Walkthrough The Walking Dead The Walking Dead: Tips, Secrets

The Telltale Games studio game, released in 2012โ€“13, quickly gained popularity. Over the months, she was featured in five episodes, with an additional sixth titled "Four hundred days."

Here, the user will be able not only to engage in the extermination of waves of monsters in an incredible amount, as in similar video games. In The Walking Dead you will find yourself in the role of a kind of creator-participant. Each line and your action will form a unique storyline.

You canโ€™t just click on any phrases for faster passage. We'll have to read and answer thoughtfully, but the developers did not allocate a lot of time for reflection.

The action as such and the enormous puzzles is not expected, so focus more on the plot. And you will read some secrets to make the game more comfortable.

So, let's take a quick look at The Walking Dead.

New day

We create our own series or comics during the game. This is also helped by graphics with specific character rendering.

The first episode. The protagonist is Lee Everett, a convicted professor. He is believed to be implicated in the killing of a senator. On the way to serving his sentence, he has an accident.

Having gained freedom in this way, he meets Clementine. This is the second main character, the main character in The Walking Dead (season 2), an eight-year-old girl. By the second season, she will already be 11 years old.

So, first, Lee rides in the car. When the car has an accident, it will be necessary to break the glass and get out. Nearby lies an unloaded gun and bullet. The driver must take the keys and remove the handcuffs, then raise and load the weapon.

passing the walking dead
Shoot the guard or not - you decide. Once behind the fence, we go to the house. Inspecting the rooms, we examine the room. In the drawer of the table is a walkie-talkie, also listen to messages on the phone. When the nanny (the walking dead) attacks, quickly click the Q button, then - E. A girl will come to the rescue, who will give the protagonist a hammer.

Further we move on episodes and chapters. Remember: any word you say leads to the individual development of the plot, so everyone will have their own Walking Dead.

Thirst for help

Here you will hardly meet the undead. Basically, the plot is tied to cruelty and inhumanity in relations between people.

What awaits us in The Walking Dead, episode 2? The main characters, to which in the first part several people join. In any case, you will meet Kenny and Lilly, the rest will appear depending on your actions in the first chapter.

So, the group gets acquainted with the St. Johns family . These are farmers who surrounded their estate with an electric wall running on a gasoline generator. They suggest you stay safe.

During the game, you will learn that in this way the brothers get their food. After all, the dinner served by the good-natured hostess was cooked from the feet of your comrade, Mark.

After this discovery, everyone will be in the refrigerator, from where Clementine will be saved. She will make her way through the ventilation and open the door.

Having dealt with the cannibals, you will go through the forest to the motel. Find batteries in an abandoned car. With their help, you can view the recordings on the camcorder.
At the end of the story line of The Walking Dead, episode 2, you'll find out that the bandits are about to attack the motel.

the walking dead 2

Long way

Do you remember we create our own series? There is a development of relations. In the first two chapters, Lee Everett created connections with other members of the group, now it's time to check friends for sincerity.

The difference between the end of The Walking Dead (episode 2) and the present is seven days. Here, our characters will have to solve more complex problems, and the former professor will have to make tough decisions.

Everything will be tied up in the theft of drugs with opium. Lee will do his best for the survival of the group.

Looking for the missing supplies, you will stumble upon gangsters. The strongest will survive! But in the process of shooting, a crowd of zombies converges to sounds. With Kenny's help, your team manages to save, but there is a murder in the van.

Throw Lilly to fate? Who will kill Duck who is terminally ill? Is it possible to stop Kate's suicide? This is only part of the issues that you will encounter in The Walking Dead 3. In addition, members of the thinned group of survivors will be replaced by new ones. Chuck, Omid and Krista will help you deal with the train. After all, the town of Savannah awaits further travelers, and the van stole Lilly.

By the way, approaching your destination, you will hear a conversation on Clementine's radio. It is still not broken.

Around every corner

In this chapter, the player will have to act more than watch videos. The fourth part of our series will be more active and more mechanical. Instead of twisting the plot, everything is built on the intriguing expectation of The Walking Dead 5.

Criticized this video game is rated lower than the previous ones, which, however, does not make it very ordinary. The "stealth" style and active actions will give a peculiar sharpness.

Here, all tasks for a while will be solved easily. For example, the battery will need to quickly unscrew both terminals, hop onto the truck and catch Molly by the arm. Do not be discouraged if the first time fails. No save needed - the game will simply return you to the beginning of the scene that you failed.

The buttons you need are W (forward), S (reverse), Q and E (action). With the E key, we complete the series of taps from Q. For the joystick, it looks as follows (see photo).

the walking dead season 2
According to the plot, a group of survivors is in the town of Savannah. Passing The Walking Dead, if you notice, does not interrupt from chapter to chapter. The Crawford company operates here. These are cruel people whose sole purpose is salvation.

At any cost

When you go to inspect the boats (of which, by the way, none are suitable for use), get acquainted with Molly. She will tell everything about the city. After a sudden shot, you have to escape from the crowd of the walking dead. Lee Everett will go down the sewer, where he will find the corpse of Chuck, a homeless man who came with you to the city by train.

Clementine, as usual, gives hope to the group. In Walking Dead Season 2, Episode 1-5, we will make sure that the girl is the luckiest and most prepared of all the participants. She finds a boat in the barn, but you wonโ€™t get her. We have to cooperate with a group of exiles from Crawford to get fuel and batteries. In addition, one of ours needed antibiotics.

The plot begins to spin at the end of the game. Ben, one of your group, during an outing, admits that he is the source of all the problems that fell to the team. Since Crawford's territory is filled with the dead, it's time to choose: get rid of him or forgive.

At the end of the chapter, Vernon, one of the exiles, wants to take Clementine to his place. The next morning, after this statement, it disappears, you, that is, Lee Everett, are bitten by zombies, and the group will have to decide whether they are with you or on their own. This will be influenced by your decisions in the past.

The passage of The Walking Dead in this episode catches the ending. Will the next part be able to recover and save the girl?

Time is running out

The final chapter of the storyline. The main character expects death, but you need to do a lot. Will you be in time on time?

So, in The Walking Dead (season 5) you have to make difficult and difficult decisions. The dying hero is subject to the only dream - to save the child at all costs. You will have to act rectilinearly and quickly.

Among other things, lovers of epic in this part awaits the most ambitious battle with the participation of a huge number of walking dead. Or you can turn on stealth mode and sneak. The choice is yours.

the walking dead season 5
Events will develop as follows. After talking with the kidnapper, Lee finds out that a group of exiles from Crawford stole a boat. There is nothing left but to rush away from the approaching zombies in a hurry.

Depending on the actions in the previous chapter, the composition of your group will change. And incidents during the escape are also presented in several versions.

In any case, the hotel will have to split up. Lee will need to go through a street full of the walking dead. At the hotel, he will meet a friend from the second part, who stole all the supplies. Fate did not spare him for this crime. However, he believes that his act saves the girl from a cruel guardian.

With the help of Clementine, Lee gets rid of the kidnapper.

What follows is the most intense scene in the game. Everett is infected, salvation is nowhere to wait. The baby will have to decide: kill him or just leave him to his own devices. In parting, the professor greases her with the insides of a carrion so that the zombies do not smell her. Next, the girl acts alone.

In the crowd of walking corpses, she will see her own parents, and when she leaves the city, she will notice two figures approaching in the field. Enemies or friends?
On such a tragic note ends the epic of Professor Lee Everett and Clementine.

Not surprisingly, after The Walking Dead Season 5, the next part is no longer a sequel. What to add to such a finale?

400 days

In the sixth chapter, we will be able to trace the entire path of development of the epidemic of the walking dead. It consists of five parts that can be played in any order. It will remain unchanged that all the events, words and decisions of previous episodes affect the reality of this world. Again, you have to think about actions, just as in The Walking Dead 2, they all will matter.

Here you will have to play not one hero, as in previous cases, but six. Different facets of one incident, different fates that are united by one highway in Georgia ...

Russell and Vince, Bonnie and Shel with her sister, the black woman Tavia. Differences in age, gender, race. However, everything merged into one plot. And the general outcome of the game will depend on what decisions each character makes.

the walking dead episode 2
The heroes will agree to join the group of survivors or not (at the invitation of Tavia), we will decide by our actions in the process of the sixth episode.

Secrets of the first part

Try to act calmly during the passage of the game. Your goal is the survival of the group. But Lee Everett sees the rescue of the girl Clementine and, if possible, herself as a priority. Do not rashly get rid of the characters. Believe me, many of them in the following chapters will come in handy and will save your life more than once.

The walking dead: season 2

The game was released in late 2013 - 2014. Episodes appeared every couple of months. In total, five parts were predicted.

The protagonist is eleven-year-old Clementine. After she broke up with Lee Everett, about a year and a half passed.

The mechanics and solutions are built on a Point-to-Click system, role-playing adventure game. That is, all the skills acquired in the first part in character management are useful here.

In the process of passing you will meet characters from the sixth episode of the first part. However, each of them can be different, since The Walking Dead 2 focuses on the preservation of the early chapters.

Tips for a comfortable ride

Telltale has stunningly brought to life a game in which the โ€œhackneyedโ€ zombie theme finds an unexpected solution. Here you do not need to shred the corpses in bundles. More hardcore situations and actions with a minimum of weapons. Shoots and leadership.

You will be surprised, but during the game everyone will write his own comic strip. Everyone has one beginning, the endings are very different.

Easter eggs

The prototype of one of the characters is Telltale employee - Doug Tobacco, in the game he is just Doug.

the walking dead episode

The site contains images of game icons. Of these, two are not involved at all.
If you delve into the sound files, you can find voice acting that is not included in the main storyline.

To date, this game is available on most devices. Windows and Machintosh, Android and iOS, PlayStation 3 and 4, Vita, Xbox 360 and One. Any of the above will be able to immerse those who wish in the world of zombie apocalypse.

the walking dead 5
This is what the action on the touch screen looks like.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20341/

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