A migrant is a person changing their place of residence. New rules for migrants

Everyone wants to live and work in comfortable conditions, so in the modern world there is a massive movement of people from one country to another. On the one hand, migration is a blessing for the state, because foreigners are an additional labor force that helps to solve some social problems, especially in areas with low population density. On the other hand, there is the problem of illegal migrants, who have a significant share in society.

migrant is

Who are migrants

Migration legislation defines meaning of the word migrant. This is a person who moves from one state to another for temporary or permanent residence. Migrants who enter the territory of a new state, changing their place of residence, are considered immigrants. Persons who travel to another country to live (temporary or permanent) are called emigrants.

Recently, the number of illegal migrants in the Russian Federation has been increasing — people who have crossed the state’s border outside checkpoints or are located in the country without a document confirming their status. Illegal migrants are also considered persons who have expired in the Russian Federation, but have not left the country or have not applied to the migration authorities in order to receive a new document for further stay in the state.

What kind of migrants do Russian employers want

Russia's migration policy has long been prohibitive, which was expressed in the existing quota system, which reduced the influx of foreigners into the state. In addition, there were restrictions on the number of requests during the year for a quota, and the procedure for issuing permits for carrying out work activities was quite lengthy.

labor migrants

Migrant workers who apply for sought-after vacancies are disadvantageous for Russia. The country needs the so-called VIP migrants who can take unclaimed, prestigious, rare and exclusive vacancies. This includes the automotive industry, the extraction of minerals, the manufacture of mineral and heat-insulating materials, and aircraft manufacturing. For example, the search for a worker with a specialization in “riveter-collector” can last about six months, so a migrant with knowledge in this field will be extremely necessary for the state.

In Ulyanovsk, there is an Aviastar-SP aircraft factory, where migrants occupy a fifth of the workforce - these are specialists who previously worked at the Chkalov aircraft factory in Tashkent.

Changes in migration law

In 2014, the conditions for the stay of migrants in the Russian Federation changed . The new law for migrants entered into force on January 1 of this year. Legislation has significantly tightened the conditions for foreigners to enter the country.

new law for migrants

The new law states that a migrant is a person who moves from one state to another for the purpose of permanent or temporary residence.

Under the new rules, CIS citizens who have committed several offenses or have violated their tenure on the territory of the Russian Federation will temporarily be unable to enter the country. A foreigner who uses a fake migration card is also prohibited from entering .

According to the new law, citizens of Moldova can stay in Russia for no more than 90 days for 6 months. If a Moldovan citizen violates the regime of stay in Russia, he can be fined up to 10 thousand US dollars or imprisoned for 3-4 years.

Ukrainians continue to enter the territory of the Russian Federation under a visa-free regime, but they can stay in the country for no more than 90 days for 6 months.

Migrant workers: new rules

meaning of the word migrant

A migrant is a blessing if it benefits the state as a labor force. According to the new law, as many migrants as it is capable of absorbing will work on the Russian labor market. But in order to get a job, a foreigner will need to obtain a patent or work permit. To do this, when crossing the state border, you will need to indicate the purpose of the arrival "Work" and within 15 days to contact the Russian territorial bodies of the FMS.

By acquiring a migrant’s patent, a foreigner will be able to decide in which region he will work. No patents are allowed. They will operate in the region where they are acquired. Their value will depend on the average income level of the population in this region and on the current situation on regional labor markets.

Thus, legal entities, including individual entrepreneurs, can recruit migrants who have arrived on a visa-free basis on the basis of a migrant’s patent.

In April 2014, the FMS published a blacklist of migrants who were remotely denied entry to the Russian Federation. 800 thousand foreigners are brought there.

Difficulty getting a driver’s license

Since the beginning of May of this year, migrants who do not have a Russian driver’s license will not be able to drive public transport. They will need to pass a theoretical exam in the traffic police.

According to the new law “On Road Traffic Safety”, drivers who have Russian rights can drive a vehicle. In most cases, a migrant is a person who does not know Russian well, so visitors may have difficulty obtaining Russian rights. Driving licenses of foreigners lose their relevance in the territory of the Russian Federation.

black list of migrants

Bible to be published for migrants in Russia

The Orthodox Church of Russia wants to publish a Bible for migrants. After all, a migrant is a person who needs faith and support on the territory of a foreign state.

The first edition is planned to be released in 2014 in the Uzbek language. The Missionary Commission at the Diocesan Council of Moscow will do this.

Holy Scripture translated into different languages ​​will help visitors to familiarize themselves with Russian cultural heritage.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20591/

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