Strawberry Marmalade: Planting and Growing

Marmalade is the name for a variety of strawberries. It is bright and memorable. The berry itself fully corresponds to the received name. You can never confuse it with another variety, and the aroma of the berry is remembered for a lifetime. The strawberry variety Marmalade is not exposed to many diseases, which greatly facilitates the care when growing it on its site. Compared with similar varieties, such as Queen Elizabeth or Honey, it brings a larger crop.

strawberry marmalade reviews

Strawberry Marmalade: variety description

The bush of the plant is low, has medium-sized leaves that are raised above the ground. They stretch to the middle, so the plant is compactly placed on the bed. Leaves have a dark green color. Inflorescences are located above them and directed upwards. The flowers are large, multi-petalled. During the season, the bush throws many flowers.

a variety of strawberries marmalade

Berry description

Very large fruits have strawberries Marmalade. The description of the berries is as follows: the mass reaches 40 g, the shape is regular, cone-shaped, bright red in color, with luster on sunny days. The tip has a flattened, pointed shape. When ripe, the color of the berry begins from the cuttings. The tip very often remains white even when fully ripened.

The sepals are bright green, slightly raised. The flesh of the berry has a less bright, but still red color. Its density is moderate. For transportation, the berries are picked a little earlier than its full ripening. Then it is much denser. The berry is fragrant and sweet, with unobtrusive sourness.

Grade characteristics

Strawberry Marmalade has an average ripening period. If you make early mowing, then the plant can give another crop. The main crop is harvested in the second half of June. The plant is resistant to many diseases. It is almost never affected by chlorosis. One plant gives up to 800 g of berries, and from 1 ha in general, you can collect about 15 tons.

strawberry marmalade


Strawberry Marmalade loves sour-neutral soil. Strawberries are planted according to the classical method: between bushes, the distance should be somewhere 30 cm, and between rows between rows - 20 cm. For planting mother leaves, the distance between bushes and between rows should be increased by another 20 cm.

The pit delves deep enough. The root system of the plant should be located vertically in it. Nitrogen fertilizer (humus) is poured into the pit prepared for planting. Seedlings are pre-treated with an antifungal solution, then washed off with water and only then laid out in prepared wells. If the seedling has a long root, it is shortened to 7 cm.

Strawberry Marmalade is dug in such a way that the heart is located at the level of the soil surface. The soil around the seedling must be compacted, but not much, since the root system needs oxygen access. After planting, strawberries are carefully watered.

It is not recommended to plant in those areas where tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplants were grown in the previous year. These plants greatly deplete the soil, which ultimately will lead to a decrease in the yield of strawberries planted in such places. It is better to use areas where carrots, lettuce, spinach, beets and cucumbers were grown.

strawberry marmalade grade description

Plant care

In order for strawberry seedlings to take root better, in the first year its flowers are recommended to be removed. This will direct all the forces of the plant to the growth of the aerial part and the formation of roots.

During the growing season, strawberries Marmalade needs to be fed. For this, any fertilizers of the potassium phosphate group are used. To obtain a good crop in arid regions, it is recommended to provide a bed with strawberries with drip irrigation. To accelerate the appearance of fruits, it can be covered with a film. In this case, the crop can be harvested 2 weeks earlier. Throughout the entire period it is necessary to free the bed from weeds. The soil should be constantly maintained in a loose state, especially after irrigation. Before the winter period, mulching is carried out with corn stalks or straw. On top of the strawberries Marmalade is covered with a special material.

It should be noted that for high yields of this variety, the plant must be replanted every three years.

strawberry marmalade description


Strawberries are propagated with the help of a mustache, of which this variety gives quite a lot. In order to get powerful seedlings, it is better to select the first two or three sockets. Seedlings with a root neck of more than 6 mm, with a fibrous root system and with 3-5 leaves are considered the best.

Cassette seedlings give good results when propagating. It is recommended to transplant at the end of August, so that before the onset of cold weather it can take root well, or in early spring.

Strawberry Marmalade: reviews

Variety Marmalade tolerates drought and heat. While other beds turn yellow from heat, Marmalade stays green. It does not require any special care, except for the need for organic fertilizers during planting. Due to its high density, berries are easily transported. The plant is resistant to diseases such as powdery mildew, and to diseases of the root system.


Despite the fact that strawberries, Marmalade collects mostly positive reviews, it also has some disadvantages.

In rainy weather, during the ripening of the fruit, the taste is not fully disclosed, sugar content decreases, the flesh becomes denser, and the aroma disappears. When densely placed on the bed, the fruits become small. He loves only neutral soils, otherwise the productivity is significantly reduced. The variety is susceptible to diseases such as brown and white spotting.

Strawberry Marmalade (variety description above) is a good find for gardeners.


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