The most famous temples of the world

Temples are architectural structures that are designed to perform religious rites and services. However, it can be said that the significance of temples is often much broader than the ritual functions performed by them and embodied religious ideas.

The first temples of the world appeared in ancient times and not only as religious buildings - they reflected the inherent human quest for God. Throughout the history of mankind, they have been an integral part of the landscape of the city, and many of them have become so famous that they have become symbols.

Temples of the Ancient World

The very first temples in ancient Egypt, which are known to modern science, were built in the fourth millennium BC. They had the shape of reed huts. The last of the completed temples is in Phil. It ceased to be used for its intended purpose only in the VI century.


One of the main attractions of Egypt is the heavily destroyed Karnak. It is recognized as the largest ancient temple in the world. The construction is the creation of many generations of builders of Egypt.

temples of the ancient world

Karnak Temple consists of three buildings - small enclosed buildings and several external ones located to the north of Luxor (2.5 km). It took several thousand years to build and organize the strengthening of the majestic Karnak Temple. However, the bulk of the work in Karnak was carried out by the pharaohs of the New Kingdom. The most famous structure in Karnak is rightfully considered the Hypostyle Hall, whose area is 50 thousand square meters. It has 134 massive columns that are arranged in 16 rows.

Temples of Abu Simbel

Temples of the world are sometimes striking in their unusualness. For example, the temples (double) of Abu Simbel were carved in the slopes of the mountain. This happened during the reign of Pharaoh Ramses the Great in the XIII century BC. e. The temples became an eternal monument to Ramses and his queen Nefertari.

Edfu Temple

Temples of the world were often built and dedicated to the gods. So the Edfu Temple was built in honor of the God of the Falcon Horus. It is the second largest temple in Egypt after Karnak and one of the best preserved. It began to be built in 237 BC. e. In those days, Ptolemy III was in power. The work was completed two centuries later (in 57 BC). The structure consists of traditional elements of Egyptian temples, as well as several Greek elements, for example, Mammisi (birth houses).

Church of the Holy Sepulcher

Orthodox churches of the world were built in different countries. The Church of the Holy Sepulcher was built on Mount Calvary, the site of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Here he suffered a martyrdom.

Orthodox churches of the world

It was founded by the mother of Emperor Constantine, Elena, in 335. Once she found in the underground premises of the temple of Venus, which previously stood on this site, a cave with the Holy Sepulcher and the Cross on which Jesus was crucified. There is a legend that in the dungeon three absolutely identical crosses were discovered at once. In order to find out which one is real, Elena in turn touched them to the Sepulcher with the body of the deceased. When the real Cross touched him, a miracle happened - the dead man was resurrected.

Saint Isaac's Cathedral

The most beautiful temples in the world are admired not only by parishioners. Beautiful buildings are also admired by tourists visiting them. The majestic St. Isaac's Cathedral is a striking example of Russian religious architecture. Many experts are sure that this is one of the most beautiful dome buildings in the world. It is located in our northern capital. The temple can accommodate up to 12 thousand people at a time. Previously, people came here for worship, but now they are most often tourists. The temple received the status of a historical and art museum in 1937.

the most beautiful temples of the world

The diameter of the outer dome of the temple is twenty-five meters. More than one hundred kilograms of pure gold was spent to cover the central as well as the domes on the belfries . The colonnade, one hundred meters high, located above the dome, offers amazing views of the city center and the banks of the Neva.

The largest temples

Christian temples of the world are distinguished by architectural styles, interior decoration, the presence of certain shrines. Nevertheless, they are all priceless monuments of history and architecture.

The most magnificent religious building in our country is the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, located in Moscow. Initially, the temple was built by the famous architect Ton. It began to be built in 1839. Unfortunately, in 1931 the temple, as, indeed, many cathedrals and churches in our country, was destroyed, and it was recreated in 1997.

the largest temple in the world

The height of the temple is 105 meters. The construction has the shape of an equilateral cross (width - 85 m). The temple can simultaneously accommodate 10 thousand people. The interior is impressive with luxury, which was borrowed from the Byzantine religion (Orthodox).

Saint Paul's Cathedral

Famous temples of the world are a place of pilgrimage. This fully applies to St. Peter's Basilica - the largest temple of the Vatican. It is believed that this is the largest temple in the world. Its length is 212 meters, width - 150 m, the occupied area - more than 22 thousand m 2 . Height with a cross on the dome is 136 meters. The cathedral simultaneously accommodates about 60 thousand people.

The temple was erected in the XVI century by such great masters as Rafael, Michelangelo, Donato Bramante. A magnificent building for more than five centuries. Previously, there was a circus on this place, in which, during the time of Nero, they tortured and put to death the Christians. The apostle Peter was also brought here . He asked that he be executed not like Christ, and that he was crucified with his head down.

Three centuries later, Emperor Constantine ordered the construction of a basilica in honor of St. Peter, and in 1452 Nicholas V (Pope) began the construction of the cathedral. The temple was built for 120 years. In 1667, J. Lorenzo Bernini designed the square in front of the cathedral, which accommodates all believers who wish to receive a blessing.

St. Peter's Basilica is the prototype for the creation of many large churches in the world, for example, Dam de la Pe in the city of Yamoussoukro. It was built in 1989. The construction area is 30 thousand square meters. It accommodates 20 thousand people. In addition, the cathedral served as a model for St. Paul's Cathedral (London). The dimensions of the building are 170 x 90 m. The author of the project is architect Christopher Ren.

Temples of the World: Forbidden Mosque

This is the main shrine of the Muslim world. In its courtyard is the Kaaba. The mosque was erected in 638. According to the Decree of the King of Saudi Arabia, reconstruction of the mosque has been carried out since 2007.

During construction work in the northern direction, the territory increased to 400 thousand square meters. Now the mosque holds 1.12 million parishioners. But two minarets are still under construction. Given the territory, the ceremonies held here will be able to participate two and a half million people at a time.

The most beautiful temples

Of course, for true believers, the most beautiful temples are in their cities, where they go to worship. Nevertheless, there are such cathedrals in the world that cause admiration for all people on our planet. We will tell you about some of them.

Notre Dame Cathedral

The location of this cathedral on the island of CitΓ© (Paris) is not accidental. In ancient times there was a pagan temple of Jupiter, then the first Christian church in Paris (St. Stephen's Basilica). The construction of the cathedral began in 1163. It lasted more than two hundred years.

The temple is made mainly in the Gothic style, but the towers are very different in their appearance. This is due to the fact that different architects took part in the work.

famous temples of the world

One of the most important Christian relics is carefully kept in the cathedral - the Crown of Thorns of Christ, which was transported here from Jerusalem. There is no traditional mural inside the cathedral. But the huge colored stained-glass windows on the windows illustrate biblical scenes. There is a legend that the famous bell of Emmanuel, weighing 13 tons, is cast from female jewelry.

Sagrada Familia

This cathedral is located in Barcelona (Spain). The construction of the grandiose construction continued for more than forty years under the supervision of the architect Gaudi, and to date it has not been completed.

christian temples of the world

This is due to the fact that the initiators of the construction set a condition: the temple should be built only on donations from parishioners. Modern experts believe that the construction will be completed in 2026. The temple has the shape of a Latin cross; the facade is adorned with Bible sayings.

St. Basil's Cathedral

The magnificent Orthodox church is located in Moscow, on Red Square. It is named after Vasily (the holy fool), who dared to express discontent with the reign of Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

temples of the world

The temple was called Trinity until the XVII century. It was built in the middle of the XVI century. According to legend, Ivan the Terrible ordered to blind the architect so that in the future he could never create something like that. For several centuries, the temple has been the hallmark of not only the capital, but throughout Russia. Today it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Today, there is a branch of the historical museum.


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