Best Quotes About Change

Often a person lives in a state of dissatisfaction with his life. However, at the same time he does not find in himself the determination to change something. His present life seems boring, tiring. He complains to others, says that he would like to change something, but ....

changes in life

Transformations and opportunities: are they always available?

Typically, people give such a person advice in the style of a quote about change owned by Jack Welch:

"Any change brings new opportunities."

On the one hand, Welch is right, because any changes involve the discovery of new opportunities. But on the other, if each person was guided only by his desire to get rid of boredom and monotony in life, then his life would turn into continuous chaos. Not everyone does not always have the opportunity to quickly change their place of residence, change their occupation, or leave a toxic relationship. Each person in his own way evaluates the reality and the opportunities that it provides.

difficult changes

For example, in the following quote about change, Niccolo Machiavelli warns against excessive indiscretion:

There is no matter whose arrangement would be more difficult, the conduct is more dangerous, and success is more doubtful than replacing the old order with the new.

When a person begins to change something in his life, it can be extremely difficult to predict the consequences of these changes. And therefore, often before deciding to change, it is necessary to carefully weigh all the factors and opportunities. For example, there are many people who, having succumbed to a short-term desire, left work or broke off relationships. This did not lead them to paradise, but to the most pressing problems — money, loneliness, and so on.

Which people are unhappy?

The following quote about change suggests that the most unhappy people are those who shut themselves from change. These words belong to Mignon MacLaughlin:

The most unhappy people are those who are most afraid of change.

If a person in fact experiences fear of changes in his life, he can be called unhappy. There are many examples when a person consciously fencing off from the world does not accept any changes in his life. An example is thirty-forty-year-old people living with their parents because of their lack of independence.

Oddly enough, there are many such “children” in the guise of adults in our society. It is precisely about them that McLaughlin mentions in his quote about change. This phenomenon can have different reasons - a person can become locked in because of any psychological trauma, or, for example, because of an unwillingness to build his life, laziness. But this leads to one thing - a person feels completely unhappy. And the reason for this condition is already in the features of his behavior.

new life

About changes in one area

Quotes about changes in life make it possible to find out the laws that govern the process of transformation. For example, the following statement by Marshall Goldsmith will be useful to anyone interested in personal growth issues:

If you improve a specific field, other indicators will improve ... A change in one leads to a general improvement.

Goldsmith says that even if a person begins to transform any one sphere in his life, then others will inevitably change. In this case, one of the laws of "System Theory" is triggered. If one part of the system changes, then this inevitably affects the state of other parts.


The principles of systems theory work in any field - both in nature and in human life. This quote about change helps you get better. After all, if a person begins to work on improving any sphere of life, this inevitably leads to improvement in other areas. For example, playing sports, a person becomes healthier. He has more physical strength. His brain begins to work faster, new ideas appear. This leads to a general improvement in life.

Statements, aphorisms, quotes: do not be afraid of change

The following words help to recognize the need for change when it truly is a blessing. Sometimes transformations can also be wrapped up to your advantage. This is evidenced by one of the following quotes, where the author urges the listener not to hide from the wind of changes, but, on the contrary, “build a windmill”.

No need to try to change your whole life, just change your attitude towards it. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Do not be afraid of change. Most often they happen exactly at the moment when they are needed. (Confucius)

The action of even the smallest creature leads to changes in the entire universe. (Tesla)

Change breeds change. (Charles Dickens)

A person who has felt the wind of change should not build a shield from the wind, but a windmill. (Unknown author)

man by the pond

Statements about changes for the better

Quotes about changes for the better make it possible to meet the changes with optimism. Here are some of these statements:

Even in the worst of fate, there is scope for happy change. (Erasmus of Rotterdam)

Nobody can change, but everyone can become better. (E. Feuchtersleben)

If you want a change in the future, become that change in the present. (Gandhi)

These statements will be interesting both to those who cannot decide on changes, and to those who would like to inspire someone close to them. Statements about the changes can beautify your personal page in social networks or put as a status. In any case, they will remind how sometimes a person needs change.


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