Classification and characterization of teaching methods

Using various teaching methods, the teacher transfers knowledge to his students. At the same time, a good teacher always strives to get the best results. A prerequisite for this is a combination of different teaching methods. The most traditional of them can be used simultaneously with non-traditional.

A bit of history

In the literal sense, the word "method" means "the path to something." It is a way of understanding the study of social life and natural phenomena, as well as by advancing to the truth.

The history of the creation and development of various teaching methods can be traced back to the very beginning of the emergence of human society. So, with the primitive system, children were brought up on the example of adult life. The training of the younger generation in those days was carried out using practice, visualization and word. Children watched the actions of adults, repeated them and improved. Thus, young people acquired their own life experience. And if we consider the classification of teaching methods, then on the first line of its list is precisely the imitation method as the first of those used by mankind in the history of its development.

In the future, there was a need to improve learning. This was the main reason that began to develop and use verbal methods.

With the development of human society, the information transmitted by people has become more complicated. This caused the emergence of methods, both visual and those that began to provide practical assimilation of the necessary knowledge.

However, over time, some of them became ineffective for achieving higher goals in gaining knowledge. Because of this, there was a need for their complex application, which was the main reason for the need for analysis, systematization and classification of all available teaching methods.

Method Groups

Both in world and in domestic practice, various authors use their own classification of teaching methods. The basis of such a distribution is either one or several features that are characteristic of the educational process. Consider the most popular of them.

teacher shows children the text

So, there is a classification of teaching methods according to the nature of perception and the source of information transfer. At the same time, they distinguish:

  1. Active perception. Considering the characteristics of the teaching methods of this group, it can be noted that they represent work with visual sources or with a book, as well as laboratory research.
  2. Passive perception. Using this method, students watch or listen to the teacher’s story or explanation.

They also single out a group of teaching methods based on solving didactic problems. The basis of such a classification is a certain sequence in the development of material at a particular stage of training:

  • knowledge acquisition;
  • mastering skills and the formation of skills;
  • application of acquired knowledge;
  • creation;
  • consolidation of skills;
  • verification of knowledge.

There is also a classification of teaching methods based on those tools that are used to transmit information, as well as to obtain knowledge. At the same time, such methods are distinguished:

  1. Verbal. It is a living word of a teacher or work with a book.
  2. Practical. The use of this method implies experiment, observation, exercises and other types of studying the surrounding reality.

A classification has also been developed according to the type of cognitive activity, the nature of which indicates the degree of independence of students. In this case, the following methods are distinguished:

  • informational and reproductive (explanatory and illustrative);
  • reproductive, located within the boundaries of creativity and skill;
  • heuristic or partially search;
  • research.

The following classification contains not only teaching methods, but also teaching methods. This includes such ways of gaining knowledge:

  • teaching methods: instructive, explanatory and informative;
  • teaching methods: search, partially search, productive and practical, reproductive and executive.

For the implementation and organization of the educational process, all methods are divided into three groups. The first of them includes methods necessary for the implementation of educational activities, namely:

  • verbal (conversation, seminar, lectures, story);
  • practical (labor activities, laboratory experiments, exercises);
  • problem-searching and reproductive (from general to particular and from particular to general);
  • independent work or under the guidance of a teacher.

The second group of such methods includes those that allow you to stimulate and motivate educational and cognitive activities, interest in learning, as well as responsibility and duty in obtaining knowledge.

The third group includes methods of self-control and control over the effectiveness of educational activities. They are also very different. This is oral, written, as well as laboratory and practical self-monitoring and control.

Some researchers have classified existing teaching methods, which are considered from the point of view of the unity of sources of knowledge, the level of independence and cognitive activity of students, taking into account the logical way of modeling the educational process.

Group the methods of knowledge transfer and depending on the available forms of cooperation. Such teaching methods are:

  • monological (demonstration, story, lecture);
  • collective, group and individual;
  • dialogical (conversations).

There is also a classification of methods involving knowledge in two ways:

  • artificial (school);
  • natural (occasional).

The teaching and search method of training can correspond to such methods.

The list of the above classifications is not exhaustive. It would be possible to add another 2-3 dozens of different groupings of teaching methods to this list, in which the most diverse signs of the educational process are used. However, it is worth noting that there is no and cannot be a universal classification. The fact is that any educational process is a dynamic design. In this regard, any pedagogical activity is aimed at the constant development of knowledge transfer methods. That is why the unification of methods in groups according to some rigid scheme is a deterrent to the improvement of the educational process. At each of the stages of training, some of them occupy a dominant position, while the second occupy a subordinate position, making it possible to more or less solve pedagogical problems.

We will study in more detail the characteristics of the methods and forms of training that are currently used in the education system.

Verbal ways

Consider the characteristics of teaching methods, which include conversation, lecture, story, etc. In the process of their use, the teacher explains and sets out the teaching material using the word. At the same time, students perceive and then acquire knowledge through listening.


What idea can we get about this method of knowledge transfer based on the characteristics of teaching methods of this type? Under the story understand the oral narrative, in the process of which the teacher sets out educational material. However, his speech is not interrupted by questions to the students.

There are several types of stories. So, they can be: introduction, statement or conclusion. The purpose of the first of these types of stories is to prepare children for the perception of new educational knowledge. In addition, sometimes another method is used for entry, for example, conversation. This type of story is distinguished by its emotional presentation, brightness and brevity. All this allows students to arouse interest in a new topic, as well as stimulate the desire to actively absorb it. When conducting such a story, the teacher informs the students about the main tasks of their activity in the lesson.

emotional story

The following is a summary. The characteristic of verbal teaching methods of this type makes it possible to understand that this kind of story is necessary for the teacher to present a new topic. Moreover, the explanation of the material is carried out in a clear sequence and according to a previously prepared plan. In the story, the teacher is important to isolate the essential and most important, using compelling examples and illustrations.

The teacher makes conclusions and generalizations of the new material at the end of the lesson. To do this, he uses a story-conclusion. At the same time, students receive a task for independent work on the topic outlined in the lesson.

A teacher using the storytelling technique uses techniques such as activation of attention and acceleration of memorization, summary and emphasis.

Apply oral presentation of the topic and with distance learning. In this case, the speech capabilities of the computer are used. The story is sometimes replaced by audio recordings. This method is also very effective for the educational process.


We continue to consider the characteristics of the main teaching methods from the verbal group. One of them is a lecture. This method involves the teacher presenting the teaching material orally. At the same time, the amount of knowledge transferred is characterized by a large capacity. Also, the lecture differs from the story by the complexity in constructing images, generalizations, evidence, etc.

This verbal method of transferring knowledge takes, as a rule, the whole lesson. Students listen to the story only during one part of the lesson.

The lecture will be held with maximum efficiency, if the teacher clearly thinks out and summarizes her plan in advance, and also can build a consistent and logically clear presentation of all its points, making the corresponding conclusions at the end of each section. An equally important task of the teacher is to ensure accessibility, clarity of presentation, as well as clarification of terms, examples and illustrations. The prepared text should be read at a pace so that listeners have the opportunity to summarize what has been said.

teacher at the blackboard

Considering the characteristics of modern teaching methods, it becomes obvious that the lecture can be carried out using audio recordings, video equipment and satellite television.


When considering the characteristics of verbal teaching methods, this is distinguished by the possibility of a teacher talking with students. In this case, the teacher organizes the conversation, using a carefully thought-out system of questions. They should gradually bring students to the assimilation of new patterns and concepts. However, it should be borne in mind that the questions prepared for the conversation should be quite capacious. This will ensure a holistic perception of the material. With too much fragmentation of the topic into questions, its logical integrity will be destroyed. At the same time, if they are too large, then they will become unavailable for discussion of trainees. Questions should be structured so that the answers to them are not monosyllabic.

It is possible to conduct such conversations, during which students will remember what they have learned before, systematize and generalize it. At the same time, they will draw certain conclusions, search for new examples of using the phenomenon under study in life. The characteristics of teaching methods using conversations of this type make it possible to say that they are explanatory in nature. As a teacher, conversations are used, as a rule, to operate on previously acquired material. They are needed to activate the memory of students.

At the same time, conversations can be held that involve the search for possible answers by the children themselves, but under the guidance of a teacher. The application of this method is also possible with distance learning.

Visual Ways

We continue to consider the characteristics of the main teaching methods. The next ones are visual methods. They are considered effective enough for students to gain knowledge who have a visual perception of reality.

The characteristic of visual teaching methods gives grounds to assert that they allow to achieve a large developmental, educational and educational effect. At the same time, the abstract thinking of schoolchildren develops.

Among the features of the characteristic of visual teaching methods, the moment stands out that these methods are combined to one degree or another with verbal ones. Their close relationship follows from the unity of practice, living contemplation and abstract thinking in the knowledge of objective reality. This is also confirmed by the teachings of I.P. Pavlov. A person's perception of information through a signaling system should organically merge with the verbal presentation of material.

children are pulling a hand

Consideration of the general characteristics of teaching methods of a visual type allows us to subdivide them into two large groups - illustrations and demonstrations. What is the first one? It involves the teacher showing portraits of scientists, paintings, sketches on the blackboard, posters and various manuals.

The use of the demonstration method is usually associated with the demonstration of experiments and devices, technical installations, as well as various preparations. Similar methods include showing filmstrips and movies.

Speaking about the classification of teaching methods and their characteristics, it is worth noting that the distinction between funds for demonstration and illustrative teaching practice has developed historically. At the same time, the probability of classifying the same tools as one or another group is not excluded.

When using visual methods, the teacher needs to pay attention to the following techniques: ensuring the best possible visibility, discussing the results of observations, etc.

To date, in pedagogical practice, a number of the latest visual aids are used. So, geographically created maps that are distinguished by a bright design and plastic coating. Students are offered albums of illustrations on literature and history, etc. In practice, RETI codoscopes and devices are used, which allow the teacher to demonstrate drawings, diagrams, and drawings without dimming the class in the daytime. At lessons, sketching on sheets of whatman paper, made using wide felt-tip pens, can also be applied. Such an image allows you to reveal the dynamics of the phenomenon under study with a gradual illustration of all its stages.

Classes in many schools are equipped with daytime cinema screens. The apparatus in this case is installed in the laboratory room, and the film is shown on the frosted glass located above the blackboard.

Practical ways

Let us briefly consider the characteristics of the teaching methods that are used for children to learn about reality, as well as for the formation of their skills and abilities to deepen their knowledge. These are practical methods involving the use of such techniques:

  • job scheduling;
  • operational incentives;
  • setting goals;
  • testing results;
  • control and adjustment;
  • identification and subsequent analysis of errors.

The characteristics of the teaching methods and techniques described above allow us to conclude that they are most effective when used together. That is why visual, verbal and practical methods are present at the lesson, as a rule, always. Consider the last of them.

Practical training methods are divided into:

  • exercises;
  • laboratory works;
  • games;
  • practical work.


If someone is asked to characterize teaching methods, then when telling about this type of work it is worth explaining that this is a cyclical and systematic implementation of certain actions in order to master them and improve their quality. Similar tasks are used by teachers at all stages of the educational process and in the study of any subject.

children perform tasks

When considering the general characteristics of teaching methods in the form of exercises, it becomes clear that they are all divided into three groups:

  1. Oral. A large role is played by such tasks in the study of languages. They help students to master the culture and technique of reading, storytelling, oral counting, logical presentation of information, etc. Gradually, oral exercises become more complicated. The main role is played by age, as well as the level of development of students.
  2. Written. These types of exercises include spelling, grammar and stylistic dictations, notes, essays, description of experiments and problem solving. Based on the characteristics of the methods of the learning process, it becomes clear that written exercises are the basis of the entire educational process. , .
  3. Graphic. , , , . , , , .

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The characteristics of the training and education methods of a practical type make it possible to single out the following stages in their process:

  1. Introducing students to the theory of the issue. At the same time, the teacher introduces the material, instructs and shows an example of how to complete the work, controlling, checking and evaluating the task.
  2. Practical work. It is performed, as a rule, already after large thematic sections have been studied. Practical work is generalizing in nature and can be performed both within the classroom and beyond (for example, on a site near the school).

Producing a pedagogical characterization of teaching methods, many teachers note that such tasks contribute to the formation of economics, industriousness and thrift in children. At the same time, students are aware of the goal of future work, delve into the task and choose their own solutions by preparing tools, materials, and controlling the quality of the actions taken.

Cognitive games

The creation of situations simulating the surrounding reality is referred to as active teaching methods. The characteristic of such a process allows us to say that the main task of any game is to find students a way out of this situation. Such actions can enhance the stimulation of the cognitive process.

By playing, students develop the ability to think and concentrate on their own. They have a desire to learn new things. Children are so addicted that they don’t even notice that they are learning. They develop their imagination and replenish the existing stock of knowledge. Even the most passive and weak children play with pleasure. At the same time, they are making every effort not to let their comrades down.

The characteristic of active teaching methods in the form of a game allows us to make an unambiguous conclusion that a similar way of acquiring knowledge creates a good psychological attitude among students and forms a positive attitude towards the proposed activity. Children repeat the material in a fun and varied way.

Currently, in pedagogy, simulation games are widely used. They offer students to reproduce a particular quality. Methods such as dramatization and the generation of thoughts are also used. In the first case, schoolchildren show a theatrical performance prepared in advance by them or conduct a dialogue on a topic set by the teacher. In the process of generation, children activate their thoughts, which allows them to successfully solve the task.

Online learning

Such ways of gaining knowledge are based on such principles of interaction as “teacher - student”, as well as “student - student”. What is the characteristic of interactive teaching methods? When applied to the process of acquiring children's knowledge, it is not only the teacher that attracts them. Students themselves interact with each other, influencing the motivation of their comrades. In this case, the teacher is assigned the role of assistant. It is designed to create the necessary conditions for children's initiative.

children read books

Among the methods of interactive learning are:

  1. Brainstorm. In the flow of questions, answers, assumptions and ideas, students answer on a given topic. After a brainstorming session, an analysis of the correctness or incorrectness of the responses is performed.
  2. Clusters, puzzles, comparative charts. In this case, students are looking for keywords, as well as trying to solve problems on a given mini-topic.
  3. Lesson using video and audio materials.
  4. Round table with debates and discussions. This is a group view of the interactive method, involving a collective discussion of the problem proposed by the teacher with a joint search for a solution.

The interactive method is used to teach children how to independently analyze and search for information. At the same time, students begin to work in a team, respecting the opinions of others and showing tolerance to the point of view of a friend. In addition, children learn to form their point of view, based on certain facts.


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