Prefabricated artifacts in "Heroes of Might and Magic-3." Prefabricated artifact, "Heroes-3": types and properties

"Heroes of Might and Magic-3" is a legendary strategy, in which more than one generation of gamers flirted. According to many, it still remains the standard of turn-based strategies, and even the subsequent parts could not surpass the success of the third. Disputes about which city is better still do not subside. However, many forget that the balance is strongly influenced by luck and artifacts that the hero can find. Particularly strong impact on the match have prefabricated artifacts. "Heroes-3" includes three stages of development (classic, "In the Name of the Gods", "Horn of the Abyss") with their own characteristics.

prefabricated artifact heroes 3


What are prefabricated artifacts? "Heroes-3" contain a lot of items, the benefit of which individually may seem zero. For example, an amulet that gives a 5% bonus to necromancy. Where better to replace it with a necklace that increases all attributes by +3. However, at the same time, if you play as a Necropolis, it is more profitable for you to create the corresponding combined artifact. Heroes 3 have several such items. The main benefits will be:

  • saving space in inventory (just in the bag);
  • additional bonuses that the hero receives after assembly.

There is one negative factor. After you put on a prefabricated artifact, Heroes 3 blocks all the cells in which the components for creation were located. For example, putting on the "Cloak of the evil king ", you can no longer use necklaces and boots.

Now that we’ve figured out the features of the artifacts, let's look at items from the classic version of Heroes.

prefabricated artifacts heroes 3

Elixir of Life

The first time a player can meet this item, passing the campaign of the same name. It is a good help for players for the "bright" side.

  • Increases the health of all creatures in the hero’s army by 50%.
  • It occupies 3 cells.
  • Does not affect undead.

To collect it, you will need the following items.

  1. The Ring of Life. Gives +1 to the health of all creatures.
  2. "Health Ring". Similar to the previous one.
  3. "Flask of Life Force." Increases creature health by +2.

A rather controversial artifact. In fact, the more basic health your troops have, the greater the bonus it gives. For example, for low-level creatures, it will be useless than using disassembled elements. At the same time, it occupies very useful ring slots that could give spirit, luck or speed, as well as few attributes.


Very useful prefabricated artifact. "Heroes 3" require a lot of resources, especially in the initial stages of the game. This artifact brings 5 ​​units of each rare material per day. To assemble requires four items (and slots, respectively).

  1. "Cloak of Endless Crystals."
  2. "An inexhaustible ring of sulfur.
  3. "The Inexhaustible Gemstone Ring."
  4. "Inexhaustible flask of mercury." Placed in additional slots.

Since this artifact takes up a lot of space, it is best to give it to some minor hero and put him in a remote castle. Despite the fact that collecting this item is very difficult due to the fact that components are very rare, it will be relevant at all stages of the game, since no one has canceled the purchase of artifacts on the black market. In an extreme case, you can buy items for resources, and then exchange them on the altar for experience.

Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Prefabricated Artifacts

Magician's ring

Required to be collected by any hero using spells in battle. In the game "Heroes of Might and Magic-3" prefabricated artifacts are usually enhanced versions of their components. And the "Magician's Ring" is no exception. To create it, you need only three cells.

  1. "Magic collar" (necklace). Increases spell duration by one turn.
  2. The magic ring. Increases duration by 2 turns.
  3. "Magic Cape". Has the same effect, but for 3 rounds.

Combined artifact ("Heroes-3") allows you to increase the duration of action up to 50 moves. Thus, putting it on a character without skills aimed at increasing magical power, you can let him conjure at a level approximately equal to the expert.

Wizard's Well

Allows you to fully regenerate mana at the beginning of the turn. It is also worth considering that it is being restored exactly at the "beginning", that is, if you click the "Finish Turn" button and they attack you, then the mana will not be complete. The artifact takes up three additional slots, so no special problems are expected.

  1. Amulet of Mana.
  2. The Talisman of Mana.
  3. The Magic Medal of Mana.

Individually, these artifacts simply increase energy regeneration by 1.2 and 3 points, respectively.

Admiral's hat

In "Heroes 3" prefabricated artifacts can affect not only the characteristics of the hero or his attributes, but also on movement. One of the most useful artifacts (after the "Angel Wings") is precisely the "Admiral's Hat". It allows you to load onto ships and go ashore without losing movement points and a whole game day. In total, you will need two items, but they occupy a couple of the most important slots. If necessary, the "Hat" can simply be worn before boarding the ship.

  1. "Captain's hat." Adds the call / destruction of ships to the spellbook, increases the range of movement on water and protects in whirlpools.
  2. "Necklace of sea holding". Accelerates water travel.
    Heroes of Might and Magic 3

Statue of the legion

Like the Cornucopia, this artifact is best not to be worn on the main character. It increases creature growth in all cities by 50%. In this case, the character does not have to be in any city. But since this artifact occupies all additional cells, it is strictly not recommended to wear it on a "combat" hero.

  1. Legion Legs. +5 creatures of the 2nd level in the castle.
  2. Legion Loin gives +4 level 3 creatures.
  3. Legion Torso guarantees +3 level 4 monsters.
  4. Legion Hands increases level 5 creature gain by 2.
  5. Legion's Head adds 1 to monster gain of 6th level.

After collecting all the items, just place them in the desired slots - and you will get a "Statue of the Legion." Fortunately, in the game "Heroes of Might and Magic-3" prefabricated artifacts are not required for winning cards. So don't be discouraged if you fail to get one. Although items for this "treasure" are common.

Alliance of Angels

This concludes the “peaceful” artifacts of the classic version of the heroes. It's time to consider those items that will give at least some stats. The "Alliance of Angels" not only adds all the attributes to the character, but also uses the "Prayer" at the beginning of the battle. In addition, the negative moral bonus is removed when mixing "good" and "neutral" creatures.

  1. Sandals of the Holy give +2 to all attributes.
  2. Miraculous Armor. +1 to all parameters.
  3. "Necklace of Bliss." +3 to all attributes.
  4. Shield of the Lion of Courage brings +4 to everything.
  5. "Helmet of heavenly enlightenment." +5 to all parameters.
  6. "Sword of justice". +6 to all parameters.

In general, the artifact is quite powerful, but the number of slots that it occupies makes you think about the appropriateness of its use. For example, in many cases it is more profitable to put boots that give a range of motion.

Cloak of the evil king

This artifact is required for any hero whose army consists of undead. It not only adds a passive bonus to the skill of necromancy, but also with further pumping it allows you to resurrect lychees instead of skeletons.

  1. The Undertaker's Amulet.
  2. "Vampire Cloak."
  3. "Dead Man's Boots."

These items give a certain percentage to the skill of necromancy. Together, it turns out a combined artifact that allows the army of the necropolis to win most of the big cards.

wog prefabricated artifacts

Armor of the Damned

This armor is collected quite simply. You will need only a few fairly common artifacts. But in the end you will get the strongest debuff of the enemy troops at the beginning of the battle - weakening, curse, slowdown and failure for 50 expert level moves. It is worth noting that this artifact is only good if the enemy does not have fast and immune to magic creatures (for example, black dragons). Otherwise, the first thing he will do is to heal or remove spells, and all the action of the armor will go "down the drain". So you will need:

  • Skull Helmet, giving +2 to knowledge.
  • "The sword of the dead knight." +3 to attack.
  • "Armor of the ribs." +2 magic power.
  • Shield of the Longing Dead gives +3 defense.

As you can see, the final characteristics are not too high, so this artifact is suitable exclusively for playing against bots or in the initial stages. In extreme cases, it can be used for lack of better.

The power of the dragon father

This armor is going to be very long and tedious. It requires the most artifacts, but the benefit in the end is very dubious. Its main feature is that it gives complete invulnerability to spells of 1-4 levels, including friendly ones. So the enemy will be able to calmly destroy your troops with an "explosion", and you will not have the opportunity to resurrect them. Yes, and he gives not so many characteristics. Therefore, collecting it is not recommended simply because there are many more useful artifacts.

  • "Crown of Dragon Teeth."
  • "Dragon Scale Armor."
  • "Dragon Scale Shield."
  • Dragon Dragon Greaves .
  • "Cape of Dragon Wings."
  • "Dragon Teeth Necklace."
  • "The fixed eye of a dragon."
  • "The Flames of the Red Dragon."
  • "The frozen eye of a dragon."

Rumble of titanium

A unique sword that puts at the disposal of the owner of the same name spell, causing 600 damage. This value can increase with the presence of the "Sphere of Air" and the skill of magic. It occupies 4 cells and gives +9 to all characteristics. Not the best ratio of utility and occupied space, and it is going to be long enough because of the rarity of components.

  1. Thunder helmet.
  2. Gladius of the Titan.
  3. "Breastplate of the Titan".
  4. Sentinel Shield.

All items give just a huge bonus to one of the characteristics, but at the same time take away a little from the other. Thus, it is convenient for them to close the "holes" in the leveling of the character, but not to use it as the main artifacts.

prefabricated artifacts heroes 3 armageddon blade

Sniper bow

This is the last assembled artifact. Allows shooters in the hero’s army to shoot when there are enemies nearby and removes all fines (distance and obstacle). It takes only 3 additional cells. But given the fact that the strongest creatures in the game are fighting in hand-to-hand combat, the effectiveness of the item tends to zero.

  1. "Elf Cherry Tree Bow."
  2. "A unicorn mane bowstring."
  3. "Arrows of feathers of an angel."

In their “normal” state, these artifacts enhance the shooting skill, but only if the character has it. Thus, these items are useful exclusively to heroes with specialization, in contrast to the same “Cloak of the Unclean King”, which resurrects fallen soldiers even in the absence of “Necromancy”.

Armageddon's Blade

In the prefabricated artifacts ("Heroes 3"), "Armageddon's Blade" refers very conditionally. Those who played in the appropriate campaign might think that this artifact can be collected in single-player missions, similar to previous items. However, it is not. "Armageddon's Blade" is assembled exclusively in the campaign, and in loners can appear immediately in assembled form. To avoid misunderstanding, we present a list of items that need to be collected during the missions.

  1. Shield of the Damned.
  2. Sulfur Armor.
  3. Hellfire Sword.

Lord of the Barbarians Ferocity Ax

Be careful, this item is only available in version 3.58f (WoG). Prefabricated artifacts of previous versions can also be collected according to old recipes. "Ax" adds to all creatures (except shooters) an additional melee attack. Thus, monsters begin to hit twice, and those who already had a double attack (Crusaders) start to hit three times.

  1. "The punishing club of an ogre."
  2. "Tarch of the Vicious Ogre."
  3. "Tunic of the King of the Cyclops."
  4. "Crown of the Archmage."

The subject has a clear focus for the heroes of Bracada (barbarians). It is ideal for players who take numbers or do not use magic. Other new prefabricated artifacts ("Heroes 3: WoG") you will not find.

prefabricated artifacts heroes 3 horn of the abyss

Pendant reflection

In the latest update, released in 2013, new prefabricated artifacts appeared. "Heroes 3: Horn of the Abyss" added to the game not only new creatures and the city, but also as many as four assemblies. Pendant of Reflection increases spell resistance by 50%. It is assembled from three familiar items with the same, but less bonus.

  1. "Necklace of impregnability."
  2. "Mantle of equilibrium."
  3. Boots of Counteraction.

The essence of the artifact is simple - an increase in the total bonus. Good against opponents with high Strength of Magic.

Golden goose

Prefabricated artifacts ("Heroes 3: HotA") continue to delight with their logic. The next item - the Golden Goose, is a reasonable continuation of the Cornucopia and is assembled from artifacts that bring gold.

  1. "Inexhaustible Moshna."
  2. "Inexhaustible Suma."
  3. "Inexhaustible bag."

Total, you get an item that adds 7,000 gold to the daily income of the owner. Such an amount of money will always be useful, regardless of the stage of the game and the development of your hero.

heroes 3 prefabricated artifacts sets

Mantle of the Diplomat

Remember a set of useless enough items to bargain with neutral monsters? Now they can be combined into the "Mantle", which allows you to pay off during the defense of cities, and even from neutral monsters.

  1. "Medal of a diplomat."
  2. "The ring of the diplomat."
  3. "The tape of the ambassador."

Ogre's Iron Fist

Unfortunately, the updates "In Wake of Gods" and "Horn of the Abyss" are not installed at the same time. Remember the recipe from 3.58f? So it applies also to the HotA version. However, the result is slightly different. In the "Horn of the Abyss" this artifact uses spells on allied creatures in battle: acceleration, bloodlust, fire shield and counterattack.

Finally, in the game "Heroes 3" prefabricated artifacts (sets) are over. Is it worth it to look specifically and immediately put on a character? Unlikely. There are so many different artifacts (139 in Armageddon's Blade) that perfectly replace sets and are much easier to mine. In addition, most prefabricated artifacts block cells for useful artifacts such as Angel Wings, spell books, rings that increase movement, and many, many others.


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