National mentality is ... The concept and examples of national mentality

Each nation is unique and inimitable. And is this not one of the reasons why we love traveling so much? We ourselves like to get a new experience, to see everything with our own eyes, and not just read on the Internet or in a magazine. And each country has its own mentality and national character. Quite often we hear these two phrases, but few people know how they differ in essence. Let's figure it out together.

General concept of mentality

In a general sense, mentality is a combination of various characteristics (mental, emotional, cultural, as well as value orientations and attitudes) that characterize a certain group, nation, people or nationality. This term appears in history, but at the moment other sciences also use it, for example, such as psychology and sociology.

national mentality is

The totality of views, assessments, values, norms of behavior and morality, mentality, religious affiliation, etc. - all this is the characteristics of a particular group of people. Mentality is a collective trait, not an individual.

The concept

National mentality is a specific lifestyle and culture inherent in a particular ethnic group of people, as well as a national system of values, views and worldview of a nation, and general character traits.

national features

Sustainability, immutability, constancy, conservatism - these are the characteristic properties of the mentality of the nation. It is difficult to influence through ideological, administrative, legal or managerial measures.


National mentality is a two-level phenomenon. The first level is genetic. For example, in the course of numerous studies, it was found that the genetic feature of Russian people is a priority in the thinking of the right hemisphere. Such thinking is characterized by creativity, sensuality. No wonder the Russian language is considered one of the richest and most beautiful languages.

mentality and national character

The second level of national mentality is the mentality acquired (or individual). The learning process, education, personal self-realization, the choice of one’s own role, the assimilation of culture, self-identification , etc., are all the formation of the second level. It is important to consider individual psychological characteristics of a person. He can accept the national characteristics of his ethnic group, or, on the contrary, can develop a critical attitude towards them.

Mentality and national character - identical concepts?

Quite often, these two phenomena are equated with each other. But this is wrong, since there are certain differences between them. First of all, the mentality is associated with mental abilities, strengths and potential, as well as worldview. There is no place for emotions.

Russian national mentality

The national character, in turn, includes a certain flavor of feelings and emotions, the lifestyle of a particular ethnic group, especially the perception of the world, the motives of actions and moral standards. The difference between a national mentality and a national character may at first seem unobvious, but it does exist.

Let's see in practice

There is no person who does not have a stereotypical opinion about any nation. The Germans are cheerful and kind, the English are modest and prim, the Americans are open and patriotic.

national mentality examples

The Russian national mentality also has its own specific features:

  1. Thanks to the period of the USSR for the public and collectivity of the Russian people. The common thing most often prevails over the personal one. Everyone was faced with the fact that the grandmother at the entrance considers it important to say how you are dressed and what she thinks about you, although no one asked her about it. But, on the other hand, caring for others is expressed in pleasant things, for example, you will always be warned that there is a traffic patrol on the road.
  2. Feelings prevail over the mind. Russian people often help others, not thinking about their own benefit, but act simply from the heart. Selfishness and selfishness in the general sense are not inherent in the Russian nation.
  3. Personal negativity. A large number of Russian people notice in themselves more shortcomings than virtues. Our people do not always calmly react if someone accidentally steps on their feet (we are talking about cases where the perpetrator apologized). On the street, people rarely smile at each other and just don't talk like that.
  4. A smile is not considered a sign of courtesy. If a Westerner smiles at you, this does not always mean that he likes you. You may be disgusted with him as much as possible, but he will smile as it is polite. Russian people smile sincerely and only to those who are really pleasant to them. A polite smile, on the contrary, causes rejection.
  5. Disputes are ours. Russian people are very fond of arguing on a variety of issues, ranging from cars and canned blanks to politics and philosophy. Moreover, this form of communication does not find its place because "truth is born in a dispute," but as a result of lively and very emotional communication.
  6. Russian people too strongly believe in good. The idea that the state is the main thing is also widespread among people. It can give, but can take. And from here follows the following national characteristics.
  7. The principle of "live and not stick out." Democracy is a young phenomenon for Russia, so many people are not yet used to the fact that they can really change something in the state in which they live.
  8. Tolerance of theft and deception. Often, due to the kindness of a Russian person, minor local violations are forgiven, but it is precisely because of such forgiveness that large offenses appear that already rattle scandalously throughout the country.
  9. Freebie and love for her. There is not much to say here. Our Russian man loves what goes simple and free.
  10. Double attitude to health. A Russian person often does not care about himself, does not go to the hospital until he is completely impatient, but he can help people with disabilities and take care of the sick. Going to work unhealthy is easy. Pity also occupies a large place within the Russian mentality - we feel sorry for dogs, cats, children, old people. But at the same time, we are not sorry for middle-aged people, who can also find themselves in difficult life situations.

What is the situation abroad?

The national mentality is insanely interesting. When you learn about other nations and their special features, you involuntarily wonder how you can live like that, because some moments can go completely contrary to your own beliefs.

formation of national mentality

The British, for example, have their own national mentality. Examples: they are very difficult to climb and highly respect privacy. This is even being built into a certain cult. The British know how to control themselves, coldly polite and proud. Joy happens or grief, equanimity will be reflected on the face. The British do not like ostentatious, prefer comfort and order. With all this, they are very friendly and always ready to help. Another British trait is the ability to distribute one's own resources to work, family, friends, and oneself. What is the national mentality of the British other than the above? Vanity is something that cannot be taken away from them. This has historically happened, and nothing can be done about it. They think the best is in the UK.

The formation of national mentality is influenced by several groups of factors. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Natural-geographical factors of influence

The dependence of national characteristics on natural and geographical conditions is called geographical determinism. The natural environment affects the mentality of the people through the influence on the way of life (steppe or forests, cold or hot climate), as well as through images of native nature imprinted in the mentality (for example, the freedom of the Mongolian peoples developed under the influence of the lack of physical boundaries of their territory).

language and national mentality

Three factors, such as geographical location, vast territory, and climate, are also singled out and explained by the example of a Russian person. The first factor of the Russian is breadth of soul, the second is hospitality and some melancholy, the third (namely long winters) is contemplation and dreaminess.

Religious factors

National mentality is largely the influence of religion. In sociology, it is believed that Islam, Western and Eastern Christianity, and Judaism influenced the formation of four major mentalities. For example, the Jewish mentality with special, dogmatically determined and enshrined millennia of national tradition attitudes of faith, thinking and will is important for Jews today. Social and political ideas, values, identity, a system of relations and a characteristic type of behavior largely determine the worldview of the Jewish nation. There is an opinion that religion was adapted to the mentality. But he did not take shape on its basis. Since in our society, due to its great diversity, there is no clear answer to this question, it will remain the subject of long future disputes.

Socio-historical factors of influence

Socio-historical factors in the formation of mentality are numerous and diverse. Therefore, we consider the most frequently mentioned among them. For example, a mixture of different peoples, as a result of which hybrid mentalities appear. Frankly, all the existing mentalities in society are hybrid, so finding a genetically pure people is simply impossible. For example, researchers talk about the influence of the Tatar-Mongols on the formation of some Russian features. For example, after the Tatar invasion, Russian people developed a tendency to robbery and rebellion, disrespect for private property. But, on the other hand, such positive qualities as persistence and the ability to endure the difficult burdens of life have developed. In general, there are three main mechanisms of the influence of interaction between peoples on their mentalities:

  • association of gene pools;
  • borrowing cultural practices;
  • the formation of national character traits necessary to counter foreign invasions and adapt to their results.

Language as a manifestation of a nation

Language and national mentality are not in vain connected. The content of the world is expressed through the quantitative meaning of words in the language, and the thinking of the people is expressed through the grammatical structure. The emotionality of speech, the predominance of nouns or verbs, the frequent use of expression enhancers - all this took shape historically. Different languages ​​have a different composition of grammatical categories, which went through historical long selection. The grammar system of the language is static and little susceptible to changes in its structure. It was created for centuries and millennia, and simply cannot but reflect the national mentality.


National mentality is inherent in every ethnic group. Distinctive features, characters of people, traditions and customs, language - all this creates the uniqueness and self-expression of each nation. During the global processes of globalization and integration, cultural exchange is increasingly taking place. And it is very important not to lose ethnic value and self-identification in its course. Because the main wealth of our world is its many peoples. And the wealth of the people is the experience of their ancestors, accumulated traditions, customs and history.


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