Beaches of Feodosia: reviews, description, rating. Rest in Feodosia

The ancient city on the Black Sea coast - Feodosia - is not only a historical monument, but also a place of pilgrimage for “beach people”. Here, from the end of the 19th century, the Russian aristocracy and intelligentsia rested. Today, the beaches of Feodosia, reviews of which are only the most enthusiastic, are again extremely sought after by Russian tourists. How to choose the best place to stay among the Feodosia variety? We will tell you in detail about the best beaches on this coast.

beaches of feodosia reviews

The geographical position of Feodosia

The city of Feodosia is located on the southeastern coast of the Crimean peninsula. It is washed by the bay of the same name, on the other hand, the city borders on the edge of the Tepe-Oba mountain range. Feodosia is located on the seashore, but its territory is poor in water resources, only the Baibuga River flows along the edge of the city, and several rivers are enclosed in pipes under the city’s bridges. Despite the proximity of the mountains, the relief of the city is flat, it is convenient to walk here, and the best beaches of Feodosia have a comfortable, gentle descent into the water.

Climate and weather

The border position of Feodosia, between the mountains and the sea, creates a special climate here: something transitional from the subtropics to the steppes. It has hot, dry summers, mild winters with possible fairly low temperatures. The average annual temperature is plus 12 degrees. The summer season in Feodosia begins in April, ends in early October. The hottest month is July, when the thermometer rises to the numbers + 25-30. True, the proximity of the sea makes it easy to tolerate even 40-degree heat. Theodosia is most comfortable, rest, beaches in August-September, when the velvet season begins with an average day temperature of +24 degrees. In recent years, there has been a tendency to increase temperatures on the coast, this makes July even hotter, but it extends the beach season. Precipitation in Feodosia most often falls in December, the driest month is July. On average, the sun shines here for 250 days. Water off the coast of Feodosia always has a plus temperature. In July, it warms up to +22 degrees on average.

The winter in Feodosia is mild, but there are still minus temperatures. Snow falls on average 20 days a year, but it melts right away, in rare cases the snow cover is held for several days. Due to strong winds from the east and north in the winter it is uncomfortable in the city, damp weather is not a pleasure.

golden beach

History of Feodosia

The city of Feodosia, whose sandy beaches today attract tourists from all over Russia, has always been a very attractive place to live. Of course, ancient people were not interested in sunny coasts, but in the first place an extremely advantageous position. Numerous trade routes ran past the city, and so the first settlements appeared here a very long time ago.

The official date of the founding of the city is the 6th century BC. e. Then the Milesian colonists chose this place to accommodate a strategically important settlement. However, today archaeologists discover new evidence that Theodosius (Crimea), whose beaches are today filled with tourists, appeared in the 9th century BC. e. During the time of the Bosporus Kingdom, about 8 thousand people lived in the city; it flourished and grew for 300 years. But the invasions of the Huns led the city to decline. For several centuries, the Alans lived on the site of Theodosius. Later, the territories fall under the control of Byzantium, and then under the influence of the Golden Horde. The Genoese buy a plot of the Feodosia coast near the Tatars and establish a large trading city here. To protect their territory, they build a powerful fortress, part of which has survived to this day. The Genoese made the city a thriving shopping center, the population grew tenfold. Here was the largest slave market in the region. The wealth and power of the city invariably attracted invaders to it. At first he was conquered by the Ottomans, who transformed Theodosius in his style. Later, Russian troops for 2 centuries trying to capture the city, and in 1771 the fortress was taken by Prince V. Dolgoruky. For two centuries, the city quietly vegetated on the periphery of the empire. And only in the 19th century began the rapid development of infrastructure, the revival of the economy and population growth. With the advent of Soviet power, Theodosius begins his new life - a resort is founded here for the rest of the country's citizens, an industrial complex is being created, and large construction is underway. During the Second World War, the city was occupied by fascist troops, the population was badly damaged by the invaders. In 1954, Theodosius was transferred to the Ukrainian USSR along with Crimea as a resort city. After the collapse of the USSR, the city went to Ukraine. In 2014, he was returned to Russia along with Crimea.

the best beaches of feodosia

Sights of Feodosia

The rich history of the city has left a large number of monuments that attract tourists. Sightseeing in Feodosia can take more than one day. Getting to know the city is from the Genoese fortress, a monument of the 14th century. Unfortunately, the walls that withstood the onslaught of many attackers were demolished in the 19th century by civilians to build houses. But even by the remnants one can judge the former power of the structure. Inspecting the fortress, you can not miss the tower of Constantine, it is a symbol and a talisman of the city. She was even depicted on the coat of arms of Theodosius. Ancient monuments also include the Armenian Church of the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel. It was built in the 15th century and is a prime example of the influence of Italian architecture on local architects. At birth, the future artist Aivazovsky was baptized in this temple, and his grave is also located here. The Armenian fountain, which is a monument of traditional national architecture, also belongs to the 15th century. Of the newer attractions, it is worth seeing the Stamboli palace of the early 20th century and the church of St. Catherine of the late 19th century. For those interested in temple architecture and religion, it will be interesting to see the churches of All Saints and St. Sergius.

Also in Feodosia there are several interesting museums, parks, natural sites. This is a city where you can not only spend time on the beach, but also learn something new, expand your horizons. In addition to the fact that Feodosia itself is rich in attractions, there are many interesting things near it: Koktebel, Karadag Nature Reserve, Ilyinsky Lighthouse.

wild beaches of feodosia

Features of rest in Feodosia

Of course, the main thing why people come to the sea is vacation on the coast. The beaches of Feodosia, whose names are so poetic ("Scarlet Sails", Pearl, Golden), can satisfy any request of a vacationer. Most places for recreation have a sand cover, although there are several pebble and even one concrete beaches. All beaches, except those belonging to luxury hotels, are free to visit. In the city you can not only relax, but also improve your health. There are 13 sanatoriums in Feodosia, in which they provide qualified assistance in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. It is not necessary to stay in a sanatorium, you can just buy a "course" and get a set of medical services. Feodosia is famous as an ideal resort for families. The city has a well-developed tourist and transport infrastructure, there are many hotels of various levels, many catering points and places for entertainment. Theodosius in recent years has been actively developing the tourism industry and therefore travelers are offered more and more diverse opportunities for quality recreation. At the same time, this resort is famous for reasonable prices.

Feodosia city beach

The best beaches

Making a rating of the beaches of Feodosia, it is worth paying attention to their location, transport accessibility, level of infrastructure. In this city and its suburbs there are a lot of places to relax and choosing the best ones is not easy. The most famous, popular and equipped beaches are the following:

- "Scarlet Sails";

- Pearl;

- Golden;

- Children's;

- "Bounty";

- "Pebbles";

- Dynamo;

- "The first city."

It is also worth mentioning the village of Beregovoe (Feodosia). The beaches of the Brigantine, Equator, Ai-Petri hotels are all places worthy of tourists' attention. There are usually fewer people and cleaner water than in the city, while the conditions of rest are almost the same. A gently sloping shore, a sand-shell coating, sunbeds, umbrellas - all this allows you to have an excellent rest. For fans of entertainment near the water, a modern Club-117 entertainment complex has been built, which resembles the resorts of Goa.

beaches of Feodosia names

The Golden Beach of Feodosia

5 km from the city center is one of the most famous beaches. This coast got its name because of the fine golden sand with which it is covered. The fame of the place leads to the fact that in the "high season" here you have to fight for a "place in the sun", so many vacationers come here. But on the 6-kilometer shore there is enough space for everyone, only in the center it is a bit crowded. "Golden Beach" is well equipped, here you can take an umbrella, sunbed, mattress. Although fine, gentle sand allows you to do without a sunbed. The shore smoothly goes into the water, the rocky bottom of 15 meters has a shallow depth, which allows you to relax even with young children. There are many cafes, various water activities, you can play volleyball. Fans of walks should pay attention to the photogenic boulders covered with algae, which lie near the sunbathing spots. Across the road from the beach there are several recreation centers, through the landscaped territory of which you can freely walk.

Feodosia sandy beaches

"Scarlet Sails"

10 minutes by bus or car from the city center is one of the cleanest and most well-groomed beaches. Scarlet Sails Beach (Feodosia) is free to visit, but all services will require expenses. Coating - coarse sand mixed with shell rock; to lie on it, you need a sunbed. Umbrellas are distributed over a territory with a good supply of distances, so there is no sense of crowding and crowding. The seabed near the coast is covered with large stones, sometimes overgrown with algae, so care should be taken when bathing. Rescuers vigilantly watch the vacationers from the tower, so there are almost no accidents here. The entrance to the water is long and gentle, so the sea warms up well on the shore and you can have a great time on the beach even with young children. For kids there is a swimming pool with an inflatable slide. The territory is equipped with changing cabins, fountains with drinking water, there are several cafes and equipment rental.

coastal feodosia beach

"Pearl Beach"

The beaches of Feodosia, reviews of which are usually more than positive, began to take shape in special recreation areas in Soviet times. The place, formerly called "Second City Beach", today received a beautiful name - "Pearl". The beach is located within the city, its length is slightly less than a kilometer, width - about 50 meters. The place got its name for the coastal cover - fine golden pearl sand. Vacationers are offered a full range of paid services, although the use of the beach and locker rooms is free. Usually by 10 a.m. the shore is full of people, so you should come early to choose a good place. Zhemchuzhnyy provides a variety of entertainment and nutrition services; a large selection of water activities is offered here.

prices on the beaches of Feodosia


The second part of City Beach No. 2 was called the Bounty, although, of course, this is an exaggeration. Do not expect paradise privacy and a landscape with palm trees here. But excellent fine sand, a very wide coastline, a gentle slope into the water, in general, all that the beaches of Feodosia can be proud of, reviews of which envy vacationers, are present here. “Bounty” is good because it is not only a comfortable beach, but also a sea bottom, pleasant to the touch, without large stones and algae. The cleanliness and long shallow water make this beach a great place to relax with children. But the rest of the vacationers are provided with a full range of services. At the water sports office you can book a boat, scooter or banana ride. For those who want to combine business with pleasure, “massage tents”, designed in the form of Caribbean dwellings, work on the beach, which reminds of the island of Bounty.


Feodosia, whose urban beach was created back in the 19th century, is often associated with pebble beaches. It is this coating that has the main beach of the city, nicknamed "Pebbles." It stretches for 1 km and has a width of 30-40 m. The entrance to the water here is long and smooth, the beach has everything you need for relaxation. Convenient location in the city leads to the fact that there are a lot of people here on summer days, you cannot find secluded relaxation here. But the beach has excellent infrastructure in the form of cafes, clubs, an amusement park. People rest here until late at night, watching the sunset at the tables of coastal restaurants.

"First city"

Describing the best beaches of Feodosia, you can not ignore the "First City", or "Children's" beach. It is covered with a mixture of shell rock and sand, walking on such a floor barefoot is uncomfortable, especially with no habit, so you should get slippers. The beach has a very long shallow water - about 50 m. Therefore, here from early spring you can swim with children. The beach is well equipped, but entry is paid. An excellent entertainment complex has been erected here, which allows children to be occupied for a long time. For everyone, catering services, rental of various equipment are provided, in the evenings there is a disco and a restaurant on the beach.

"Wild beach"

For lovers of secluded relaxation, the wild beaches of Feodosia are perfect. On the outskirts of the city, behind the Genoese fortress, there is a place called Chumka, where you can sunbathe almost alone. The rocky shore with a narrow pebble shallow looks very colorful, although lovers of a comfortable stay are unlikely to like it. Here come those who want to admire the ascetic nature of the real Crimea. There is no talk of sunbeds and dressing rooms, otherwise it would no longer be a "wild" beach. But there are very few people, and the water is very clean, since getting here is not easy.

Also, “wild” beaches can be found near the village of Ordzhonikidze. Although it is easier to get here than to Chumka, there are still not many people here, you can find a completely secluded place.

Beaches of Feodosia: reviews of tourists

Travelers' stories about their impressions are united by a common positive tone. Tourists like the atmosphere of Feodosia, it is less fussy and noisy than in other cities of Crimea. Vacationers also note that prices here are not high, and the service is at a decent level. All tourists especially note the hospitality of the local population and very tasty food.

Practical information

You can get to Feodosia from Simferopol by bus or car. Not far from the city there is a railway line, motor vehicles are very popular. Prices on the beaches of Feodosia are significantly lower than not only Sochi, but also Yalta or Anapa. For example, renting a sunbed costs only 50 rubles. In Feodosia, you can settle both in the center and on the outskirts. This is not an inconvenience, since the city has well-developed transport, and each area has its own good beaches.


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