Husky puppy training: dog breeder tips

How to teach puppy teams? This question is often asked by novice dog breeders. It is especially relevant for those who have got a pet of a husky breed. What is training for? It is this kind of upbringing that makes it possible to ensure a problem-free keeping of the dog at home.

Husky is a breed that has an active and energetic character. It manifests itself from an early age. Therefore, it is necessary to accustom to discipline from 2-3 months. In order to avoid mistakes and not to waste precious time, it is necessary to study in detail the basics of raising Siberian husky puppies.

A few words about the character

At first glance, this dog looks very friendly. And it is true. However, she has a difficult character. This moment can greatly complicate the process of education. Dog breeders believe that husky dogs are difficult to train. The main fault is a genetic predisposition, independence and quick wits.

This breed of dog is very close to wolves. She has a very developed hunting instinct. Owners need to consider that individuals of this breed only in humans do not see a potential victim. But the rest of the living creatures cause her hunting interest. For example, if an animal did not communicate with others from birth, then on the street it will react very aggressively to them. And vice versa, living in a house with a pet from the first days, for example with a cat, husky and the rest will be treated completely calmly.

It is important to understand that animals have very well developed genetic memory. It is she who, by and large, dictates the line of behavior for them. Husky used to completely surrender to work, to be leaders of the pack, to take responsibility for others. Therefore, at home it is very difficult to explain to them who the owner is.

treat for puppies

This breed of dog is easy to change owner. Initially, they are not very accustomed to someone alone. The peculiarity of the character is that the husky do not distinguish between strangers. The dog will get angry faster when he feels a potential threat that relates specifically to her. This breed is not suitable as a guard. It is important to understand how to train a puppy at home. The fact is that husky dogs can be too aggressive. And if you constantly use the method of punishment, then they will simply become embittered at all and will seek to destroy them.

Owners of this breed of dogs are advised to be patient. It is possible to educate certain skills in your pet, but it will not be easy, so you need to prepare in advance. In order for the dog to be obedient, methods of encouragement (for example, treats for puppies or stroking) and punishment (it is impossible to beat in any case) are mandatory. The latter is carried out using a strict, even command voice. At this moment, human behavior should be confident and adamant. If a specific goal was set for the dog, then the owner must achieve its fulfillment, but in no case should back down.

Where to start training?

Before starting the process of training, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the nature of your pet. The fact is that this dog is very smart and quick-witted, therefore it can react poorly to commands, pretending that it does not hear them. This is due to the fact that she trusts her natural feelings more than a person. That is why she will evaluate every action required of her.

Most often, husky puppies like to try everything "by the tooth." For them, it does not matter what it will be, all the objects encountered on the way will do. It is in this way that they study the world around them. Therefore, owners will have to teach puppies not to play with garbage and other prohibited items. Having a wayward character, the dog will try not to learn the commands herself, but to adapt the owner to his desires. She demonstrates her superiority with a growl and even a nibble. If the dog does not like the behavior of the owner, then he may not obey his breadwinner. It is worth considering this when choosing methods of training.

Husky puppy 2 months

So, where do you need to start raising a husky puppy for 2 months? As a rule, by this age the pet is already excommunicated. He finds new housing and, accordingly, the owner. Therefore, the latter will certainly have to develop certain rules of behavior. First you need to choose a nickname and train a dog to respond to it. You can use goodies or stroking, constantly pronouncing her name. It is also important from the first day the dog put the bowl in a certain place. In just a few days, she will understand that there is food and water in her. In order to attract the puppy's attention to the bowl, the owner will first have to tap it loudly.

It is also important from the first day of living in the house to distribute the territory. What does this mean? The dog must clearly understand where its place and where it is impossible to climb. The last may be armchairs, beds, a sofa and so on. In no case should you pamper your pet very much, but you should not skimp on praise either. Weasel needs to be shown only when the puppy has completed what the owner wanted. In most cases, the animal will need no more than 7 days to master the new rules. Therefore, by the age of three months, the pet should respond to the nickname, learn who the boss is in the house, know his bowl and determine which territory is alien and which is his own.

"A place!"

Husky puppy training starts with the “Place!” Team. It is very important to teach her from the very beginning. For this, the owner must determine in advance the permissible territory for the puppy. Naturally, you need to equip him with a place to sleep. To do this, you can purchase a special litter. The training process itself is that if the owner saw that the puppy was sleeping in an inappropriate place, he should take it and transfer it to the one that is equipped with it. When laying down the dog, it is important to pat your hand lightly on the litter and say “Place!” With a confident voice. We must be prepared for the fact that this will have to be done several times a day. However, as a rule, it takes 7-14 days for a puppy to get used to this command.

"It is impossible!"

When training a husky puppy, it is imperative to accustom him to what is possible and what is not. This command is considered basic. As a rule, a puppy quickly realizes what is bad and what is good. For example, if on the street a pet took an object in its mouth, then it is necessary to quickly pull it out and say loudly “It is impossible!”.

siberian husky puppies

If he does this again, then in addition to the word, you will need to press the dog to the ground and pat a little. However, it is important that at this moment the dog does not feel pain, but resentment. This method will help him understand what disobedience will be followed by punishment.

Team “Near!”

How to teach a puppy to walk next to the owner on a walk? In most cases, many dogs master this command without much difficulty. But for a husky, this can be a real problem. Due to the nature of the character, it will be very difficult to obey the owner of a given breed. In some situations, the owners themselves can not cope with this team. But if there is no way to go to the club, then you will have to be patient and consistently perform the following actions.

  • The dog is only on the left side of the owner.
  • The dog should go flush with the owner’s foot. During the movement, do not allow him to run forward, backward, to the sides.
raising a husky

The training itself will consist in the fact that when the dog deviates from the path, the owner must pull the leash sharply and say “Next!”. If the pet has completed what was required of him, do not forget to encourage him. Therefore, you must always have a treat with you and be generous with praise. This is the only way to teach your puppy the “Next!” Team. How to behave to the owner? Definitely be patient. It will take some time to perfect this team. No need to demand quick results from your pet. If he learns to walk nearby, then walking with him will be very comfortable.

"To me!"

The commands described above are considered basic. They also include one more. It's about the team "Come to me!". Husky puppy training consists in the fact that the owner must move a short distance and, shouting a nickname, call him to himself, saying "To me!" The voice must be confident, but without aggression and rude notes. For the first time, it may be that you have to repeat the command, more than once. As soon as the puppy starts moving towards the owner, it must be encouraged with kind words and show a treat. Having overcome this path (not earlier), the dog receives a tasty treat.

You can hone this team in the game. For this, the owner does not depart from his pet, but, for example, jumps away. You can also use a toy instead of goodies. The main thing is not to forget to say "To me!".


When training a husky puppy, it is necessary to train him to sit down when the owner demands. For this, the pet is called to itself so that it is in front of the person. Have to stock up on some goodies. After that, raise your hand with it so high that the dog in a standing position would be uncomfortable to throw his head back.

how to train a puppy at home

Then she will sit intuitively in order to make it more convenient for her to observe. At this point, the owner needs to clearly say "Sit!" and immediately afterwards give the pet a treat. As a rule, the execution of this command is generated very quickly.


Raising a husky is a rather complicated process, but doable. Team “Voice!” is not considered basic, therefore, accustoming to it may be accompanied by certain difficulties. The fact is that this breed is not official. But nevertheless, a husky puppy will be able to learn how to vote. To do this, you will need to seat the dog in front of you, fix it on a short leash and begin to tease with a treat.

team near how to teach a puppy

First, the pet will whine, break out, trying to get a yummy. But as soon as he realizes that this does not help, he will begin to bark, and it is then that the owner needs to clearly pronounce “Voice!”. Be sure to execute, even if unconscious, the dog’s commands should be encouraged. It can be stroked or given a treat. Sometimes huskies do not start to bark, but howl. This can also be considered the result of the “Voice!” Command.

“Lie down!”

A treat for puppies is a powerful motivation for doing what the owner wants. Therefore, with its help, you can teach the dog to execute the command “Lie!”. However, for this, the puppy should already be able to sit at the request of the owner. So what is needed?

  • Take a treat in your hand so that the dog sees it.
  • Give the command "Sit!".
  • After you need to bring your hand as close to the ground as possible.
how to teach puppy teams

In order for the dog to lay down, lightly press it on the withers. At this moment they say "Lie down!". At first, the puppy will have to be forced to do this. However, as soon as he understands that the execution of this command will allow him to get a treat, he will execute it on his own.

Fundamentals of education. How to succeed?

As mentioned above, the features of the character of the husky breed make the process of training and education quite difficult. Therefore, in order to know how to teach a puppy commands, it is necessary to master the rules of education.

  • From the first days, the dog must understand who is the owner of the house. This person can be only one, even if there are several households. If the owner does not gain authority in the eyes of the dog from the first days, then it will be impossible to force the dog to do anything with any training.
  • Pursuing a husky training, it is worth being patient and friendly. However, in no case should you show aggression with her. Even something that sounded in a commanding tone can be so insulting for a dog that, having matured, it will begin to take revenge.
  • This breed is trained very hard, so the main thing is not to lose time. The best time to start training a pet is the age of 2-3 months. Only in this case the dog develops obedience.

Recommendations for dog breeders

This article talked about how to train a puppy at home. If you know all the rules and follow the recommendations of professional dog breeders exactly, then there should be no problems. The husky breed is pretty smart, but freedom-loving. Therefore, the owner will have to be patient and devote a lot of time to his pet.

where to start training

If an animal does not like something in childhood, then, having matured, it will show undisguised aggression towards its owners. It is also important to monitor his mood. Sometimes dogs become depressed, so you can use goodies to cheer up. Both adults and Siberian husky puppies are very fond of walking. Therefore, with long walks, the dog will always be friendly to its owner.


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