"Switch" (fungicide): instructions for use of the drug, reviews

Gardeners are concerned about the question of how to save vegetables, flowers and fruit trees from various diseases. The most common problems are fungal diseases, rust, powdery mildew and others. Mushrooms penetrate the tissues of vegetables and trees, flowers through microranes that appear on the background of sunburn or frost, through other plants, soil. A number of fungi enter plants through garden tools or compost, so the most rational way to deal with fungal infections is through complex treatment of plants.

The switch fungicide is by far the most popular drug, judging by the reviews, quite effective. This chemical substance protects the plant from spores of parasitic fungi.

About the drug

The application instruction for the Switch fungicide states that the product allows you to get rid of powdery mildew, rot, mildew and other fungal diseases. The mixture is suitable for the protection of fruit trees, vegetables, flowers, shrubs. The highest efficiency is seen when used to protect grapes, tomatoes and cucumbers.

switch fungicide instructions for use

The composition of the drug

Fungicide “Switch” is a two-component agent containing:

  • cyprodinil - 37%;
  • fludioxonil - 25%.

Both components are not phytotoxic and are approved for use in agriculture, including the treatment of grapes.

Cyprodinil is effective at low atmospheric temperatures, but not lower than +3 degrees. Not washed off by rain. It has a systemic effect for 7 to 14 days. If the instructions for use are followed, the drug does not show resistance to pathogens. It does not cross-react with other fungicides. It has a destructive effect on the formation of amino acids, which prevents the growth of the fungus.

Fludioxonil is an analogue of a natural broad-spectrum antimycotic agent. No toxic effect on plants. Widely used for seed dressing. It has an inhibitory effect on the mycelium of the fungus.

Release form

Most manufacturers produce the drug in the form of water-soluble granules. The product is packaged in one and two kilogram foil bags.

switch fungicide instructions for use on grapes

Advantages of the drug

In the instructions for the use of the fungicide “Switch” much has been written, but the most important advantages are highlighted by the gardeners themselves:

  • a wide range of plants for the treatment of which the agent can be used;
  • can be used as a prophylactic;
  • allows seed dressing;
  • can be used even during flowering;
  • the effect of the drug for 14 days;
  • fruits after spraying a plant or tree acquire increased keeping quality during storage;
  • practically has no toxic effect on both humans and animals;
  • does not have toxic effects on “beneficial” bacteria and fungi;
  • easy to use.

switch fungicide instructions for use description

How to use

Instructions for the fungicide “Switch” for use in grapes recommends that primary processing be carried out after flowering. Reprocessing can be carried out at the beginning of the formation of bunches, that is, two treatments are performed per season. The tool allows you to get rid of almost all types of rot. The approximate consumption is from 80 to 100 milliliters per 1 m 2 . The duration of the fungicide is from 14 to 21 days.

General rules for using the tool:

  • 2 grams of product per 10 liters of water;
  • diluted fungicide must be used on the day of preparation;
  • You can process crops in the morning or evening;
  • there should be no wind on the street.

Instructions for the use of the fungicide “Switch” suggests that you can use the product not only for grapes, but also for other crops for a number of diseases:


The culture



wild strawberries

Apple tree

sweet cherry







wet rot





gray rot







powdery mildew




white spotting


gray spotting


Tomatoes are processed before blooming as a preventative measure. As soon as the first signs of the disease appear, re-treatment is carried out, but it should not be earlier than 14 days after the first spraying.

The first spraying of cucumbers is preventive. At the initial signs of fungal development, the treatment is repeated.

The instructions for use of the fungicide Switch say that it is recommended to carry out two seasonal treatments for strawberries: before flowering begins, and after harvesting.

The duration of the treatment of all crops is from 10 to 14 days.

In terms of use on flowers, the instructions for the use of the fungicide Switch recommends using a remedy to combat fungi on roses. The consumption rate in this case is 0.5 liters per 1 bush. Can be used for plants planted in closed ground. Allows you to get rid of gray rot, fusarium and alternariosis.

switch fungicide instructions for use for grapes

Compatibility with other means

Instructions for use and a description of the Switch fungicide state that the product goes well with other types of pesticides. Good compatibility of "Switch" with means for processing grapes:

  • "Ridomil Gold";
  • Lufox
  • "Topaz";
  • Tiowit Jet.

There are no contraindications for use with preparations containing copper. But still, before the complex use of several fungicides, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the instructions, in particular, about the possibility of combining different funds.

Danger of substance and possibility of poisoning

The tool is attributed to the third class of danger, that is, moderately harmful. Fungicide practically does not pose a danger to both humans and bees. But the Switch cannot be sprayed by air. Do not allow the product to enter water bodies.

Despite the low toxicity, if a fungicide has come into contact with a person, then it should immediately be removed from the plant treatment area, remove clothing and protective equipment. If the product gets into your eyes, then they must be washed with running water and gently wiped with a cotton swab. Other parts of the body where the drug has got must be washed with water and a soap solution.

If the fungicide gets inside, then activated carbon is drunk: 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. Therapeutic measures for such poisoning are extremely symptomatic, since there is no antidote.

switch fungicide instructions for use on flowers

Recognized standard

Despite the wide range of applications, most often the product is used for grapes. Instructions for the use of the fungicide “Switch” states that the drug is especially effective in the processing of grapes and tomatoes with minimal risk to humans. This is very important, since the fungicide not only saves from diseases, but also ensures good keeping quality of the fruits, therefore, they can be transported and stored for a long time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20273/

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