Tunguska (river): description

In the far East of Russia, among its many rivers, stretching across the endless, rich in natural gifts, open spaces, there is a surprisingly clean and beautiful river Tunguska. It is the left tributary of the Amur.

It is along it that the border between the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region, respectively located on the left and right banks, passes.

General information

There is in these amazingly beautiful lands Podkamennaya Tunguska - a river representing one of the small pearls in a beautiful necklace of many natural attractions of Siberia.

The Tungus, living since ancient times on the vast territory of Eastern Siberia, in 1931 began to be called Evenki. And the fact that the Tungus lived for centuries along the banks of the Yenisei from the Arctic Ocean to the border with China, is proved by the fact that there are many rivers called Tunguska. There are seven of them.

And there are 4 more rivers, in the name of which there are adjectives characterizing them: r. The Podkamennaya Tunguska, the Upper Tunguska River and two Lower (one of them represents the old name of the Angara River). There is also a natural region in the southern zone of the Central Siberian Plateau called Tunguska. Krasnoyarsk airport also bears such a name - “Podkamennaya Tunguska”. The name "Tunguska" is quite popular.

Tunguska river

River characteristics

The length of the river is 86 kilometers, the basin area is 30.2 thousand square km. The average daily water consumption is 408 m³. The banks are very swampy, and therefore access to the river is very difficult.

Freeze-up occurs here from November to April.

The source and mouth of the river

The Tunguska, flowing along the Lower Amur Lowland, is formed by the confluence of 2 rivers: Kur and Urmi. The length of the Tunguska River is 544 kilometers from the sources of the Urmi River, and 434 kilometers from the sources of the Chur River.

A fairly vast floodplain is formed by a river, on which there are about 2 thousand lakes, which make up a total area of ​​about 80 square meters. kilometer.

The source and mouth of the Tunguska River


The Chur and Urmi rivers bring the bulk of water to Tunguska. Mostly it has rain nutrition. Within the river catchment, in winter there is usually not very much rainfall and the spring flood is not significant.

Most floods occur during the summer monsoon. At 37 kilometers from the mouth, the highest flow rate is 5100 m³ per day, the smallest is 7.3 m³ per day, and the average annual water flow rate is 380 cubic meters. m per day.

Lower Tunguska River

The width of the river. Lower Tunguska near the village of Tura reaches 390 meters. The Kochechum River, when it flows into it, is divided into two branches with a width of 340 and 380 meters, respectively. Between them a large island arose. Just below the confluence of these two rivers, the width of the Lower Tunguska reaches 520 meters.

This river is very rich in fish. In total, there are about two dozen species. The most numerous of them are taimen, perch, whitefish, grayling, peled, pike and roach (roach). The fish here is very large, for example, you can catch a pike weighing about 12 kilograms and taimen - more than 10 kilograms.

Lower Tunguska

Nature of the river

Tunguska (river) is a fast, powerful and full-flowing body of water. Its sandy crushed cliffs alternate with rocky shores. The bottom of the river is rocky, covered with coarse-grained sand and gravel. The water in it and in its tributaries is clear with a grayish-greenish tint.

The ice thickness in January reaches one meter, and ice freezing begins in early October. During the ice drift, which begins in May, huge congestion from blocks of ice occurs on the river, in connection with which there is flooding of the floodplain and the territory of some villages.

The tributary of the Lower Tunguska is a river with a very interesting and sweet name Eike. There are several tributaries with no less interesting names: Nepa, Severnaya, Ilimpeya, Teteya, Uchiami, Vivi, and many others. other

Tunguska tributary

Tour and its inhabitants

The dense forests of the northern taiga surround the village called Tura. Roads are accessible to it, accessible only for vehicles with increased cross-country ability. From other cities and regions, you can only get here by helicopter or plane from Krasnoyarsk and some cities of the region. You can get to the village by motor boat and boat from the Yenisei, having risen by water to the Lower Tunguska.

Tour is the capital of Evenkia. It often stops tourists heading north, where the Putor plateau of interest to all is located, as well as the place where the famous Tunguska meteorite fell.

Tunguska is a river that has been chosen by numerous rafting tourists. The best period for this extreme type of vacation here is considered the month of August. Moreover, all travelers with pleasure along the way are engaged in fishing, which in these places gives great pleasure.

Life in the village of Tura is largely dependent on nearby rivers. Lower Tunguska is a conductor of many goods for residents of local coastal villages and towns. Also, the inhabitants of settlements of the region move along the river.
The most popular activities for Tura residents are fishing and picking berries in the summer. They cook fish both for themselves and for sale.

There are no industrial enterprises off the river banks that, as a rule, discharge industrial effluents, which explains the presence of a huge amount of fish in the river, and large.

Upper Tunguska River

Economic value

Tunguska is a river navigable practically along its entire length. Along its waters, alloys of large volumes of forest were produced until the 1990s.

No automobile bridges were laid across Tunguska, however, there is a railway along the line - Komsomolsk-on-Amur-Volochaevka-2.

Tunguska, as noted above, is very rich in fish. In autumn, the chum salmon spawns in it.


Not only the waters of the river are rich in animals, but the vegetation along the banks is also no less diverse and magnificent. Throughout the length of the river, the banks are overgrown with unspecified dense forests of conifers. Pines, larch, spruce and Siberian cedars grow here. You can also find alder with birch, as well as mountain ash with bird cherry. The region is rich in a variety of delicious and healthy berries: black and red currants, lingonberries, cranberries, cloudberries and blueberries.

In conclusion, I would like to note that it is the Lower Tunguska that is called the famous Ugryum River: it was named by the writer Vyacheslav Shishkov in his famous novel of the same name.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20545/

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