Gas drill for earthworks: description, instruction manual, reviews

Drilling technology remains in demand in the age of high technology. The mechanical formation of holes and wells is characterized by ease of execution, efficiency and low energy consumption. Of course, not in every case it is possible to do only with manual force and expect to complete the operation in two to three hours. However, if we are talking about small-scale events, then the gas drill for earthworks will allow you to perform tasks with minimal cost. The market presents mechanisms with different characteristics and operational capabilities.

Tool device

earthwork drill

The basis of any design of this type is auger drill. The lower part of the functional organ has a trigger tip and a special knife, which goes into a spiral auger. The gas drill for earthworks is driven by an engine, which also occupies an important place in the structure. As a rule, the power unit is a two-stroke engine, due to which the screw is rotated and deepened into the earthen cover.

Since the process of drilling operations involves the extraction of waste soil to the surface, special devices are also provided for its convenient delivery. Management is carried out by means of levers. So, if drilling under piles is performed, the operator will be able to ensure accurate well formation using the buttons of the mass switch, reverse and accelerator.

Features of a gasoline motor drill

motor drills prices

In this case, a gas drill is considered, but there are also electric, diesel and battery packs of this type. Therefore, it is important to initially have an idea about the features of models running on gasoline. Usually these are screw devices connected to a motor drive. The user must take into account that the earthen gas drill gives exhaust emissions and makes a lot of noise during operation. Also, its design is distinguished by its large weight and dimensions. However, according to these indicators, this tool can not be compared with diesel counterparts.

If we talk about the advantages, then gasoline models provide good power returns and, consequently, high performance. This is the best option if you plan regular operation away from the mains. True, depending on the technical design, the gas drill for earthwork can consume considerable amounts of fuel, so fuel should be stocked in advance.

User's manual

pile drilling

First of all, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with safety precautions. During operation, working elements must not be touched, since the unit is controlled only through the handles provided for this. In advance, it is necessary to calculate and compare the work parameters with the technical capabilities of the tool. For example, if it is planned to drill under piles with a diameter of 200 mm, then the screw must also have the appropriate dimensions. If the mass of the unit exceeds 10 kg, then at least two people should handle it. This will allow you to perform quality work without overvoltage. Before the operation, inspect the soil. It should be borne in mind that wood roots and stones can damage the tool blades, therefore, it is necessary to clear the area from such elements. When the work is completed, the motor-drill should be disassembled, drained of fuel and left in storage in a dry room.

Criterias of choice

earthen gas drill

One of the main parameters of this tool is the diameter of the tool. For private needs, as well as during gardening and summer cottage work, aggregates with a diameter of 200-250 mm are usually used. Models whose rigging is capable of working with 500 mm wells are classified as professional. The depth of the hole is also determined here. From the point of view of manual use, a very important characteristic is the mass that the gas drill has for earthworks. How to choose an instrument by this criterion? On the one hand, you can focus on lightweight units weighing 8-9 kg. These are convenient motor drills that one person can handle. But, on the other hand, the technical and operational characteristics of such models in most cases have minimal indicators. The best option in terms of performance is still an average tool weighing about 10-11 kg.

How much is?

Most of the models on the market have approximately the same technical parameters. Therefore, one may be surprised at the spread in prices for almost identical motor drills. Prices, in particular, range from 10 to 25 thousand rubles. Such a wide corridor, of course, is explained by technical parameters, but this is not the most important factor. The first place in the criteria for evaluating such a tool is the quality of construction and drill strength.

gas drill reviews

We should also consider the engines, which also affect the cost. By the way, devices with gasoline engines are considered the cheapest. In the budget segment, for example, you can find motor drills, the prices of which do not exceed 10 thousand rubles. Usually these are units with power output of up to 2 liters. from.

Manufacturer's Reviews

The production of drills involved in many manufacturers of building tools. The most successful models are obtained from companies such as ADA, Champion and Hitachi. The reviews confirm the high quality of the assembly of such equipment, the endurance of the working elements, ease of management and efficiency in the study of various types of soil. But, the cost of such products corresponds to quality - on average, 20-25 thousand rubles. A less demanding consumer can pay attention to the Patriot company, which produces inexpensive gas drills, reviews of which are also not without positive characteristics. In particular, for 13 thousand rubles. You can purchase a good option that can drill quality holes with a diameter of 200 mm.


earthwork drill for how to choose

Drilling equipment is mainly associated with professional and even highly specialized activities. With a greater likelihood, household devices of this type include models for the formation of ice holes. Nevertheless, a gas drill for earthworks may well fit in the private sector. Summer residents and gardeners acquire such equipment for cultivating the land and creating the same holes for seedlings. But in the construction of small buildings, this unit can come in handy. With the help of a small motorized drill, even one person will be able to build a pile foundation or organize the basis for a gazebo or shed. And this is only part of the tasks that a modern gasoline-powered earth drill is capable of performing.


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