Is it possible to give a dog chicken bones: features and recommendations of a veterinarian

Proper nutrition is the key to the health and longevity of your dog. It can be natural or consist of finished feed. This issue is best discussed with the veterinarian, as well as within the family, in order to determine the budget allocated to the pet. But this is a moot point, since high-quality natural nutrition is not inferior to ready-made feeds. Supporters of natural feeding usually, in addition to fresh meat, give their pets bones. It is believed that this is both a toy and a treat. Today we will consider whether it is possible to give the dog chicken bones and what can be considered acceptable snacks.

Can I give a dog boiled chicken bones?

Dangerous entertainment

Dog owners know that pets will never refuse to crack a bone. And when there is a fried chicken for dinner, all the leftovers go to the pet's bowl, and he, quite rumbling, starts to chew them. Stop, you can’t do this! Ask your veterinarian at least once to give the dog chicken bones. He will unequivocally answer that this cannot be done. Yes, it is a rich source of calcium and an opportunity to sharpen your teeth. But also a great danger.

Chicken bones easily split along, forming sharp fragments. They can pierce the intestines, leading to peritonitis. In this case, the animal can be saved only during an emergency operation. But even if it did not come to that, such a treat will lead to intestinal irritation, constipation and bloating. Speaking about whether it is possible to give a dog chicken bones, you need to understand that this is not only dangerous, but also heavy food. That is, there really is very little benefit from it.

Can Dogs Bone Veterinarian Tips

Nutritional value

This is the key point from which you need to start approaching this topic. In terms of nutritional value, tubular bones are completely useless. Many have already received the answer to the question whether the dog can be given chicken bones. Why do this if there is no benefit, but the harm is obvious?

Birds in these bones lack bone marrow, and they are filled with air. Therefore, such bones are very fragile. They easily crack along and form splinters. Try chopping the bone of the shin of a bird with a hammer to beat meat and see what happens. Sharp chips are extremely dangerous for the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Possible consequences

Veterinarians have to deal with dogs almost every day, so any doctor can give a long lecture on the proper feeding of animals. But the owners do not calm down and continue to amaze. Is it possible to give a dog boiled chicken bones? Usually this is the next question after an exhaustive answer to the first. And again the answer is no. Cooking does not add nutritional value, nor does it make the bone soft. What can happen:

  • A shard of bone can get stuck in the throat, and complex manipulation is required to remove it.
  • A sharp piece of bone is stuck in the stomach. And even if he did not pierce or scratch the mucous membrane, the dog will be tormented by vomiting until you determine the cause of what is happening. And the fragment itself, most likely, will not be able to enter the intestine.
  • If the splinter gets stuck in the intestine, it causes obstruction or perforation.

And even if everything went well, that is, the animal carefully chewed the bones and they went through the entire digestive tract without harming it, another problem may develop. Having reached the large intestine, the fragments are softened and compressed under the action of juice and enzymes. This leads to constipation and the appearance of spotting. Therefore throw away chicken bones. This is a strong advice from veterinarians. Can dogs bones of other animals, let's disassemble together.

what bones can be given to dogs

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But most often the owners do not understand what bones can be given to dogs, and send to them in the bowl all the remains of the meal. However, most of them refer to the fact that in the wild, the ancestors of the dogs ate the prey as a whole, without taking out the bones. Therefore, the belief that some bones are harmful to animals is considered unfounded. But, firstly, there is such a thing as a natural habitat and food chain. Secondly, in a particular area, each species uses one or more other species for food. And representatives of the Canine family very rarely catch birds. On the other hand, who kept statistics, how many wild animals died from cracking tubular bones?

About the dangers of other bones

With chicken bones, everything is clear - they must be completely excluded from the diet of the animal. But what about others? Can raw or boiled pork or beef bones be given to them? With boiled, the answer is unequivocal. Even if we are talking about the bones that remained after the jelly, this does not change anything. Yes, they become soft during cooking. But in the intestine, such food forms a rather dense mass. At a minimum, it will cause constipation and pain in the stomach. Therefore, it is worth buying only sugar bones and cartilage. Follow the advice of veterinarians. Can dogs get bones? Only in selective form and in limited quantities. Raw pork bones can also be harmful. At least animals can become infected with helminths.

Is it possible to give dogs chicken bone heads

Do all bones need to be excluded from the diet?

It turns out that all bones can be potentially dangerous for your pet. But some breeders agree that you can use beef bones for dogs. Is it possible to give raw mosl? Yes, large raw beef bones are the least dangerous. They can be nibbled for fun, and dogs also get some nutrients.

You can offer young calf ribs to a growing puppy. They are not completely ossified, rather cartilaginous. It is an excellent source of phosphorus, calcium and elastin. And adult animals will be very useful to enjoy such a dessert.

And despite the abundance of information, dog breeders are still inclined to doubt whether it is possible to give bones to a shepherd. Pork, chicken banned, raw beef are allowed. But pay attention so that they do not have sharp chips.

what bones can be given to dogs

Benefits for teeth

Of course, it’s good for dogs to nibble. But if this is not a bone from a pet store, then it is best to use dried scars or trachea. But experienced dog breeders opt for different sticks from the pet store. As for the bones, you also need to pay attention to the breed of the dog, its size and health status. For example, a shepherd is one of the oldest breeds, which has remained the closest to wild ancestors. Therefore, the stomach and intestines are loyal to the digestion of roughage.

If we are talking about artificially derived breeds, then their stomachs are completely sensitive and tender. And they are prone to disease much more than their wild ancestors. Therefore, representatives of decorative breeds need more delicate food.

Can I give raw bones to dogs?

Chicken offal

Today's stores have a large assortment of chicken necks and heads. And many dog ​​owners believe that they may well become a source of protein for their pet. You need to know the opinion of veterinarians, whether it is possible to give dogs chicken heads. We uniquely remove the bones to the side. Heads can be given, but not too often. This is not a complete source of protein, and they can also cause an allergic reaction. There are many bones and few nutrients in the head. As for large dogs, daily feeding of chicken heads is unacceptable, because growth and development directly depend on the protein entering the body. But for a change, you can sometimes include them in the diet. The neck can be given to the puppy from 3-4 months, they do not contain tubular bones. But pay attention to the need for an additional source of protein.

Is it possible to give dogs chicken bone heads

Instead of a conclusion

Let's summarize. Cooked bones, including beef, veal, and lamb, can cause indigestion or constipation. What you need to remember:

  • Do not give dogs boiled meat. In this case, you will definitely get stomach problems.
  • You can give raw beef or calf bones. But after the dog nibbles the meat, the bone itself needs to be thrown out.
  • Do not give animals tubular bones from chickens, ducks, geese and any other bird.
  • You can give calf ribs only if they are in the form of cartilage.
  • Do not give your dog food from the table.

If the pet's teeth are being cut and he constantly wants to bite something, then goodies from the pet store will be a good option. They are definitely safe for the health of the pet.


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