difference between a submersible pump and a surface pump is the absence of a nozzle in the first of the mentioned types of devices.

Drain Pump Operation

There is a special hole in the submersible pump. Through it, water enters the unit. It is located at the bottom of the pump. To protect the equipment from the destructive effects of large impurities, the design has a filter.

Sealed submersible pump housing . It is made of durable material that is not susceptible to corrosion and decay, even if it is exposed to water for a long time. This device can also function automatically. It turns on when a certain amount of liquid is accumulated in the tank. The electrical elements of the pump are equipped with reinforced insulation. The power of submersible pumps is high. This is their advantage. Productive equipment, runs silently.

Performance characteristics

When choosing a surface or submersible drainage pump for dirty water, its operational characteristics must be taken into account. Three categories of similar equipment are on sale.

Surface drainage pump

It is necessary to choose a pump in accordance with the characteristics of the fluid that needs to be pumped out. So, the following types of drainage pumps are distinguished:

  • for pure water - the maximum size of the fraction that is in the liquid is 5 mm;
  • for a liquid with an average degree of pollution - the fraction does not exceed 25 mm;
  • for dirty water - the fraction is in the range from 26 to 38 mm.

The last of these types of equipment can be used to pump out cold, dirty liquids. It can be rain or melt water. It is the third type of pump that is designed for very dirty water.

Manufacturer's Reviews

Today, a huge selection of submersible and surface dirty water pumps is on sale. They differ not only in functionality, cost, but also in quality. To choose a device that will work for many years, you need to give preference to products of trusted brands.

Drainage pump

Among domestic brands, drainage pumps for dirty water “Zubr”, “GNOM”, “Dzhileks”, “Foreman”, “Whirlwind” stand out. These companies make equipment that can be bought at affordable cost. At the same time, the quality and reliability of many models of the listed domestic brands is not inferior to foreign-made products.

Among imported drainage pumps, according to reviews, the products of Pedrollo (Italy), Karcher (Germany), etc. stand out. This equipment is much more expensive. However, the quality of these pumps remains consistently high. This is a reliable, functional technique that has a wide range of applications.

Reviews about domestic brands

According to expert and customer reviews, one of the best domestic products in this area is the Gileks dirty drainage pumps. The models of this manufacturer are adapted to Russian operating conditions. The system is less sensitive to power surges. Drainage pumps of this manufacturer are presented in the "Drainage" line. The service network is developed.

Relatively recently, the products of the domestic company “Prorab” appeared on the market. Buyers managed to appreciate the high quality and performance of these pumps. At the same time, the cost remains consistently acceptable. There are models in the line designed for pumping dirty water. The system includes float switches.

GNOM equipment is produced by the Moscow Pumping Plant. On sale are both domestic and professional models. You can choose a pump that will work not only in cold, but also in hot water (up to +60 º). According to customer reviews, this manufacturer produces high-quality equipment. It serves for many years when used in different conditions.

Reviews for Karcher products

The leader in sales in this area is the Karcher dirty water drainage pumps. This is a world famous brand that has a good reputation. Its products are known for their consistent quality, reliability and durability. The high power of these pumps allows you to pump large volumes of fluid.

Drain pump "Karcher"

For dirty water, the company "Karcher" produces models of the Dirt line. This equipment is successfully used for pumping water from ponds, flooded basements, etc. Many models use innovative technologies. Intelligent water level sensors are installed in the pumps. They are distinguished by adaptive ability.

Pedrollo Product Reviews

Another well-known brand that manufactures high-quality drainage pumps for dirty water is Pedrollo.

Drain pump "Pedrollo"

She appeared in the 70s of the last century. Nowadays, it is a recognized leader in drainage pumping equipment, the products of which differ in quite reasonable cost. A popular series for pumping dirty water and aggressive liquids is the "TOP". These units can operate continuously for a long time, providing quick drainage.


Having considered reviews of drainage pumps for dirty water, you need to pay attention to the rating of the most popular models. They have been noted by both buyers and experts.

First place goes to the Quattro Elementi Drenaggio 1100F. This is a relatively inexpensive pump, which can be purchased at a price of 5.9 thousand rubles. The model receives 9.9 points on a 10-point scale.

In second place is the domestic pump Dzhileks Kachok 550/14. It costs an order of magnitude more. It can be purchased at a price of 11.5 thousand rubles. Rating in the rating - 9.4 points.

In third place is an inexpensive model of the Russian production “Foreman 8720 PP”. You can buy this equipment at a price of 3 thousand rubles.

Model Quattro Elementi

The Quattro Elementi Drenaggio 1100F model is included in the rating of drainage submersible pumps for dirty water. Moreover, this equipment, according to customer reviews and specialists, takes first place here.

The power of the pump is significant. It is about 1.1 kW. Thanks to this, this model is suitable for pumping water from a basement, cellar, well, or even an open reservoir of small or medium size. This pump is designed for dirty water with particles up to 35 mm in size.

The device is capable of pumping up to 19 thousand liters of fluid per hour. It can supply water up to a height of 9 m. The device can be immersed to a depth of 2 m. This device cannot be used to pump out warm water (maximum temperature limit is 30 º). It can also fail due to differences in the network. Therefore, you need to connect the pump to a special device.

The case of the presented model is made of stainless steel. The engine is quiet. The unit can work offline. The disadvantage is the tangible consumption of electricity.

Model "Gileks Kachok"

The second place in the rating of drainage pumps for dirty water is occupied by "Dzhileks Kachok 550/14". This is a powerful, productive model that can pump large volumes of water. The cost and quality of this pump are correlated perfectly.

Power is 2 kW. At the same time, the pump is capable of pumping up to 33 thousand liters of fluid per hour. This equipment is suitable for draining pits of a significant size, as well as wells. This is the only model that is designed for pumping dirty water, which can be used to clean septic tanks. The manufacturer provided for the ability of the unit to work not only with hard, abrasive inclusions, but also with soft masses. The size of the fraction should not exceed 40 mm.

The pump raises water to a height of 14 m. It is also used to create large irrigation systems in the private sector. This is a reliable, powerful equipment. The disadvantage of the pump, users call the presence of a plastic case. However, this does not interfere with the operation of the device for a long time.

The engine in the model is low noise. The system provides for battery life.

Model "Foreman 8720 PP"

The list of the best drainage pumps for dirty water of a low price category includes the model of the domestic manufacturer "Foreman 8720 PP". This is a low-power unit, which is capable of pumping up to 12 thousand liters of dirty water per hour. However, its advantage is the ability to deepen the unit to a level of 5 m. The pump can raise water to a height of up to 8 m.

The solid fraction suspended in water can reach a size of 35 mm. A float is supplied with the system. This ensures autonomous operation of the unit. Engine power is only 750 watts. But the dimensions of this equipment are very small. This makes the operation of the pump comfortable. It is suitable for pumping water from a well or pond. The engine runs almost silently.

The users call the disadvantage of the model the fact that the float does not work at the minimum water level in the tank.

Having considered the features, varieties and ratings of popular drainage pumps for dirty water, as well as reviews of specialists and customers, you can choose the optimal model that will meet the requirements of the customer.


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