T-92 tank in World of Tanks

Tank T-92 in the game "World of Tanks" refers to a number of premium cars that are bought for real money. Many users are interested in the capabilities of this combat vehicle, so as not to make a mistake when buying. This article discusses the main pros and cons of the model, battle tactics and other aspects. Information will help to understand what a technique is, and will also provide an opportunity to look at it from different angles.

Input data

First of all, users should find out that the T-92 tank is a separate model from the eponymous artillery vehicle. This is a light and fast car, which should be used in most cases for detecting opponents and entering the rear. It is on the basis of this fact that the main advantages with the minuses of the tank will be noted. The model is sold immediately at the eighth level, and therefore in team battles the player on it will be thrown to already experienced users on top machines in terms of pumping. It belongs to the US faction, which imposes some features. The price for it is quite high, because a full inspection of all parameters is important to any player, even an experienced one. Although the T-92 premium tank will help you earn more silver, permanent damage will significantly reduce this amount. To prevent this from happening, you must first study the features of the machine.

t 92 tank

Mobility Overview

The T-92 tank and similar models are most important to quickly move around the battlefield. Regardless of the map, conditions and the preponderance of forces, the player on this model should always go behind the scenes and maneuver there. That is why speed with other derivatives of this characteristic should be noted as a separate item. Driving forward is recorded at an average of 60-65 km / h. This is not a record figure, but it is enough to avoid fire from opponents. Reverse - 25 km / h, which is also more than many cars. Such parameters are achieved thanks to a total power of 340 horsepower, which is distributed over almost 17 tons almost 20 to 1.

The chassis of the tank rotates at 55 degrees per second, and the tower - five units less. This is quite enough to maneuver even among several enemies with shots at weak spots, but still there is no limit for this type of machine. Easy transport in the game of some models boasts a little higher performance, but this is quite enough. If the player knows well the tactics of actions on the maps and the terrain, then there will be no problems with managing. Speed ​​will be enough to carry out the main task - to detect the enemy in his own territory.

t 92 light tank

Armor and Survival

The light tank T-92 is not characterized by high levels of protection. Moreover, some places are so thin that any car can break through there. Of course, for LT, maneuverability is more important, and with this the T92 is all right, but it is also important to know about the main disadvantage. The most vulnerable point is the feed, where only 19 millimeters of armor. If they come to him from behind, then the battle can be considered over. Medium and heavy cars will quickly reduce health from a thousand to zero.

On the sides, the situation is not much better, only 25 millimeters, and on the forehead 31. The armor is such that there are no problems with breaking through, but this minus is easy to compensate for. Firstly, he has a review of 400 units, which is enough to detect an adversary who does not even understand how this happened. Secondly, with skillful handling of the machine, the disadvantages of protection are leveled out by the indicator of maneuverability. The light tank T-92 has a low-mounted turret with a circular sheet of 28 millimeters, and this is the only positive point in the defense. It can, in extreme cases, be put under attack and hope for a rebound or non-penetration. The sheltered top also reveals variations using terrain for firing on light and medium vehicles of the enemy, as well as artillery. In battle, these subtleties will feel better than in the description, but the overall picture with the reservation can be made.

World of Tank T 92


From the negative sides in the guide for the T-92 tank, we again turn to the positive, namely the size of the car. Small dimensions open up many variations on how to detect the enemy and remain invisible. Any bush can hide the transport, and while the enemies try to find it, they will lose a lot of time. The risk that somewhere nearby will be the same LT is almost zero. In addition, small dimensions, coupled with speed make it difficult to aim at the player. If you are constantly on the move, driving into the enemy’s ass or firing at the sides, you can kill a slow enemy yourself. To all this, good disguise abilities are worth adding. When even some cars are in the bush, not everyone can detect this passive light, which is so important for the Allies.

Active lumen can also be played safely, but practical skills are required. The user will have to balance on the verge of his review of 400 units and become so that other tanks could not notice you. In the "World of Tank" T-92 is exactly the case where all the positive aspects perfectly complement themselves. Maneuverability together with small dimensions and camouflage make it an ideal “firefly”. It would not make anything to drive around the rear, destroy artillery, when the rest of the forces were just unfolding on the map.

tank guide t 92

Gun and shooting abilities

From the secrecy of the T-92 in the “World of Tank” we will move on to more unpleasant moments - attacking skills. The gun model 76 MM GUN T185E1 is not characterized by high damage. At one time, penetration will carry about 150 units, which even for a light tank will be very few from the ranks of the enemy. This indicator can be compensated a little by quick reload in 4.5 seconds. Only in a narrow space, many shots cannot be fired and a quick death can occur. In such a situation, retreat is best.

If a BB is shot through, the damage index will be 175 units, and if charged with accumulative shells for real means, which are also called "gold", then there will be 210. The problem is that such shots are too expensive for this tank. Calculation of damage per minute shows that in the World of Tank T-92 LT can take 2000 health per minute. The question is, who will let him do this? On the other hand, light-duty combat vehicles should not rely on their penetrative power. They are designed to perform other tasks, but even so, the scatter of 0.38 meters for every 100 meters of distance is too much. A shot from an average distance can easily fall into a completely different place than the player expects. Proceeding from this, it will be necessary to drive up close to fight against the enemy.

Equipment installation and equipment

In the guide to the T-92 in WoT, you should definitely mention which equipment for this machine will be most profitable in battles. In fact, all modules should simply emphasize the strengths of a combat vehicle. For starters, a rammer and stabilizer, which will significantly increase shooting comfort and damage indicators. Ventilation would also fit here, but the task of a light tank is to find the enemy’s positions, and so replace it boldly with improved optics. With such a kit, dropping into the rear for the clearance of the ranks of opponents and working on vulnerable targets will be the most optimal.

Of the equipment is nothing new - a standard set with a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher and parts. It’s best to take such a package from the “premium” category, but you need to convert real money into game gold for this. Do not forget also about the training of the crew. For experienced fighters it will not be difficult to choose the best characteristics. Beginners should know that it is necessary to pump over camouflage, the review and a "bulb". Improvements for quick repairs and the “battle fraternity” will also come in handy when raiding enemy lines. After fully equipped, the T-92 tank is ready in World of Tanks ready for battle to accumulate silver, which is needed at high levels quite a lot.

wot t 92 tank guide

Tactics for battles (first option)

The characteristics of the T-92 tank encourage the player to choose a certain style of battles on any map - based on their advantages. This model has a wide type of review, with all the improvements the indicator grows, and therefore it can bring a lot of practical benefit to your team. If the battlefield is open and enemy positions are visible, then it will become easier for the vanguard to form a response tactic for victory. Disguise allows the T-92 firefly tank to make a win in absentia for a team, provided that the other players have the proper level of skills. To do this, you must initially know all the cards and choose a safe route for travel to the rear and detection.

In practice, the user will learn to slip between the rows of another team, making light for allies, including artillery. The main thing here is to balance correctly, use small dimensions for quick appearance and disappearance from radars. A speed of 60 km / h and small dimensions allow you to do this. Use the mobility potential and terrain to show the location of enemy tanks for allies as long as possible. This is the first standard type of tactic that professional LT users should ideally implement.

World of Tank T 92 Lt

Tactic number 2

It is impossible to review the T-92 tank without explaining the second type of tactic. All users understand that to go into direct clashes with such armor, which was described above, is a simple suicide. On many maps, active light with constant trips may not last long. These include locations with gorges, completely open terrain, places where it is impossible to maneuver others. Then it remains to rely on luck or use passive light. From experience, you can determine at what point the concentration of opponents will be the largest, and show their position is most important for the team. There you need to find a bush convenient for yourself and just play the role of a secretive spy. To determine such a place, calculate the amount of review and the effectiveness of its disguise, you need elementary practice with remembering all the above theoretical information.

The advantage of the T-92 is that if accidentally detected, mobility is allowed to hide from the radar, and then return to the position again. Or drive up from the other side. Even with such a passive tactic, the benefits of a firefly can be several times greater than that of a heavy combat vehicle, where the player does not understand his abilities. The second type of tactics is sometimes even more effective than the first, depending on the strategy of the enemy.

Combat capabilities

It should be said right away that the LT T-92 in the World of Tank can not compete with enemies above. At the eighth step, you can try to benefit not only light, but also damage. To do this, you must be able to competently manage your tank, as well as understand attacking abilities. The spread of 0.38 meters for each new 100 units is quite a lot and even a large view will not help to attack from a distance. At the same time, the damage per minute of almost two thousand units makes you think. The player on the T-92 only needs to drive up to the enemy at close range and start circling around him while striking. Recharging in 4.5 seconds allows you to select the most vulnerable points of the enemy on the sides and behind. It is also not worth underestimating his merits in the killing of artillery. Usually such cars are hiding somewhere on the corner of the map, where no one will go at the start. T-92 is able to go behind the lines and go unnoticed, and therefore carries a threat to all gunners. The review will help to detect the enemy, and speed and reload to shoot in less than a minute. Often this can save from a close draw when the opponent hid and does not want to fight, but it is not so easy to hide from this firefly.

T-92 tank in world of tanks


In the review of the T-92 light tank, you must first determine whether it is worth buying. Among all premium models, its price is slightly lower, but still quite large. Fans of this type of tank should definitely replenish the collection with this machine. T-92 can bring benefits in any battle, even where tenth levels rule the ball. For players unfamiliar with the mechanics of fireflies, mastering may be more problematic, but practice will yield results. You can learn to use mobility, stealth, small dimensions and quick reloading after the first ten battles. It will be more difficult to cope with the minuses and return to duty, even if a stray shell pierced your thin armor.

Despite the fact that the tank is bought for real money, it is far from ideal and even has a maximum speed in its category. At the same time, the negative and positive sides are in the maximum balance for LT. That is why in every battle with the right level of skills it will be of benefit. The machine is not suitable for those who want to inflict a lot of damage, take frags or lead the vanguard. The game on it is more subtle, but it can bring no less benefits. Each gamer must decide on their own in terms of purchase, but the tank turned out to be quite good and even quite suitable for a new experience in battles.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20531/

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