What breeds of cats are hypoallergenic: list, photo

Everyone knows that allergies are one of the most common pathologies today. Especially people living in large cities will agree with this statement. Substances that cause negative reactions of the body are present almost everywhere: in food, cosmetics, plants and the animal world. The hair of domestic cats is considered one of the most powerful allergens.

Why does pathology arise?

In fact, it is not the fur itself that causes the negative reaction of the body, as many people think. The cause of the development of the disease is a special compound (protein). This substance is part of sebum and saliva. It is also present on the surface of animal fur. An allergen has the ability to attach to clothing and furniture. Protein also easily penetrates the internal organs of the respiratory system. If it is inhaled by a person suffering from allergic reactions, unpleasant symptoms such as bronchospasm, severe coughing and sneezing, swelling of the mucous membrane, inflammation of the eyes, and skin rash are possible. Some believe that this disease will never allow them to become owners of a furry pet. However, this is not at all true.

Special animals

Today hypoallergenic cats are becoming very popular. What are these animals and what is their difference from other pets of this species? Specialists have long researched the question of which animals do not cause negative reactions of the human body. It is believed that females emit less allergen than cats, and adult pets are more harmful to an allergic person than cubs. In addition, it is believed that animals that have a light skin tone are the safest for people with this pathology.

However, statements of this kind are not confirmed by science. In fact, hypoallergenic cats are those whose body produces the least amount of unhealthy protein.

Cornish Rex kitten

Such varieties of pets are well suited for those who would like to purchase an animal, but are not sure whether or not to do this because of their illness. This is especially true for families with a child.

The choice

It is known that a negative reaction of the body provokes a protein that is contained in the hair of animals. However, you should not think that hypoallergenic cat breeds are only those with very short fur. There are varieties with a fairly fluffy, rich hairline. And despite this feature, they are safe and practically do not cause any symptoms of the disease.

Of course, such breeds are chosen precisely by those who suffer from allergies, but at the same time would like to purchase a representative of the cat family. The most famous animal breeds are described in the following sections.

Graceful pet

What are the most popular breeds of hypoallergenic cats? The list of the best with this property includes Balinese. This animal with a slender, graceful physique. Relatives of these cats are Siamese. The animals got their name due to the fact that they are very reminiscent of dancers from the island of Bali. They are the same graceful and harmoniously folded. However, the advantage of such a pet is not only a beautiful appearance. The animal has a wonderful character.

balinese cat

Balinese cats are always faithful to their owner, ready to show their love and emotional affection. These animals are sociable, they like to be in the spotlight. Such pets retain affectionate disposition and activity throughout their lives. Balinese cats do not like to be alone, they always miss without their owners.


This variety of pets is by far one of the most popular. Some people think that it’s difficult for animals without hair to live in cold climates. However, the problem of lack of fur is very simple to eliminate. It is necessary to choose special warm clothes for the four-legged friend. Sphinxes are hypoallergenic cats with an unusual appearance. Not everyone likes them. However, a strange appearance hides an excellent character. Sphinxes are mobile, kind, smart and smart. In addition, despite the complete absence of hair, animals of this breed have fairly good health. They quickly recover after viral pathologies, have a fairly strong immunity.

Such pets are a real find for an allergic person who dreams about a cat. Since sphinxes do not have fur, it will not penetrate the respiratory system of the host, cause irritation of the nasal mucosa, eyes and throat. It is enough to wash the skin of the pet once a week to protect itself from a substance that can accumulate on its surface.

Hairless cats

As the most famous representatives of this species, the following can be listed:

  1. Petersburg Sphinx.
  2. Donskoy.
  3. Canadian.

Petersburg Sphynx - a hypoallergenic cat without hair, is characterized by a balanced character and quick wits. Such animals value communication, spend a lot of time with their owner, sitting on his lap and purring. These pets do not require special care. In addition, these animals themselves love order and cleanliness.

Don hairless cats have been known for a long time. A kitten completely devoid of hair was born in Rostov-on-Don in the eighties of the last century. Therefore, this species was not artificially bred.

Canadian hairless cats are one of the oldest types of such animals. They are suitable even for those who experience pronounced allergy symptoms and cannot keep other pets.

Slender handsome men from the East

The homeland of these charming animals is Thailand. However, the breed received official recognition thanks to breeders from the United States. Such animals, of course, have an attractive appearance. They have a slender, graceful body, flexible and long legs, beautiful eyes of the amygdala, sharp large ears.

oriental cat

Oriental wool has a uniform color, it is short and does not need special care. In addition, pets have a wonderful character. They are smart, sociable, obey their owner, show affection for him. Such animals are easy to train, carry out the commands of the owner. Descriptions of the representatives of this hypoallergenic breed of cats (see the photo of the animal above) indicate that they are excellent companions, which also do not cause people any trouble in the form of health problems. In addition, orientals are extremely agile and inquisitive. They are never bored with them.

Javanese cat

This is another species of animal that does not cause allergies. They have a muscular, toned body. The hairline of such cats is quite light, and they have no undercoat at all.

javanese cat

The head is elongated, eyes are blue, a little slanting. The color of animals can be different: from cream-red to dark chocolate. Javanese are very smart, have an easygoing disposition. Positive feedback prevails on these hypoallergenic cats. The owners say that they are very loyal creatures who willingly communicate with people, like to play. In addition, caring for pets is not particularly difficult. Javanese love to comb her hair.

Interesting animals with curly fur

Rex is another popular species of hypoallergenic cats. In the photo of these creations their feature is clearly visible. Pet hair is short, dense and curly. There are several types of this breed.

Cornish Rex is a beautiful animal with a graceful thin body and long legs. Beasts of this variety are easy to maintain. In addition, they are very attached to their owners.

Devon Rex is another breed that is well-suited for allergy sufferers.

devon rex

Such cats have rather short, but silky and curly fur. These are incredibly loving pets who really like to communicate with their owners. Rexes brought up, will not climb to the table or mark the territory.

Siberian cat: hypoallergenic, but very fluffy

It is generally accepted that cats that do not cause negative reactions of the body have a short hairline. However, not all breeds have this characteristic feature. For example, the Siberian beauty is distinguished by magnificent, magnificent fur.

Siberian hypoallergenic cat

No one can explain why it is safe for allergy sufferers. To date, these pets are widely known both in Russia and in foreign countries. By nature, animals are balanced, have a good disposition. However, they are quite masterful. They communicate with their owners and show affection only if they themselves want it. These are some of the most hypoallergenic cats. However, this breed has its drawbacks. For example, their fine dense fur needs special care, thorough combing.


These animals were not artificially bred. Likoi are relatives of hairless sphinxes. The original appearance of cats does not attract everyone. Speaking about which cats are hypoallergenic, experts call this breed, among others. Despite the demonic appearance (large yellow eyes, smoky hair, bald patches), these animals are faithful creatures with a very kind and flexible character.

Animal care

There are many types of animals that do not cause negative reactions of the body. However, you should remember a number of important recommendations, adhering to which, you can provide yourself with additional protection against allergies. For example, it is better to purchase a small animal in a shelter, so that if necessary (if you still have health problems) he has a chance to get to other owners. Experts advise you to find out if the cat was vaccinated when the next vaccination is due.

It is recommended to wash the animal regularly, it is advisable that this procedure is performed by a person who does not suffer from allergies. It is better to bathe your pet in slightly cool water. Toys used by the cat (mice, pads and balls), as well as owners' bedding, should be cleaned from time to time. After all, wool with particles of allergens settles on these objects. The pet needs to change water daily, rinse the dishes from which he eats.

Siberian cat eats

In the apartment you need to periodically carry out wet cleaning. Another rule - a cat should not be allowed to sit on a table.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20338/

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