How to recognize false foxes?

Many mushroom lovers give preference to chanterelles. And it is no coincidence: their unsurpassed aroma and taste is fully revealed with any cooking method. On the special account of world culinary specialists, fried chanterelles. But how not to collect false foxes by mistake?

Distinguish in the forest

Real and false chanterelles often grow very close to each other, you can meet them in any forest, regardless of the region. The ripening period is from June to early frosts. At the same time, mushroom pickers often do not notice the difference, folding false chanterelles together with their edible sisters in their basket.

But there are still differences between them. False chanterelle grows on stumps, and on the ground, and on rotten wood. Real mushrooms of this species never grow on fallen trees - only on mossy stumps. In addition, false chanterelles often grow separately from each other, while real ones usually grow in groups.

false chanterelles

We sort through carefully

Before proceeding with the preparation of the harvest collected in the forest, you need to carefully sort it out. Pay special attention to those mushrooms that are very different from their relatives. For example, false foxes do not even look like real ones in appearance. The color of their hats is several times brighter - orange or orange-brown, with a touch of copper.

In addition, pay attention to the shape of the hat. In false mushrooms, it looks like a funnel. If the edge of the hat is in the correct even shape, then it is highly likely that you cannot eat such a mushroom. In real chanterelles, the edge of the hat is hilly. Carefully examine the mushroom leg: it is too thin for a false mushroom.

If you cannot figure out the appearance, then pay attention to the mushroom flesh. The aroma of a real chanterelle resembles dried fruits or roots, but it should taste a bit sour. The color of its flesh is slightly yellowish at the edges, and white in the middle. Try to press the pulp with your finger. If it turns red, then you can be sure: there are real mushrooms in your basket.

false fox

In false chanterelles, the aroma of pulp can hardly be called pleasant. And if you try the back of the hat, you can feel a bitter taste. The flesh of the fake mushroom will be yellow or orange. If you press on it with your finger, then it will not change at all.

Of course, a false fox is not poisonous, but it may not have the best effect on your digestive system.

We make blanks

Cooking chanterelles for the winter is no more difficult than pickling cucumbers or tomatoes. First you need to sort them out, remove the blades of grass and leaves that accidentally fell into the basket. Then they are washed under a stream of cold water. Doing this is careful so that they do not fall apart and remain intact. Then the chanterelles need to be slightly dried.

After the mushrooms have dried, they are put in a pan. At the same time, it is better to first cut large mushrooms into small parts. Chanterelles are poured with boiled hot water. Half a kilogram of mushrooms requires a half liter of liquid.

chanterelles for the winter

The mushrooms are brought to a boil and spices are added. Then the fire is reduced, they are boiled for ten minutes, and then they are thrown back into a colander. Prepare a marinade with vinegar, spices and vegetable oil. And finally, the chanterelles are placed in glass jars and poured with another hot marinade. Then they are sterilized for 20-40 minutes. That's all. Chanterelles are ready for the winter. Bon Appetit!


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