A bouquet of improvised materials with your own hands. Handicraft Ideas

Autumn is the time of falling leaves and cold winds. But even on the rainy eve of winter, I want to see bright bouquets of summer flowers. Everyone can make flowers from fallen leaves, paper, plastic and other improvised materials.

Flowers from improvised materials do-it-yourself

It’s worth a bit of imagination, and beautiful flowers can be made from improvised materials. In most cases, this will not require any additional devices or a large margin of time.

flowers from plastic bottles for beginners

These wonderful lotuses can be made of plastic bottles and spoons of different sizes. Still need a lighter, glue, scissors and paint, if there is a need to make a gradation of color on the leaves. It is necessary to cut a circle for a water lily from a plastic bottle, gently hold the edges above the lighter to give a wavy shape, and paint with acrylic paints. When the paint dries, you need to glue into the circle the cut spoons of the largest size, repeat the steps, and make the next circle of petals smaller from the spoons. The center of the lotus is made from very small or cropped large spoons, and the middle is covered with paper stamens and pestles. Such flowers float on the water like real water lilies.

flowers from plastic bottles for beginners

Plastic is a very soft and comfortable material for creativity. Flowers from plastic bottles for beginners are a great option to try yourself in new needlework. There are no clear rules and restrictions for working with plastic. All that is required to work is a large amount of material, scissors, a lighter, glue and a lot of imagination.

Classic cotton pads

When talking about flowers, the first association of most of us is roses. Make a beautiful bouquet of flowers from cotton pads quickly and easily.

cotton pad flowers

You will need packing discs, glue, straws for drinks and green paint. Part of the discs must first be cut to the shape of the leaves and give them a green color. The tube is glued with green cotton pads.

cotton pad flowers

Blank discs are folded in the form of a rose bud and glued to the stem. To hide the place of attachment, green cotton wool leaves are attached around the bud - and the white rose is ready.

Making callas from cotton pads is even easier. Instead of collecting a lush bud, it will be enough to wrap one disk around the tube, and stick the stem from one end with yellow, not green, but cotton.

White paper flower

Making a simple white flower is the easiest way out of paper for florists. It is sold in small rolls and is very convenient for crafts and wrappers. The paper is flat and gathered around the edges, wide and in the form of ribbons of various widths. For a simple bud, you need a white corrugated paper tape and a stamen, folded from yellow paper.

white paper flower

The bottom edge of the tape should be moistened with glue, for convenience, the stamen is immediately put on a wire or other type of rod. The flower is slowly and gently twisted. You must wait until the glue starts to hold the next round of paper, and continue. The result is a very nice "chrysanthemum."

white paper flower

Such a white flower made of paper can be planted on a β€œleg” for further assembly in a bouquet, or it can be used as a decoration for gift wrapping or a hair clip.

Gifts of Autumn

You can make an autumn bouquet from improvised materials with your own hands from fallen leaves. Such roses will look original, and a colorless protective varnish-spray will help preserve the original appearance of the bouquet until spring.

leaf flowers

The first preparation point is a trip to the nearest park for working material. For autumn flowers from leaves, it will take 10-15 maple leaves from yellow to crimson, scissors, a green thin ribbon of a florist and thin sticks according to the number of flowers in a bouquet. You can do all the work in the park on a bench.

Step by step instructions for the autumn bouquet

So, breathing in the autumn freshness and collecting all the required material, it is worth finding a quiet place to work.

leaf flowers

Leaves may be the same, but it is better to find different in size. The main thing is that they all be whole and dry. You need to start the bud with small leaves. You need to bend them carefully, the leaves are not paper and do not require clear lines.

do-it-yourself autumn bouquet from improvised materials

The core is folded like a pyramid, which all other leaves will bend around in a circle. Twigs do not need to be cut off, they will be required to attach the bud to the stem. Assembly must be carried out tightly and held throughout the process, otherwise the leaves will unfold.

do-it-yourself autumn bouquet from improvised materials

The finished bud for the twigs from the leaves is wound with a ribbon to a small stick. For a beautiful autumn bouquet of improvised materials with your own hands you will need at least five roses.

Colorful poppies

Floral paper is a unique material. With its help, you can create flowers in beauty in no way inferior to the present. Here is a bouquet of poppies can be made of colorful paper for florists. To make such a bouquet from improvised materials with your own hands will be much more difficult. Each flower will take from 5 to 10 minutes of time.

do-it-yourself bouquet of materials at hand

Where to begin?

For poppies you need paper for florists with at least four colors: yellow, orange, green and one of the red shades. Several spray cans to create a gradient on the petals. Dry paint and sponge for drawing on paper. Scissors, glue, flexible wire and small wooden beads according to the number of colors.

do-it-yourself bouquet of materials at hand

Step-by-step instructions for creating a bouquet of poppies

The core of the flower is folded from a strip of yellow paper. First, a narrow strip is cut out, then it is twisted from one end and straightened from the other. In more detail, the process of work at this stage can be seen in the photo below.

do-it-yourself bouquet of materials at hand

Then the pestle is threaded into a wooden bead and strung on a wire. In order for the bead to fit tightly on the flower stem, a small piece of paper soaked in glue is inserted into the gap between them. The wire is wrapped with a ribbon of florists, and the bead and part of the finished rod are glued with green paper.

do-it-yourself bouquet of materials at hand

There are as many such blanks as there are poppies in the bouquet. It is better to do the work not separately for each flower, but in stages. This will greatly simplify the assembly and painting of the petals.

Another property of floor paper is its ability to stretch. For the next step, you need to cut several strips of yellow paper according to the number of blanks. The strips are stretched about twice and bent in half. Frequent fringe is made along the edge of one half of the sheet, the second edge is cut diagonally. The photo below shows the progress.

do-it-yourself bouquet of materials at hand

The bottom half of the yellow sheet is well lubricated with glue and wrapped around the workpiece, starting from the long end. Orange paper is cut into small strips. The yellow fringe must be spread and gently dipped first in glue, then in orange powder. As a result, the flower blank will look like in the photo below.

do-it-yourself bouquet of materials at hand

Next, you need to cut 8-10 rectangular strips of red paper for each poppy. Using a sponge and dry paint or spray cans, each leaf is painted or a gradient is created. It is necessary to wait until the paint dries. Each leaf must be folded with a small accordion, carefully twisted into a tourniquet and straightened, preserving the folds. On the one hand, the leaves are greased with glue and collected like a fan. The glued tip can be cut diagonally for convenience.

do-it-yourself bouquet of materials at hand

Then it remains only to collect the petals on the workpiece with glue. You can save a certain shade in the bud, or you can mix the petals and make the poppies completely implausible. It is worth considering that in such works noble pastel colors look beneficial.

do-it-yourself bouquet of materials at hand

The described methods and working methods are enough to make a bouquet of beautiful tiger lilies from improvised materials with your own hands. Petals of such colors are even easier to perform than poppies, and an ordinary brush is suitable for creating a pattern.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20295/

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