How to lay paving tiles with your own hands? Masters Tips

Today, paving slabs are affordable, so they are increasingly being used to decorate walkways and platforms not only in front of offices, but also in their personal plots. And the richness of the color palette and the variety of patterns make it possible to satisfy the most fastidious consumer. Because more and more often the question arises of how to lay paving slabs. Today we are advised by real masters.

we lay the paving slabs with our own hands

How to lay paving slabs: we take into account the features

Tiles come in many forms. The most common is paving stones, which are rectangles with certain sizes. But there is also a carved tile, which in shape resembles a flower or leaf. Laying tiles can be done in many ways. However, the simplest of them are most often used. Much less often, craftsmen lay tiles with herringbone or columns. If you want to decorate your site, it’s worthwhile to show a little ingenuity and, using tiles of different colors, create some kind of picture on your sidewalk.

We lay the paving slabs with our own hands. How to do it?

I lay paving slabs

This process is quite complicated and requires patience. Indeed, both its service life and appearance depend on how it is laid. If you are trying to save on tiles, then you should not save on its installation, because it will cost you more. So, let's get to work. To begin with, we remove the entire turf to the last root. This will help prevent cracking of the tile backing and punching grass through it. After this, you need to perform a natural slope for the flow of water. Then carefully tamp the bottom of the trench, having previously outlined the places where the curbs of your sidewalk will be held. After this, you need to lay out the curb and fill in small gravel as a substrate. Why should you start with it? Everything is simple: it will prevent the entire structure from spreading and mark the clear boundary of the sidewalk itself. At the next stage, sand is poured, wetted and compacted, while the level is strictly observed. From above it is necessary to fill up crushed stone, then a sand-cement mixture, which will hold the tile together. The main thing is to comply with the level, and then the foundation will be smooth, strong and durable.

how to lay paving slabs

So, I lay the paving slabs

The base is ready, proceed to laying the tiles. The very first row must be fixed with cement mortar, and the tile itself should be drowned strictly at a certain depth and level. If an even row does not work, you need to remove the sand or pour it so that all rows are perfect. It is necessary to remember that it is not enough to know how to lay paving slabs, you also need to follow all the rules. Therefore, remember that small gaps should remain between the rows in order to prevent stagnation of water and allow it to go into the ground. The master should be located on the side where the tile is already laid. This will help prevent damage to the aligned substrate. If you want to cut the material, then for this you will need a grinder or a file for metal. Such pieces are stacked only after the main work is completed. At the end, the tile is rolled with a large diameter roller and sprinkled with river sand. Then the sand is swept with a brush. This is necessary in order to fill all the seams between the tiles.


Now we know how to lay the paving slabs correctly. Finally, let's talk about how to care for her. If the color of the material is gray, then special care is not required. But the colored tile will have to be washed periodically so that it retains an attractive appearance for many years.


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