When to plant garlic in the suburbs - choose the best time

Everyone knows about the healing properties of garlic. This aromatic vegetable was grown and revered thousands of years ago, and today has not lost its popularity. In addition to its high content of vitamins and minerals, garlic is valued for its bactericidal properties. It is extremely useful for bronchi and blood vessels, helps in the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases. But that is not all. Daily use of just a few cloves can protect you from cancer, maintain immunity, establish digestion, and heal the inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system. That is, we have enough reasons to plant this vegetable in our garden plot. We’ll talk about this in more detail today.

when to plant garlic in the suburbs


This culture is unpretentious, so it will be enough to master the primary agricultural skills, and you will never know the lack of useful root crops. And we will start today by telling you when to plant garlic in the suburbs. The middle strip of Russia has a mild climate, which greatly facilitates the task.

Pick the seeds

At first glance, there is no difference between winter and spring species. However, it was not for nothing that the breeders did this work and offered different varieties. This must be considered if you are thinking about when to plant garlic in the suburbs. In order to achieve a good result, it is important to choose the variety that will grow best in your area. They are divided into arrows, and not forming arrows. Those that give arrows are usually more hardy and winter-hardy. We’ll talk about when to plant garlic in the suburbs, but for now, stock up on the right seeds.

  • Excellent Dutch variety Messidor, fruitful and hardy, it will definitely become your favorite.
  • Violet Kharkovsky is also a well-known variety that is practically not susceptible to disease.
  • Jubilee Gribovsky is one of the oldest and most successful varieties, with a very sharp taste and high yield.

when to plant garlic in the winter near Moscow


When planting garlic in the winter near Moscow, seeds are especially carefully selected. The teeth should be about the same size, large, without damage. If at least one in the bulb has spots, traces of mold, a putrid odor exudes, then the whole head is infected, and you need to get rid of it.

It is necessary to divide the bulb into the teeth already before direct placement in the soil. Otherwise, a dry crust forms on the bottom, and the clove does not take root. However, we hurried a bit. First, the ripe head should be well dried by hanging in the shade, in a well-ventilated place. And then put in a solution of manganese for 3 minutes. After that, take out the head, and, disassembling into cloves, plant it in the prepared bed.

when they plant garlic in the winter near Moscow

Landing time

It depends on the region. That is why today we are talking about when to plant garlic in the suburbs. Winter garlic is grown from autumn, so that, having passed stratification, in the early spring cloves gave friendly sprouts. A bed on which radishes or early cabbage grew is perfect for this. This means that the crop was harvested from it no later than July, and until the end of the summer she no longer planted.

And now for the fun part. It is impossible to say exactly when to plant garlic in the winter in the suburbs. Landing in the ground should be carried out 40 days before frost. In this case, each clove will have time to develop excellent roots, but the greens will not appear anymore, since the air temperature is too low.

when to plant garlic in the suburbs in 2016

Check on the lunar calendar

And yet, how to calculate when to plant garlic in the suburbs in 2016? The optimal time for landing is from the end of September to mid-October. However, if you want to try to grow a plant from bulbs, then you need to sow them in April. Not everyone today is checked against the lunar calendar, but nobody canceled the natural cycles. Therefore, the most favorable days for planting are September 12, 19, 20, 21, 24.

If the weather is too warm, it is better to postpone the event until the next month. Then you can plant cloves on October 17, 18, 26 and 27. In this matter, the golden mean is very important: if you are late, the vegetable will not have time to take root and partially freeze in the winter, and in the opposite case it will sprout and freeze.

when to plant winter garlic in the suburbs

In dreams of a big harvest

It is with such thoughts that one needs to get down to business. I would like to note one more point. Since it is impossible to say exactly when to plant winter garlic in the suburbs, you need to focus on long-term forecasts, as well as on your observations. In fact, you need to be able to predict when and how winter will begin. If from heavy snowfalls - then everything is fine, your landings are reliably covered. But if the snow cover is very small, and frosts are only getting stronger, you need to take care of additional shelter. For this, a film is used. However, as soon as snowfall begins, remove the film, let the snow cover the ground.

Getting down to landing

First you need to dig a site to the depth of the bayonet of a shovel and level the ground well with a rake. Now you need to make shallow furrows for the subsequent landing of the teeth. It remains only to disinfect the soil. To do this, prepare a salt solution: 3 tablespoons per bucket of water.

The teeth are planted shallow, usually 1-2 cm. The maximum allowable depth is 7 cm. There is a little trick here. It is difficult to calculate with accuracy when to plant garlic in the fall. In the suburbs of Moscow, autumn can stand warm for a long time, and the gardener will always postpone planting. And suddenly, without warning, it starts to get colder. Now it’s already clear that winter is coming. If you are late for boarding and soon promise to freeze, plant the cloves to the maximum depth, so you will protect them from frost.

The distance between your cloves should be at least 8 cm. Between the rows feel free to leave 20-25 cm. After putting the cloves into the soil, be sure to mulch them with a layer of peat, at least two centimeters. You can replace it with a mixture of earth and sawdust. Such a layer will reliably protect plantings even if the earth begins with frost, and not snowfall.

when to plant garlic in the autumn near Moscow

Landing care

Winter garlic will not cause any trouble to the owner. If he managed to take root by winter, then he will tolerate the cold season perfectly and in spring will delight you with friendly shoots. If you want to protect plantings for sure, then well mulch the soil and cover it with roofing material. In the spring, before the sprouts wake up, it will be necessary to remove the covering material and slightly scrub the layer of mulch so that the sprouts make it easier to break through to the sun. Now you will need only standard care: watering, weeding and top dressing, so that at the end of summer you get a good harvest. Proper cultivation will guarantee that harvested garlic will lie until spring.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20313/

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