Smooth Fox Terrier: breed description and character

Smooth Fox Terrier, aka Fox Terrier (Smooth), is a British breed of hunting dogs, bred in Ireland in the 19th century. These terriers, often called "gentlemen among dogs," combine endless devotion to their owner and boundless courage, excellent scent and artistry.

Smooth Fox Terrier Description
Representatives of this breed, created for burrow hunting for badgers, raccoons and foxes, today in most cases live in city apartments, and have never been in their forests and forests. That's just the hunting instinct is not a hindrance: any fast-moving object (for example, a bird, cat or even a dog) can become a subject of persecution.


There is no exact information about which breeds were chosen so that as a result a smooth-haired fox-terrier is obtained. Cynological experts say that they have the blood of white English, black and tan and smooth black and white terriers, spaniels and greyhounds, bull terriers and beagles, a bulldog.

Why is that called?

In cynology, there are many breeds in which the word "terrier" is present. Despite their external dissimilarity, they are all, albeit distant, relatives. And the ancestors of such breeds were bred on the British Isles.

Dog Fox Terrier - Smooth

Fox Terrier is the general name for a group of hunting dogs, which includes two main varieties: smooth-haired and wire-haired. “Fox” in translation from English means “fox”, and “terrier” (amended Latin word terra) is translated as “land”. Thus, a smooth-haired fox terrier dog is a breed intended for underground (burrow) fox hunting.

Breed history

The first information on the fox terriers dates back to 55 BC. e., when the Roman legionnaires, who arrived on the British Isles, saw these hunting dogs. In the written sources of the XI century, preserved to this day, there are many references to burrows or underground terriers. Images of such dogs allow us to talk about their great similarity with modern fox terriers.

By the XVII century, as a result of the selection of hunting dogs for temperament and working skills, various breeds of terriers began to take shape, including burrows, such as a smooth-haired Fox Terrier.

Smooth Fox Terrier
For the first time this breed was presented at the English dog show of 1861. Around the same time, five fox terriers, which are considered the founders of the modern smooth-haired variety, were bred. In 1875, British hunters organized the English Fox Terrier Club, and the following year the first standard of this breed was drawn up and adopted, which turned out to be so successful that it has been used with minor changes so far.

Fox terriers became especially popular in British aristocratic circles during the reign of Queen Victoria. Representatives of this breed were popular not only in high society, but also among ordinary inhabitants, who began to earn money by breeding so popular dogs.

By the end of the 19th century, smooth-haired fox terrier puppies were exported to various European countries, primarily to Russia, Germany and Austria. Most of the animals exported were from reliable breeders such as Francis Redmont. A significant contribution to the improvement of the breed was made by German breeders who paid great attention to improving the hunting working qualities of the fox terriers.

Fox Terrier - Smooth

History of the breed in Russia

In the 60s of the XIX century, the first representative of this breed was imported from England to St. Petersburg. She was crossed with a bull terrier, and of the puppies that appeared, one was presented to Prince B. D. Golitsyn, who later became a fan of the Fox Terriers.

The first Russian dog show, at which four representatives of this breed were demonstrated, was held in 1889, and after ten years about 50 were exhibited. Numerous nurseries are organized in Russia, and in 1900 the Russian Society of Fox Terriers and Dachshunds Lovers was created.

Today, most of the smooth-haired fox-terriers are companion dogs and family favorites, in which they do not seek to develop hunting characteristics. However, there are enthusiastic hunters who own pets with remarkable working qualities.


As already mentioned, there are two varieties of this breed: wire-haired and smooth-haired fox-terrier, the description of which differs only in the characteristics of the coat: stiffness and length. In the FCI cynological association, these varieties are considered separate breeds, different standards are used for them.

Smooth fox terriers have a muscular, strong, dry and proportional physique. Their backs are short, with strong bones, but the dog should not look shapeless and awkward. The neck is muscular and long, extending to the shoulders. The chest is not wide, but deep. Dogs in the stance should give the impression of a stretched bowstring.

Fox Terrier - Smooth Price

Unusual docked tail pointing up (unlike other breeds, it does not wag, but shakes). It is quite strong, which allows in case of danger to extract a dog from the hole for it. The skull is quite flat, tapering to the nose with a poorly pronounced transition from the muzzle to the forehead. Strong jaws close tightly and have a scissor bite. The eyes are dark, usually rounded, but the ears are small and triangular.

Smooth Fox Terrier should have a straight, dense and smooth coat. White is preferred, but a combination with black and red markings is possible. Red or tiger inclusions are undesirable. The weight of males varies from 7.5 to 8 kg, and the bitches - from 7 to 7.5 kg.


Fox Terriers are active, intelligent, friendly, but rather stubborn dogs, which can cause some difficulties during training. This small dog with a groovy temperament is ready to play and frolic at any time. A lightning reaction and very fast, rapid movements allow her to instantly respond to any action of the owner or other animals, but adversely affect the development of calm behavior and endurance.

Fox Terrier Smooth Reviews

People who can not provide long and active walks, as well as representatives of the older generation (with reduced motor activity) should not get a dog like a smooth-haired Fox Terrier. Owner reviews suggest that pets of this breed do not tolerate insufficient attention to their person, and other animals may be jealous of their owner.

Foxes are sociable and quite pleasant in communication, but it is worth noting such a feature as a complete lack of tolerance for what they do not like. Even the owner can fall into "disfavor" if he has committed, according to the dog, an inappropriate act. A rare fox terrier in a healthy state will calmly respond to physical punishment and will not resist such violence.

Smooth Fox Terrier Puppies

Representatives of this breed are very addicted to the chase process and at that moment they simply don’t hear the screams and other signals of the owners. That is why it is recommended to withdraw the fox terriers on a leash so as not to lose the dog or to prevent its injuries in the city.

Do not start dogs of this breed if you have very young children. Indeed, foxes are very fond of children, only if a child hurts a dog during the game, he can also bite in response, not figuring out whether this has been specially done.

Knitting Features

Modern cynological standards, according to which wire-haired and smooth-haired fox-terriers are considered different breeds, forbid them to knit among themselves.

Knit Fox Terrier - Smooth
If you plan to breed this breed, then you better contact a club or a nursery where they will tell you when and how the mating occurs. The Fox Terrier is smooth-haired in this regard is not a particularly difficult dog, today it is quite simple to find the right pair for your pet.

How much is?

Immediately make a reservation that thoroughbred dogs with a pedigree and a full package of documents are expensive, in the range of 400-500 US dollars.

Fox Terrier Puppies
The Fox Terrier is smooth-haired, the price of which is below 10,000 rubles, it is usually sold without a pedigree and any documents. If you buy a cheerful companion and favorite of a family you don’t plan to exhibit, then you can completely do without official documents.


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