Interested in how to sew a cap? It is easy. Just start

The pilot is a special hat that is slightly flattened on both sides and resembles a light cap. It applies to both military and special clothing (this can be a different uniform), and in the last century it was actively worn by pioneers. Recently, such a headdress has become an exquisite female accessory. Although, if you recall the story, you can find out that a few centuries ago, many noble ladies wore hats that resemble caps.

They have been worn and are still worn, tilted slightly to the side. Ladies decorate them with brooches, ribbons. The military on the front of the headgear attach special decals. If you are interested in how to sew a cap for yourself, then you just need to prepare the fabric, threads and a sewing machine.

how to sew a cap

We begin to sew caps

A pilot is a hat that can be worn all year round. The main thing is to choose the right fabric. If it is needed for the winter-autumn period, then the matter will need warm, woolen. If you want to get a flirty and sophisticated hat, then either velvet or any fleecy fabric will do. It’s not enough to know how to sew a cap. A pattern made correctly will be the beginning of a good job.

how to sew a cap with your own hands

Cap pattern

Sewing of any product begins with the manufacture of a pattern. To cut the cap, you need two sizes:

  • head circumference;
  • the height of the future cap.

Using a soft centimeter, measure the circumference of the head and divide the resulting value in half. We draw this length on a piece of paper. Next, mark the desired height and draw a line up. You should get a rectangle. The upper corners should be rounded, although you can leave them straight. It's a matter of taste. If you still have doubts about how to sew a cap and what style, then you can look through fashion magazines. In the middle of the last century they were made from knitted, chintz and silk fabrics. They could be, like the stewardesses, with folds, they could be with rounded corners or with concave inwards corners. All this must be taken into account already during cutting.

Operating procedure

How to sew a cap with your own hands? Very easy. After the pattern is ready, you need to perform cutting on the fabric. It needs to be folded twice in front. Pin the pattern with tailor pins. Then circle the paper outline with chalk. Next, at a distance of one centimeter, you need to draw a second line - these are allowances for the seams. Cut with sharp scissors in the second line. There should be two details.

how to sew a cap

Sewing technology

Many do not know how to sew a cap. This is completely uncomplicated. You just have to start. Finished cut two parts must be folded with the front side inwards. Sweep the sides and top with centimeter stitches. Then you can twist and try on so that the cap is on the head. If all is well, you can download it on a typewriter. The seams must be overcast. If the cap is planned without a lining, it remains only to fold the bottom and cover it with large stitches, and then flash it on a typewriter. This is the simplest version of the product.

Many are interested in how to sew a lid in a dense fabric. This is also easy, only it will take a little more time.

Lined Pilot

Such caps are usually sewn from dense fabrics. In addition to the main upper part, you immediately need to cut and thin lining. The result should be 4 parts: two of the main fabric and two of the lining. We sew the upper parts as described above. Then in the same way we process the elements of the lining fabric.

how to sew a soldier's cap
When everything is ready, you need to turn the upper part to the front side, and leave the lining on the inside. Then gently insert the lining part into the front and fix it with pins from above and from the side. Bend the bottom of the future cap one and a half centimeters and sweep. Then you can try on and see if everything suits you. If everything is fine, download the bottom of the machine. At the end of the seams, iron everything. The accessory is ready. The question arose of how to sew a soldier's cap? In this way.

Often you can see caps with internal folds. At first glance it is very difficult. No - it's easy too! If you have an idea about how to sew a regular cap, then it will be simple with folds. On the pattern, it will already be necessary to add a few centimeters, usually the height becomes twice as much. Draw a few lines - these are the lines of the folds. Such a cap is processed similarly to the previous ones, only after it is completely sewn, you need to carefully lay the upper part (if the cap is lined) with elegant folds.

If it is planned to make an elegant head demi-season hat from a cap, then its bottom can be decorated with fur or decorative braid. Brooches with stones or jewelry made of leather and fur look beautiful and original on women's products. In this business, every woman is given the opportunity to show her taste and imagination. For children, you can sew summer caps - like a panama hat. It is good to use lightweight cotton fabrics with bright patterns.


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