How to choose sketches for burning

Wood burning is used to decorate surfaces. The theme for the formation of the picture can be absolutely any, the difference lies in the complexity of the implementation. Initially, it is worth preparing a sketch for burning, which is then transferred to a tree. The next stage is the actual burning process, where you need to apply all the skills of working with a burner.

What is included in the set for burning

To get to work without problems, you can buy a set for wood burning in a specialized store. A kit can consist of various items - it all depends on the level of professionalism. Kits are sold even for children, where the burner itself is adapted for the initial level and is completely safe. There are professional kits for artistic burning.

large wood burning set

A mid-range kit may contain the following items:

  • A device for burning wood of medium power.
  • Set of nozzles.
  • Sketches for burning, which are already applied on a wooden base.
  • Several frames for finished products.
  • Burner stand.

Options may be different - it all depends on the needs of the master, quality and price.

How to create a sketch on a wooden base

Sometimes there is a problem with the transfer of the sketch for burning on a wooden base. Especially if there is no talent for the artist. There are several ways to transfer a drawing to a tree. If the board in the future will be used exclusively for decorative purposes, then you can use several methods:

  • You need to print your favorite picture on the printer. Attach it with the front side to the board. Moisten a cotton pad with acetone, and firmly pressing the pattern to the base, wipe the paper from the outside. Carefully remove the sheet. The ink is printed on the tree.
  • The sketch can be transferred to the whiteboard with paper using carbon paper. Lay a carbon paper on a wooden blank, place a picture on top, and use a pen to circle each element. This will leave the basis for the burning pattern.
  • If the picture is small, then you can cover the outline of the sketch with ink and reprint it on the board. You need to work quickly, since such paint instantly dries, and carefully, so as not to lubricate the contours during reprinting.
image transfer option
  • Simple drawings can be transferred to the base with a simple pencil, which will completely overlap during the burning process.
  • A safe option is the punching technique. Attach a drawing to the base and circle all the contours with a pen. The tree will have traces left, which can then be circled in pencil.
  • A method of redrawing is suitable. Lay the drawing and the board side by side, and put the glass between them perpendicularly. Pencil outline the reflection of the picture on the workpiece.

What sketches for beginners will become relevant

If you purchase the first set for wood burning, you should pay attention to the complexity of the drawings presented in it. The level can be determined by the number and type of nozzles for the burner. At the training stage, it is better to choose simple image options.

simple sketch for burning

Which sketches for wood burning for beginners should be chosen without a doubt:

  1. Use drawings in which there is no shadow and partial shade. Elementary sketch without artistic effects.
  2. All elements of the image should be large and simple, and the lines should be smooth and accurate.
  3. It is better to use abstract images on which possible errors will not be visible.

Simple options are all, without exception, children's drawings, which can be taken from any book of fairy tales or coloring books. Pictures from magazines, sudoku crosswords and any other sources can serve as a sketch.

Most popular sketches for burning

Sometimes it’s very difficult to choose a specific sketch for burning. The reason for such confusion may be inexperience, lack of artistic taste or uncertainty about the exact themes of the future picture. A few simple tips will help you make the right choice:

  1. First, you should decide on the level of your skill. The choice of the picture according to the level of complexity will depend on this.
  2. The figure should be selected in accordance with the parameters of the tool and the types of nozzles.
  3. It is worth considering what kind of decoration the finished picture will undergo in the future.
  4. It is necessary to evaluate the dimensions of the plate on which it is planned to place the future picture.
  5. Next, you need to determine the further functional feature of the picture: decorating a single element, decorating the interior, use in the form of kitchen utensils.
  6. Choose a theme suitable for the above items.
complex burning pattern

There are the most popular options for working with wood. Especially popular are animal sketches for burning. Very actively, masters use floral and plant motifs. Abstractions and marine themes are less popular, but are still present in the works of many artists.


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