Mystery of the Endless Lake in Solnechnogorsk

All researchers are prone to adventurism, it is this quality that pushes people to discover and adventure. But not all secrets are revealed immediately. Today we have to face one very mysterious place - the Endless Lake in Solnechnogorsk.

We live in a stunning country, to unravel the secrets of which is a pleasure. Rivers, lakes, seas and other bodies of water an incredible amount. But there is one thing over which the researchers have struggled for a decade. So, first things first.

Road to Lake Endless

In order to get to the lake, you need to thoroughly prepare underwater ammunition, master the skill of diving, stock up on ropes and other objects for measurement, and, in the end, have an SUV. The terrain is marshy, and therefore your vehicle must be ready for anything to cope with road obstacles. And, of course, you cannot do without a local old-timer.

The fact is that the bottomless lake in Solnechnogorsk (Moscow region) is surrounded by a continuous forest, and it is located almost in its heart. What is also remarkable: the lake has an almost perfect circle shape.

bottomless lake solnogorsk

Lake legend and facts

From the locals you can hear an interesting legend. It says that the lake really does not have a bottom, that it leads to the center of the earth and is connected with the oceans. The Russian poet Alexander Blok was so inspired by this legend that he could not restrain himself in his story about this amazing place in his diary. He called this lake the "outlet of the ocean", referring to the commitment to the idea of ​​a reservoir. His father-in-law and the great Russian chemist Dmitry Mendeleev made attempts to measure the blue abyss. Using a rope and a sinker, he lowered the measuring device to the bottom of the lake until the rope ended. Her length was 97 meters, but she still could not reach the bottom.

bottomless lake in the Solnechnogorsk district

In support of this legend, local boys found various wreckage of ships, which, of course, could not get here. And one peasant does have a tablet from a ship with the foreign inscription "Santa Maria", which he found in Lake Endless in Solnechnogorsk. Later, another unique thing was discovered in 2003 - it was a US naval life vest owned by sailor Sam Belowski. Even more surprisingly, the American sailor disappeared in the Red Sea near the port of Aden in Yemen in 2000.

Exploring the lake by modern divers

You can find more than a dozen diaries of travelers and researchers of the depths of Lake Endless in Solnechnogorsk. But they are all completely similar in their notes.

The lake itself is calm and transparent within a radius of 2.5 meters. No accidents were recorded here. Here, from ancient times, men used to fish, and the female part of the population used water to wash their hair.

After diving to a depth of the blue abyss of 4-5 meters, a silty suspension begins, but it is not a bottom. Then again comes a layer of water and again a silty suspension. So the lake looks like a layer cake. Immersion in this sticky and viscous substance causes fear among divers, so no one dares to dive beyond this level. When using a measuring device with a metal load (depth of 20 meters) it seems that the bottom is found. But after some time the load falls further and even the length of the rope twice as long as Mendeleev’s is not enough.

blue abyss

What is the actual depth of the pond?

There is no official data on the real depth of Lake Endless in the Solnechnogorsk region, but the military maps of the 20th century indicated the depth of the lake 100-150 meters. Even this value is grandiose for a reservoir near Moscow, given the fact that the deepest lake in the Moscow Region reaches no more than 40 meters.

To date, there is no exact answer to the question of how deep Lake Endless is. All attempts to measure this body of water have been futile.

Twin lake without bottom

There are underground lakes, they are also called "cenote lakes." They are all located in Mexico on the Yucatan Peninsula. The reason for the emergence of these reservoirs is based on the theory of the destruction of karst caves in which groundwater flows. Such cenotes are small in width, but the depth is quite impressive. The immersion of two divers in 1994 ended in the death of one of them when they reached a depth of 282 meters. Subsequently, with the help of the robot, it was possible to measure the depth of this cenote and fix the value of 319 meters.

Another cenote, where the ancient Indians sacrificed their brothers and valuables to the gods, gained fame thanks to the archaeologist Edward Thompson. He spent almost 20 years working on excavating a silty suspension 11 meters deep to get to the bottom and discover numerous deposits of jewelry, they could only be compared with the treasury of Tutankhamun.

bottomless lake solnogorsk depth


Perhaps the day will come when we will be able to solve the riddle of Lake Endless in Solnechnogorsk. This place once again proves that the mysterious and mysterious around us is much more than it seems.


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