Trilogy of E. A. Fedorov "Stone Belt"

Russian history is rich in personalities and events that created this very story. The veil of the past opens before the readers the works of the leading figures of history. But sometimes you want to feel the course of life, go back hundreds of years ago and visit the thick of things. And here the authors of works of art come to the scene, telling about the events of bygone years. One of these writers is the author of the historical novel “Stone Belt” Fedorov E. A.

about the author

Evgeny Alexandrovich was born in 1897 in the village of Vidzy. The future writer spent his childhood in the Urals. In 1912 he moved to St. Petersburg. He works in a printing house and receives secondary education as an external student. In World War I spent several months at the front, was sent to a military school. But the military career did not appeal to him, and in 1917 he graduated from the land surveying school.

stone belt

Since 1918 he serves in the Red Army and commands a squadron. By this time, Evgeni Aleksandrovich published several stories and poems. After the Civil War, Fedorov regularly publishes his works. Since 1936 Fedorov’s books have been published, as well as The Stone Belt telling the history of Siberia and the Urals.

During the Great Patriotic War, Leningrad defended, and since 1941, military-themed works have been published. Shortly before the war, Fedorov undertook major works. At this time, the historical novel “Demidovs” appeared, which laid the foundation for Fedorov’s “Stone Belt” trilogy. The writer died in 1961 in Leningrad.


The first part of the Stone Belt trilogy was published in 1940, in 1947 the second part of the Heirs trilogy was published, and in 1953 the final part, The Master of the Stone Mountains, was published. In total, the creation of the “Stone Belt” by Fedorov took 15 years.

The first novel takes place during the time of Peter I. New reforms, palace coups, imitation of the West, wars and victories go as if to the background, the family of Nikita Antufiev comes to the fore. The sonorous name of the Demidov family was granted by Tsar Peter.

Fedorov's books stone belt

The ancestor of the great family appears to the readers as a simple blacksmith. An ambitious and hardworking Nikita, it would seem, should cause only sympathy. But, having gained power, he turns into a cruel, selfish person.

"Stone belt"

Fedorov tells step by step how the Demidovs strengthened in the Urals, and their power and influence on Russian soil grew. The tsar favors Nikita with a letter, but in the pursuit of profit Antufiev deceives the tsar and drives those who earn wealth for him into bondage. Son Akinfiy does not lag behind his father, so as not to share, he kills a man who discovered silver deposits. Demidov secretly mint money from the state. Having learned about the imminent arrival of the auditor, he, without thinking twice, floods the basements where the money masters work.

stone belt evgeny fedorov

The third volume tells about the grandchildren of Nikita Antufiev, in Russia Ekaterina already reigns, Pugachev raises the peasants. As in previous volumes, here we are talking about the plight of serfs. The cruelty of the Demidovs is striking. The novel has many unforgettable scenes that take so much into the soul that you begin to glow with hatred for the Demidovs. The author tells how a great clan begins to fade, how motes and loafers appear in their family. But there are those who devote themselves to the multiplication of factories and land.

Ural Chronicle

The “Stone Belt” of Evgeny Fedorov is a chronicle of the development of the Urals. The book is written in a lively, understandable language. There are no dry facts, the author talks about the ordeals, troubles and fates of the common people so sincerely that they involuntarily penetrate sympathy for them. The Demidovs have done a lot for the Russian state.

Thanks to them, they mastered the Urals, they were the most important suppliers of weapons and built factories. How many people they deceived, tortured. They robbed power. You literally feel beatings in your skin, the heat is melted, a terrible resentment takes for people who laid down their lives for Demidov’s wealth. The cruelty and greed of the Demidovs made up legends.

Could it be any different? If the reader asks himself this question, ponders it and begins to search for the answer, then one of the tasks of this grand trilogy can be considered completed.


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