Knitting tunics for women: a step-by-step master class

Knitwear has not lost its relevance for many years. And now they are especially popular. Moreover, people not only want to keep warm, but also look really impressive at the same time. Therefore, many, mostly young ladies, prefer to independently implement the option they like in life. But not everyone knows what stages this process consists of.

For this reason, we have prepared detailed instructions. In which we will tell how to knit tunics for women with knitting needles.

Design development

we knit a tunic with knitting needles

Before you start work, you should carefully consider what in the end you want to get. And this is not only about the type of wardrobe item. But also about its style, color, pattern, decor elements and other details. People with imagination can draw the desired option, others can find the right model in the store. The main thing is to take into account your skills and abilities. Novice masters should not take up the complex version of the tunic. It is better to beat the idea with color or unusual yarn.

Preparation of tools and materials

The next step, preceding knitting tunics for women, involves the preparation of knitting threads. And you need to start with them. Choose the appropriate density and thickness of the yarn. After all, a tunic can be not only summer, but also winter, insulated. Which option is needed is up to you. You just need not make a mistake when buying yarn.

After pick up the knitting needles. For work more suitable ring metal, you can also use plastic. But if the needlewoman tightens the loops too much, it is more reasonable to consider those that are made of wood. Moreover, knitting with a needle for a woman's tunic with a pattern, a complex pattern is best done with tools equal to the thickness of the thread. But fashionable chain mail should be performed by those that are two to three times larger in diameter.

Taking measurements

how to knit a tunic with knitting needles

The process being studied is completely creative. That is why it brings a lot of pleasure. But for everything to go smoothly, it is important to measure the model for which the product under study is intended. Moreover, it is important to note that, if desired, it will be possible to carry out knitting of a tunic with knitting needles for obese women. You only need to arm yourself with a centimeter tape and find out the values โ€‹โ€‹of the following parameters:

  • chest circumference;
  • the intended length of the product is from the shoulder to the bottom edge;
  • armhole start point;
  • sleeve lengths - if provided.

All values โ€‹โ€‹taken must be recorded on paper. If they fly out of the head, the finished product may turn out to be larger or smaller.

Calculation of the number of loops and rows

Of course, you can start knitting tunics for women with knitting needles immediately after completing the previous stage. However, only experienced needlewomen feel the pattern, threads, knitting needles and easily compare them with the parameters taken. For beginners, it is better to calculate everything in advance, so that later you simply plunge into creativity with your head.

knitting tunic step by step

To do this, prepare a square sample of your favorite pattern. Since we are knitting a tunic, a fragment of 10 by 10 centimeters is needed. It is also important to note that it requires the selection of knitting needles and yarn. Otherwise, the calculation will be inaccurate.

When everything is ready, count the number of loops and rows. Then divide both values โ€‹โ€‹by 10 (sample length and width). Round the two new values โ€‹โ€‹to the nearest integer. And after the loops contained in 1 cm, multiply by the horizontal parameters of the model, and the rows by vertical.

Having finished, feel free to start studying the description of knitting tunics for women with knitting needles. We offer it further.

How to make an idea a reality

knitting tunics with needles step by step

So, let's get to work:

  1. First of all, we put on the knitting needles loops, the total number of which is equal to the circumference of the chest. If you want to make a free tunic, you can add 7-10 pieces.
  2. Then we close the row in the ring, simply starting the second row from the opposite end, and not returning back.
  3. We knit in a circle over the number of rows equal to the distance from the lower edge of the product to the point of the beginning of the armhole (axilla).
  4. After we divide the resulting "pipe" into two equal parts - in front and back.
  5. Next, we will knit each separately. At the same time, you do not have to fill out an armhole or a goal line. It is only necessary to tie both parts to the end and close the loops in the usual way.
  6. Then take a needle with a thread of a suitable color, turn the thing inside out and sew up the shoulders. Turn back.
  7. This can be completed. Or to supplement the product with sleeves, stretching the loops along the armhole line and tying the details to the desired length.

If you want to knit a fashionable tunic for women, you need to diversify the finished wardrobe with your favorite decor items. It can be beads or beads, various applications from fabric, embroidery. Crochet needlewomen will not be difficult to prepare various flowers, leaves, animals or other knitted ornaments. And then sew them to the tunic.

Thus, to realize any, even the most daring, idea will not be the slightest labor. The main thing is not to be afraid to try and at first follow the instructions.


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