How to wean a child from diapers: advice from parents and pediatricians

How to wean a child from diapers? How to teach him to go to the potty? These questions concern absolutely all young mothers. This is a rather serious topic, requiring detailed consideration and application of tricks for children that can teach a child to use a plastic "miracle" for its intended purpose.

A look at the problem through the eyes of a pediatrician

Most pediatricians agree that weaning a child from diapers before 18 months is not worth it, while others even think that the age framework for education starts from 22 to 30 months. By the age of one and a half years, the baby only forms conscious control over excretory function. To wean the baby from diapers up to 1.5 years is an extremely difficult and often useless task.

Potted baby

The popular pediatrician Komarovsky insists on his opinion that the baby should decide when the time comes to abandon the diaper in favor of the pot. Some children come to this stage in 1.5 years, while others even begin to do without diapers only by 3 years. Moreover, both options are considered the norm. And the task associated with how to wean a three-year-old child from diapers is solved much easier, because the baby already consciously perceives what is happening.

When you need to wean from a diaper

There are a number of signs by which you can determine with some accuracy whether the crumbs are ready to do without diapers:

  • the interval between urination is at least 2.5-3 hours;
  • the toddler negatively refers to a dirty diaper and tries to remove it from himself as quickly as possible;
  • the child empties the intestines and bladder at about the same time;
  • the baby crouches, bends down and stands up without assistance;
  • the baby understands when he is addressed;
  • The diaper stays dry after a nap.

If the development of the child meets the above criteria, do not immediately accustom the child to the potty. In winter, for example, there is a high risk of hypothermia, so it is better to postpone exercises to the warm season.

You should also avoid accustoming to the pot along with weaning, changing your place of residence, and other stressful situations for the baby.

Say goodbye to diapers

How to wean a child from diapers? Farewell to diapers can to some extent be called a turning point for both the baby and mother. The main thing is to take into account the individual characteristics of the child, then accustoming to the pot will not be a global problem that must be urgently addressed.

Do not worry if the baby reacts to the changes negatively or indifferently. Sooner or later, the moment will come when the pean, due to its physiological needs, will start asking for a pot. In some children, this moment comes earlier, in others - later.

The task of the parents is by no means to force the child to sit on the potty. This approach will not only not give results, but will also scare the baby, which will only complicate the further learning process. The psyche of children is very vulnerable, so the learning process should be as natural as possible.

Night sleep without diaper

If during the day the baby runs in shorts, you can start training related to the task of how to wean a child from diapers at night. But in such a difficult matter, certain rules must be observed:

  1. Listen to the baby. If the baby makes it clear that he is not ready, and all this is accompanied by whims, then it is worth postponing training for a while.
  2. Try not to give the baby drink a lot before bedtime.
  3. Before going to bed, the little one must sit on the pot for some time.
  4. Leave a night light in the room. When a child wakes up and wants to go to the toilet, he should not be afraid of anything.
  5. Every morning you need to plant a peanut on a pot, regardless of whether the baby is or not.
  6. Did the baby wake up dry? Praise him and show your sincere joy.
Potty Baby

It is worth noting that if the peanut wakes up almost constantly in a wet bed, then weaning will have to be postponed from diapers at night. It is advisable to resume training from the moment when, after waking up in the morning, the baby will have a dry diaper.

The "with a toy on a pot" method

Favorite baby toy can help get rid of diapers. But one cannot cope without fantasy, since this method is creative and more like a game with roles.

With a toy on the pot


  1. Two pots are placed on the floor.
  2. A baby sits on one, the second is a favorite toy (cat, lion cub, hare, etc.).
  3. If the kid goes about his "business" - it will be a big victory. Be sure to pat the baby and praise him. The child will receive positive emotions and will seek to repeat this action.

In order for the learning process by the technique with the toy to be successful, you can use small tricks:

  • turn on the faucet with water, when the crumbs will sit on the pot;
  • entertain the child with games or books until he goes to the toilet;
  • half an hour before the pot, the child should drink.

The procedure will be successful if the parents play a fascinating performance before the baby.

The technique of "ten tights"

In the application of this method, the main thing is the mood of the mother, because you can use the diaper only at night or on a walk.

Underwear for a shift

To apply the technique you will need:

  1. A pot on which the baby will be comfortable sitting.
  2. Ten pants with a free rubber band.

Getting started:

  1. In the morning, pantyhose is put on the child. It is important to explain to the crumbs that there is no diaper on it, and if he wants to use the toilet, you need to ask for a pot.
  2. Not to worry. At first, the baby will "walk" in panties. Do not be nervous and let the baby walk for about five minutes in wet tights. The child should feel uncomfortable.
  3. After 5-8 minutes, you can put on dry pants.

Whether such a method will help when a mother is looking for a way to wean a child from diapers per year depends only on the baby. With older children it will be easier. But, using this method, it is important to ensure that the room is warm.

The method belongs to the most effective methods and gives a guarantee that in a week the baby will begin to ask for a pot.

The disadvantage is that the child will walk wet. Firstly, it is dangerous undercooling, and secondly, it is unhygienic. And parents will get the hassle of wiping puddles and washing things.

Positive Example Method

Toddlers tend to imitate older children, especially close relatives - brothers and sisters. Following a positive example, the baby can quickly and easily learn how to use the pot for its intended purpose.

It will be especially easy for those parents whose children are already attending the kindergarten. Staring at his comrades in pots, the baby will want to repeat this action.

You can invite friends with babies who can do without diapers. Seeing the action using the pot, the baby will want to repeat the curious procedure. This is especially true for parents, puzzled by how to wean a 2-year-old child from diapers.

How to be with walks

After weaning the child to sleep in the diaper was a success, he can be accustomed to walking in shorts. Initially, you need to walk around the house. It is advisable for mom to take removable clothes (panties, tights or panties). Periodically playing on the street with the baby, you should be interested in whether he wants to use the toilet.

With a baby for a walk

Particular attention should be paid to a child who is more than 3 years old, and he suddenly began to write in panties for a walk. This phenomenon can signal health problems and requires urgent consultation with a pediatric urologist.

Moms opinion on disposable diapers

Some mothers believe that the use of diapers is a global human problem that needs to be addressed. And they even give preference to early planting, arguing that:

  1. Happy motherhood is possible without the use of diapers, and babies can be accustomed to the pot from 6 months.
  2. Diapers are made from harmful materials that are dangerous for both the baby and the environment.
Baby sleeps in panties

Each mother should individually decide on when and how to wean her baby from diapers. The opinions of doctors and young mothers very often do not coincide, and sometimes they do not at all come to a compromise.

Useful Tips for Parents

Refusing diapers is a lengthy and complex process. The material below contains the advice of experienced parents to minimize the time it takes to teach a child to a new lifestyle.

Sleep without a diaper

It is common for a baby to go to the toilet involuntarily, and young mothers are often worried about how to wean a child to sleep in a diaper at night. Do not scold the baby. Reduce your fluid intake before bedtime. To prevent the bed from getting wet, lay a diaper or oilcloth under the sheet. After some time, the little one will certainly begin to control the process of urination and will ask for a pot.

Before a day or night's sleep, be sure to plant the child on a potty, this will reduce the likelihood of involuntary urination.

Some children do not like the pot. There are special child seats for a standard toilet. Perhaps your baby is from the category of those children who will appreciate this option much more than a plastic โ€œmiracleโ€.

The above methods can help most parents in the matter of how to wean a child from diapers and learn to walk on a potty. Do not focus on only one way. To achieve the result, two or three methods should be preferred.

Do not force a child, each baby is individual, and some just need a little more time to develop a conscious reflex in favor of the pot.

Do not forget to praise the child for the desire for independence. Show your positive emotions towards him: joy, admiration, delight and pride for him. Wait for the babyโ€™s psychological readiness to give up diapers. After that, you can safely put the baby to sleep in ordinary panties or panties. Only then will it be possible to quickly wean the child from the night diaper, spending a minimum of time and nerves on this process.


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