Knit footsteps: quick and easy

Modern women love to buy things in stores and keep a close eye on fashion. But at the same time, they do not miss the chance to please themselves or relatives with some trifles created by their own hands. In connection with the autumn cooling, knitting of footprints is gaining relevance. How to do it? What is needed for this? How many spokes will be in the work? Find out the answers to these questions from the article.

Decide on the main stages of knitting

When the legs of the house are warm, the mood rises. But if you don’t like to wear slippers, what should I do? Socks and tracks can come to the rescue. How to knit footprints so that they are both warm and comfortable?

knitting footsteps

The number of loops is determined depending on the size of the legs. On average, this is 40-60 stitches.

  1. Garter stitch need to knit three lines. Divide the resulting segment in half and mark the half. Thanks to this dash, it will be possible to track the correctness of knitting.
  2. Make a stitch loop in front of the central loop, knit one row and again make a crochet.
  3. All the while the work on the track lasts, you should try it on your foot. After all, you need to clearly know and understand what is happening with the threads and knitting needles in the hands.
  4. To make the sole, add from 5 to 10 loops on both sides. Sew 11-15 stitches from the sides.
  5. The product can be turned inside out and make one row of side loops.
  6. Now all side loops are connected in one seam.

Knitting the footsteps is over.

First way

How to make the heels with knitting needles? A description of the three methods for knitting this soft, warm slippers is given below.

two-spoke footrests

If you choose the first method, then the knitting of the footprints can begin with the heel, knitting it with the simplest, classic method. To get a straight heel canvas, you should dial on the knitting needles the number of stitches that you need. Start work on a straight canvas to the height of the heel. Now you need to form the heel along the lateral edges. To do this, you need to collect loops in advance on both knitting needles. The footsteps fit in two directions - both in the opposite and in the forward to the toe. For the upper part of the toe, the desired number of loops is dialed. Remember that a four-spoke knit is worked out.

Second way

If you choose the second method, then you need to knit the product with front stitch from the center of the heel. To get started, dial 8 stitches and knit the undersides in a circle. In each row, add one loop on the second and fourth knitting needles. Knit with an air loop. A turn must be done before the last loop on the spoke. In the same way, continue work on the first and third knitting needles and again make a turn. Add all the necessary loops until there are 13 pieces on each spoke. Now they weave a straight canvas to the toe on the third and fourth knitting needles; on other knitting needles the loops should be closed. When ten loops are gathered on the top, knitting begins in a circle. The toe is knitted in a classic way.

knitting footprints description

Third way

So, we are learning to knit the heels. The third method is knitting with facial stitch. On knitting needles, dial 33 loops and knit in two rows. Then begins the knitting of a straight fabric to a height of 11 rows. Now it’s worth forming the heel, knitting two loops together at the end and beginning of the central part. On the side edges you need to dial the loops and knit 22 rows with a smooth cloth. After dialing 11 more facial. This is necessary so that the upper part of the toe is formed. Next, knit 11 rows in a circle. When the work is brought to the limit of knitting the toe, you need to reduce the loops, after which you can insert an elastic band into the sub-eye or treat the edge with a cord.

how to knit footsteps

Knit on two knitting needles

Footprints tied without seams are considered to be convenient: during wear, nothing interferes and does not press on the fingers. Two-spoke followers fit very easily. Even beginner knitters can handle this method.

You will need a skein of yarn and two knitting needles No. 3. Patterns are not needed here, the pattern is very simple.

On the needles you need to dial 49 stitches. With an ordinary elastic band (alternate front and back) knit three rows. Then distribute the knitting as follows: knit 23 loops with an elastic band, make one crochet, one crochet, one crochet, one crochet (it should be marked with a marker - it is central), and again - one crochet, one crochet, one crochet and 23 stitches with elastic.

knitting footsteps

Knit 20 rows, and in the wrong rows knit all the loops according to the pattern. The next five rows should be tied with a garter stitch, and the sixth should only be tied to the middle. Now carry out knitting with a garter stitch, but only the middle seven stitches. At the end of each row, two loops should be made together from the front and back sides together. Knit until only seven center loops remain on the knitting needles.

To form a heel, you need to collect 14 loops on the sides of the elastic band. Continue knitting, knitting two together in each row.

When knitting the heel is finished, the loops that remain can be closed. Two-spoke followers are ready!

We examined several options for working on tracks. Now it’s become clear that knitting the footprints - not such a difficult matter. The main thing is the desire of the craftswoman. Which of the described methods she will choose for work is up to her. Remember that knitting is easy to learn. This hobby calms and also saves the family budget.


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