Normal temperature in dogs of small and large breeds. How to measure the temperature of a dog

Today, many families have pets, and dogs are no exception. Most importantly - do not forget to provide them with proper care and comfortable living conditions.

Many pet owners are interested in how to understand that their pet is sick and needs the help of a qualified doctor. What is the normal temperature in dogs? How to measure her dog? What to do if the obtained values ​​are far from optimal indicators? We will try to answer these and many other questions in this article.

How to determine?

dog at the vet

What temperature is normal in a dog? It can vary depending on the breed and range from 37.4 to 39.3 degrees. There are certain patterns that relate to the age of the animal and its size. For adult dogs of large breeds, indicators from 37.4 to 38.3 degrees are considered normal, for medium - 37.5-39, for small - 38.5-39 degrees. For puppies, the temperature will be slightly different. In large breeds, it can range from 38.2 to 39, in medium breeds - from 38.3 to 39.1, in small breeds - from 38.6 to 39.3.

When to pay attention?

Temperature measurement in a pet must be carried out in case of the following symptoms:

  • refusal of water and food;
  • blanching of the tongue and mucous membranes;
  • dry and warm nose;
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea;
  • cramps.

It is important.


How to measure the temperature of the dog? What should be used for this purpose? A mercury or electronic thermometer is usually used. The latter is much easier to use, and the process of measuring temperature takes less time - about half a minute. The thermometer must be individual. After all the manipulations, it must be disinfected. It should also be thoroughly washed and treated with a disinfectant compound.


Before measuring the dog’s temperature, several simple operations must be performed. Firstly, the thermometer must be disinfected and lubricated with petroleum jelly or baby cream. Then the dog should be put on its side. You can measure the temperature in a standing position, if the animal calmly responds to manipulations. Lift the tail by the base and insert the thermometer into the rectum. The insertion depth should be no more than 2 cm. After that, wait a certain period of time (if we are talking about an electronic thermometer - before the sound signal). Then gently pull out the appliance. If you did everything right, then there will not be any discomfort for the pet.


dog with temperature

To facilitate the procedure, you can use a few simple tips:

  1. An animal is best taught at an early age to measure temperature. Then this process will not cause you much trouble.
  2. You can train the animal to stand still.
  3. During the procedure, the main thing is not to be afraid and behave naturally and calmly.
  4. After completing this process, the pet should be encouraged with some goodies.

Causes of heat

The temperature of a healthy dog ​​can increase with physical exertion, fear, emotional shock. Also, fever occurs as a result of a reaction to vaccination, with various diseases and inflammatory processes in the body. In females, one day before birth, a decrease of this indicator by 1-2 degrees can be observed.

What to do if a dog has a fever? This can occur not only as a result of physical and psychological factors. An animal’s temperature can be a sign of a serious illness. Heat is observed with such terrible infections as pyroplasmosis, diarrhea, plague. In addition, rat poison poisoning can cause similar symptoms. If you excluded the influence of external factors, then you should immediately contact your veterinarian. The specialist will be able to conduct an initial examination, diagnose a disease in the dog and prescribe treatment. If the temperature rises above 40 degrees, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. If the causes of heat are associated with natural physiological processes, for example, with teething, then you can give the animal one crushed tablet "Analgin". If there is no result, if you use this method, you can try to introduce the dog intramuscularly a mixture of "No-shpa", "Analgin" and "Diphenhydramine".

With a sharp drop in temperature, if it is not associated with childbirth, the pet should be warmed up using a warm blanket or heating pad. The animal must be urgently taken to a veterinarian or called to the veterinarian's house.

Temperature in dogs before childbirth

dog with puppies

It is especially important to monitor the status of pregnant bitches. For 12-24 hours, the temperature of the dog before childbirth can drop by 1-2 degrees and fall below the mark of 37 degrees. For this reason, it is recommended that animals in this condition measure this indicator twice a day: morning and evening. Immediately during childbirth, the animal may begin to fever. If you carefully monitor the condition of the dog, then do not miss the onset of labor. The main thing is not to fuss. The bitch may begin to whine, worry, breathe often.

The temperature before and after childbirth is the main indicator of the condition of the dog. When approaching the moment of birth of puppies, it is necessary to regularly take measurements. If a veterinarian is present during childbirth, be sure to tell him this information. The normal temperature in large dogs before the start of this process is approximately 37.4-36.6 degrees. Try closer to day 60 to not leave the dog alone. In the first stage of labor, contractions appear. At this time, there is staggering when walking, shortness of breath, refusal to eat, vomiting. This stage lasts about 12 hours. Try to monitor the temperature of the animal throughout the entire time. If it remains slightly below normal, then everything goes fine.

The difference in temperature between large and small dogs

dog with thermometer

Representatives of different breeds may have different basic vital signs. To determine their individual values ​​in your pet, you must regularly measure. What temperature is normal in a dog? For an adult animal, the optimal values ​​are from 37.5 to 38.5 degrees.

For a puppy, a value of 39 degrees is considered normal. The breed of the animal also affects. The bigger the dog, the colder it is. The normal temperature in dogs of small breeds is from 38.5 to 39 degrees.

Dog fever: what to do?

Many owners want to know how you can help your pet with a fever. First you need to determine what caused it. It is best to start by examining the animal. Pay attention to the behavior of the dog. Aggression, fear, or nervous excitement can affect temperature. In dry and warm weather, the pet may be uncomfortable. Poor heat tolerance of dogs aged and representatives of large breeds. A value of up to 39 degrees is the normal temperature in an adult dog. But it is worth considering that here everything can be determined by the individual characteristics of the animal.

Keeping a schedule

If you decide to take your pet to exhibitions, then you should definitely know how to measure the temperature of the dog. In this case, you will need to maintain a special schedule. If during regular measurements you suddenly find a deviation from the norm, try to establish the cause. A significant decrease or increase in temperature may be associated with a pet's disease. In this case, you should definitely visit a veterinary office or call a specialist at home. Monitoring this vital indicator should also be carried out in pregnant bitches.

Another case where constant temperature measurement is required is the period before and after vaccinations. In this situation, you should pay attention to such factors as increased thirst, refusal to eat, pallor of mucous membranes, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps.

Some owners think that normal temperature in dogs can be determined by touching the nose. However, whether it is cold or hot, this is not an indicator at all. To find out the temperature, you need to measure it. If the dog is sick, the results should be recorded in the morning and evening.

Dog temperature: what does it mean?

pet at the veterinarian

If you notice a fever in your pet, this does not mean that he is sick. The temperature in dogs can rise for a short time in warm weather or as a result of intense stress. In addition, heat can be associated with fear and excitement. In bitches, an increase in temperature is observed during estrus. However, a smooth growth of 1-2 degrees should cause caution, but if you increase to 40, you can take emergency measures. The reasons can be various, starting with heat stroke and ending with serious diseases such as pyroplasmosis and endometritis. In puppies, fever can occur due to teething. Often the temperature rises with inflammation of the joints. Low rates can be with such ailments as parvovirus enteritis. Also, in some cases, a decrease in body temperature may be a consequence of surgery. When such symptoms appear, the dog should be wrapped warmer. The condition of the animal must be reported to the veterinarian.

What to do when temperature appears?

If the dog experiences symptoms such as lethargy, refusal to eat, frequent urination, you should immediately determine if the animal has a fever. It is worth considering that in some cases it occurs for completely natural reasons. It is believed that 39.3 is the normal temperature in dogs that have recently survived childbirth. After the appearance of puppies, the first time it is necessary to monitor the condition of the animal. If the temperature rises significantly, seals appear in the mammary glands and discharge, consult your veterinarian immediately. Perhaps the fever is caused by mastitis or inflammation of the uterus.

pet examined

If you are faced with the appearance of heat in the dog, be sure to consider that this is a clear symptom of some internal problems in the body of the animal. Many are interested in what to give the dog from the temperature. It is worth remembering that, removing the heat, you do not solve the main problem. In no case do home treatment, and take the animal to the veterinarian. Only in the case of a rapid deterioration in the condition of the dog can you resort to methods of emergency temperature reduction. Waiting for a doctor, you can give the animal "Analgin". But in no case are potent drugs.

If high fever is associated with teething or stress, then you can try to inject "Analgin", "Diphenhydramine" and "No-shpa." When using other drugs that relieve heat, you can get a blurred clinical picture. In this case, the doctor will be difficult to diagnose. The treatment prescribed by the veterinarian must be strictly observed. In no case should you cancel drugs at your own discretion.


Significant changes in temperature in dogs can be caused by diseases such as plague, endometritis, enteritis, and pyroplasmosis. Heat is the result of serious wounds, allergic reactions and vaccinations. The normal temperature in dogs of small breeds can vary from 37.4 to 39.3 degrees. As a rule, it is determined by the age, breed and individual characteristics of the animal. An attentive owner can always determine that the dog is out of order. With symptoms such as lethargy, lack of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea, you should definitely measure the temperature. To carry out this procedure, you can use either a conventional mercury thermometer or a modern electronic thermometer.

the dog is resting

If you decide to get a dog, then do not forget that you are responsible for its health. Therefore, try to provide all the conditions for a carefree pet.


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