Bead trees - schemes to help!

bead trees patterns

Bead trees, patterns of which are presented in abundance today, are usually very beautiful, unusual and elegant. Whatever breed is chosen, the result is an incomparable work that can become an adornment of any home or a wonderful gift. Of course, it takes a lot of time to make such a luxury, but the result does not disappoint.

Bead trees, the manufacturing scheme of which is about the same, always differ in "appearance", as they reflect the personality of the author. First, all branches, leaves, balls and flowers that are part of the invented composition are woven from beads. Probably, this stage is the longest and most painstaking. Well, when it's all over, it's time to start assembling. First, the stand is selected. The next step is to twist the trunk or only one branch (if it is, for example, a large bush or willow). The trunk should be quite heavy, because the crown of the bead tree weighs a lot and should not outweigh, otherwise the whole structure will simply not stand. This is especially true for strongly curved trees, because there the weight is significantly shifted along

bead trees diagram
relative to the center of the stand.

Any pattern of bead wood explains that the trunk woven from wire and cable scraps needs to be bent in the way a selected tree should bend, form branches, bends, fix all leaves, flowers, balls and the rest of the bead beauty, and then saturate with varnish.

It is best to take furniture varnish, quick-drying and transparent. It will take a lot to soak it (about five cubes), it is applied using a large syringe (ten cubes) with a thick needle (such that the varnish drips, but does not pour).

A drop of varnish is squeezed onto the branches and the trunk and smeared so that it is absorbed between the wire. It is necessary to be as careful as possible so as not to cover the stand (it can even be wrapped with cellophane) and beads.

Bead trees, the schemes of which are usually step-by-step and clear, need to be made not directly on the table, but first

wood bead pattern
having prepared the workplace, covering it with newspapers or film (otherwise the varnish will smear everything around). It’s better to put a brush next to it: so that the varnish does not pour out of the trunk, you need to have time to immediately smear it on the product. Wet crafts left for a day to dry. Thick branches should be supported with something so that they do not lose their shape.

So, the next stage, which all the bead trees go through, whose patterns can be easily found, is painting the trunk and branches. Any paint is chosen to taste, and smeared with a brush. In this case, the paint should not drip from the brush (it is better to take it from the bottom of the can, where the thick settles). When not only the trunk, but also all the branches are painted, a couple more layers of paint can be applied, and now the weave of the wire is not visible anywhere else - they are hidden under the β€œbark”. Above is applied the usual gouache of that color of the tree trunk.

Now all the trees from beads, schemes of which can also be bought at the store, are covered with the last layer of transparent varnish. At this final stage, the work is carried out with a thin brush with maximum accuracy, since nothing will be impossible to fix. Once everything is dry, the product is ready. It can be presented or left as a decoration in your own home.


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