Strawberry yield: what determines how to increase it

Strawberries are considered one of the most popular crops that can be found on almost any garden site. Unfortunately, not every summer resident succeeds in achieving a good strawberry yield at the end of the season. Poor aging can be triggered by multiple factors. Mistakes can be made both during planting and during the growing process.

what to feed in the spring for a good harvest

Soil requirements

From how fertile the soil will be, to a certain extent depends on the yield of strawberries. In order to get a good crop, the soil must meet the following requirements:

  • the site should be located so that there is a sufficient amount of light on it;
  • the soil must be fertile and not necessarily acidic.

Experts in the field of agronomy do not recommend planting strawberries in those places where tomatoes or potatoes were grown before. Seedlings can become infected with the diseases to which these cultures are exposed.

than feed strawberries for a good harvest

In order to fertilize the soil and provide the most favorable growing conditions, it is required to introduce complex fertilizers into it before planting. This must be done approximately two to three weeks before the seedlings are planted, since this time is enough to compact the soil.

When to plant?

To ensure strawberry productivity, it is necessary to plant it in strictly defined terms. The most suitable time for moving the plant into the soil is the period from the end of July to the second decade of August. If you plant strawberries in the spring, then you should not count on a good harvest this season.

Each bush should be placed in a separate small hole with a lump of earth. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the place where the leaves grow from the strawberries is clearly at the level of the soil. Even minor deviations are not recommended here. Subject to the above recommendations, the plant will take root quickly and the strawberry yield will further increase. The most optimal distance between seedlings is considered to be an average interval of ten to fifteen centimeters.

Immediately before planting seedlings, it is recommended that they be disinfected. To do this, place them in a solution of copper sulfate, and then rinse thoroughly with clean running water.

How to water?

In the process of how strawberries grow, she needs careful watering. This is the main condition that can provide a good harvest. But to overdo it in this matter is also not worth it, since in this case the berries can simply begin to rot.

how to feed strawberries in spring for good

Watering strawberries should only be at the moment when the soil begins to crumble in your hands. If the soil sticks to them, then watering must be postponed, since too damp earth adversely affects the plant. That is why experts recommend watering strawberries no more than once a week, and in the process of fruit ripening, the frequency of irrigation should be increased to once every five days. At the same time, about 0.7 liters of liquid should be consumed per plant.

Ways to save moisture

In the process of how strawberries grow, soil moisture needs to be monitored especially carefully. In order to preserve moisture and prevent the growth of weeds, experts recommend covering the bed with a black film, and planting seedlings on its ridges.

how to feed strawberries in the spring for harvest

The most common way is to cover the seedlings with a special black spanbond, which is specially designed for growing strawberries. Its main difference from the usual film is the ability to breathe the roots of the plant. In addition, this material has the following advantages:

  • it retains moisture well;
  • prevents weed growth;
  • contributes to better soil warming;
  • protects berries from pollution.

Despite the huge number of advantages, this material also has disadvantages. The main thing is that during prolonged heat it contributes to even more drying of the plant.

Top dressing

In order for the yield from the strawberry bush to reach a maximum, it is necessary to systemically and at certain intervals feed the plants. Over the summer period, to ensure a good harvest, strawberries need to be fed four times. The most favorable fertilizers are complex.

Feeding is carried out as follows:

  1. The first stage is carried out in the spring, at the moment when the plants are growing. The most favorable fertilizer at this time is bird droppings or mullein.
  2. The second feeding is carried out during the formation of flowers. Bird droppings or mullein are also introduced at this time.
  3. The third stage is carried out immediately before flowering.
  4. The fourth top dressing is carried out approximately in the middle of August.
how to feed strawberries in the spring for a good harvest

If you do not know how to feed strawberries in the spring for a good harvest, then a mullein or bird droppings is considered the most optimal and effective in any period of growth. Such a fertilizer will ensure saturation of the plant with all the necessary components. If everything is done correctly at all stages of cultivation, then in this case a good harvest can be achieved.

The basic rules in the struggle for quantity and quality

The question of how to increase strawberry yield in the open field is one of the most relevant among beginner gardeners. Proper planting and top dressing is only half the battle. Strawberries planted on the site require close and regular attention. In order to increase productivity, the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. Protect plants from off-season contrasts and winter frosts. This can be done only through close attention and control of the layer of snow falling on the beds.
  2. It is required to provide early spring treatment of the plant from pests and diseases. As soon as the snow falls, you need to remove all dry leaves from the site and pour water on the beds, the temperature of which will be within 60 degrees. You can also spray the plant with special chemicals.
  3. Throughout the season, weeds must be removed that take away light, moisture and nutrition from the plant, and also contribute to the spread of infections.
  4. Mustache removal should be carried out in a timely manner, as they contribute to the consumption of strawberries. If you regularly remove the mustache, then you can achieve maximum productivity.
  5. After harvesting annually it is required to trim the aerial parts of the plant.

Only diligent observance of all agrotechnical recommendations will allow us not only to properly plant strawberries with seeds for seedlings, but also to provide them with further proper development, which will ultimately lead to a high harvest.

Features yield varieties

To achieve maximum strawberry yield from 1 ha, it is necessary not only to follow all the recommendations for cultivation, but also to give preference to the highest yielding varieties. Indeed, much depends on the potential of the variety.

how to feed strawberries for a good harvest

Early strawberry varieties can provide about 300 grams of berries from one bush. Under the condition of growing in open ground and providing all the necessary conditions from one unit of the plant, it is possible to collect about 700 grams maximum.

for a good harvest

Repairing strawberry varieties are considered the most fruitful, since they have four to six waves of fruiting per season. When growing a repairing strawberry variety from one bush, you can collect about 500 grams of berries.


So, we examined the basic rules for the care of strawberries. Each gardener wants to achieve maximum productivity at his site. Among all other crops, strawberries are considered the most common. To get a large number of berries, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of experienced gardeners and give preference only to growing high-yielding varieties of strawberries. Provided that all the above recommendations are fulfilled, it will be possible to collect the maximum yield of the most delicious berries.


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