DIY ventilation in the garage: diagram, photo

If you have a car and a garage, then you need to know how to install ventilation in the garage with your own hands. The scheme of work presented in the article will eliminate errors.

The need for ventilation

DIY ventilation in the garage

If the room has poor air circulation, this will cause the accumulation of excess moisture. At the same time, air also becomes harmful to the human body. The car will also suffer from a similar microclimate. In conditions of high humidity, steel parts of the machine can quickly become rusty and fail. In winter, the evaporation of gasoline and oils, as well as dirt and snow, make the air almost breathless. Equipped ventilation in the garage with your own hands, the scheme of which must be prepared in advance, will ensure the correct air circulation. Fresh air should also enter the area of ​​the inspection pit. The volumes of air that is pumped into and out of the garage should be equivalent.

Types of ventilation

do-it-yourself ventilation in the garage

You can choose mechanical, combination or natural ventilation. The latter variety is quite simple to equip. For this, it will only be important to create a traction that passes through all the rooms. On opposite walls, holes must be made by placing them at different heights. When do-it-yourself natural ventilation in the garage is arranged, the scheme helps in the work. The hole through which air is pumped into the interior of the garage must be placed above the floor surface in 20 centimeters. Whereas the exhaust window should be located in the roof or under it.

In order to improve traction, it is necessary to connect pipes to the hole, and then ensure their output above the garage surface. The more impressive the area of ​​the room, the higher the pipe should be located. Do-it-yourself installed ventilation in the garage , a diagram of which can be made independently, shows great efficiency if two pipes are used. They must be insulated to prevent condensation in the winter. Natural ventilation is the most inexpensive and easiest way to ensure efficient air exchange.

Disadvantages of natural ventilation

do-it-yourself ventilation in the basement of the garage

If ventilation is arranged in the basement of the garage with your own hands, the scheme must be prepared in advance. However, the natural system has its drawbacks, some of which appear in winter. Thus, when condensation occurs on the pipes, ice begins to build up, which is able to reduce the opening of the hole, while the ventilation efficiency decreases. If there is heating in the garage, then the natural air exchange system may be ineffective.

Features of the arrangement of forced ventilation

DIY ventilation in the garage

If you own an underground garage, then it is necessary to install forced ventilation in it. With the help of such equipment, it is possible to ensure the intake and outflow of air. It is important to consider that the installation of such a system is quite expensive. However, the costs will be offset by positive qualities during the operation phase. The smaller the volume of the garage, the smaller the volume of air exchange equipment to be purchased. This saves money.

Do-it-yourself natural ventilation of the garage is quite simple to install, but it cannot provide heating of the air that enters. The described variant of the system, which is equipped with a heater, does not have this drawback.

The installed ventilation in the garage with your own hands for painting can be used at any time of the year, while you will not suffer from the fact that cold air enters the room. Among other things, the system contains filters, as well as fans. To extract it is necessary to install duct or exhaust fans. The first variety is most often mounted inside the duct. If you ensure the correct installation, such fans operate almost silently, and their service life is very impressive.

Installation Recommendations

do-it-yourself natural ventilation in the garage
If you install forced ventilation in the garage with your own hands, a painting scheme will allow you to carry out the work correctly. If we are talking about axial models, then they are installed directly in the wall. When purchasing such equipment, it is necessary to take into account the parameters that determine the temperature range. This indicates at what temperature the instrument can be used. It is important to have the ability to control the fan speed, as well as splash protection.

Mechanical and natural ventilation

DIY ventilation in the garage for painting

If you own a small garage, you can resort to the tandem of mechanical and natural ventilation. This allows you to ensure efficient air exchange and save on the purchase of expensive equipment. A fan can be purchased small, but it will be able to cope with its tasks. You can use a kitchen hood in the work. The planning principle of the described ventilation systems is that the air is supplied naturally, while the exhaust air passes through an opening that has a built-in fan.

Equipping a combined ventilation system, it is necessary to position the supply air inlet at the floor, while the exhaust in the ceiling. A distinctive feature of this system is the absence of dependence on the placement of mounted holes. They can be placed in any convenient place, while the levels can be different. The main rule is that you can’t install holes opposite each other. In this case, the circuit will be closed, and the flow of fresh air will be impossible. You can use such a system all year round, however, the installation of the fan must be carried out in advance of a thermally insulated duct.


If you install ventilation in the garage with your own hands (photo), you can safely use the room for painting a car. It is recommended to choose a mechanical version of the system. Otherwise, natural ventilation will not be able to provide a normal outflow of air. These recommendations should be used if you decide to provide a garage with a ventilation system.


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