Karelia, Chupa: struggle and nature

About 8 years ago, few people knew about this village. But when the question arose about his resettlement, the residents made every effort to not only preserve their place of residence, but also to make it attractive to tourists. What might interest an experienced traveler in this distant land?

Karelia Chupa

Wealth Chupa

Nature is what Karelia is proud of. Chupa is no exception. Its name, in the local dialect "chuppu", means "corner". Those who have visited here have no doubt that the urban-type settlement got its name due to its location in the cozy mouth of the Kandalaksha Gulf. In addition, the climatic conditions here are quite comfortable for the North. The valley where Chupa is located is surrounded by hills. There are no winds that are so boring to residents of other cities. In winter, thanks to the same hills, the village does not see, although there is plenty of snow.

A huge number of midges and mosquitoes, stinging and haunting in the evenings - this is what spoils summer vacations. Chupa, Karelia - this direction is chosen by those who do not need insect bites. After all, they are not here, despite being close to water. The bay, on the banks of which the settlement is located, warms up to 20-22 degrees in the warm months. Tourists come here to scuba dive. And the underwater world is as rich as the forest one. Mussels, which are considered a delicacy, are present in abundance. They are collected by hand at low tide. Natural resources have not been cut here since ancient times, since the end of the 16th century, when several fishermen settled here with their families.

Chupa Karelia rest and fishing

Not only nature

What associations evoke the words of Chup, Karelia? Hunting and fishing, of course. But the inhabitants of the village are doing everything possible to glorify it not only this. This is a land where people are spiritually rich, despite all the economic difficulties. They participate in amateur performances, for this they have their own house of culture. Sing, dance, win in various competitions. Karelia has a very distinctive culture. Chupa was chosen as the venue for the White Noise festival. He combined musical, ethnic and environmental trends. Thus, the village attracted several hundred guests from different cities, which means it became popular not only among fishermen and hunters.

Than rich, happy

Karelia, Chupa - this is the location of the development of mica and deposits of "moonstone". The mineral processing plant gave impetus to the development of the village. Thanks to him, a large number of specialists in various fields arrived at their permanent place of residence. Until now, geological expeditions have been carried out in the Chupa region, because the natural resources have not been fully explored. The mass grave of the Great Patriotic War is also located here. The dead pilots are buried in it.

Chupa Karelia photo

Tourists will be interested to visit the museum dedicated to the local storyteller. Matvey Korguev is known for his ability to tell interesting tales almost from childhood. Over time, they were recorded and published as a collection. To this day, festivals dedicated to the work of this man are held in the village. So the folklore of the ancient Pomeranian and Karelian peoples, who also lived in the territory of the village of Chupa, is preserved and passed on from generation to generation.

Karelia = fishing

There is no such person who would argue the opposite. In Chupa, places are just right for such a pastime. First of all, because of the White Sea. You can catch from the shore and from the boat. And then smoke the catch right on the shore. Many come for a few days, live in tents. Tourists are attracted by untouched nature. There is nothing better than clear sea water, fresh air, drunk with iodine and salt. Algae are also collected and dried here.

Fish is not so easy to hand. You need to know the features of fishing. To begin with, what types of marine life live in salt water, their habits and preferences. During the rest, you can pick up mushrooms and berries on the shore, which are plentiful. Those who have been here come back more than once. And they are pleased to tell everyone who wants to, where are the unique natural riches: Karelia, Chupa.

Chupa Karelia

How ordinary people live

Residents are very fond of their village. There are few of them, and the population is gradually decreasing due to the natural decline and relocation of young people to other cities. But those who remained give birth to children, the school and kindergarten continue to work, the residents do not want to leave their homeland. In the 70s, two words were heard: Chupa, Karelia. Photos of past years speak of the former fame that the village had, primarily because of the Karelslyda plant. Forest and fish were also harvested. The whole country was treated to smoked and salted haddock and pink salmon. Production was developing rapidly, and the population was also growing.

Not so bad

Currently, most industries have closed. There was only one factory that manufactures semi-finished products for the porcelain industry. Of course, the number of jobs immediately decreased, which forced residents to seek work in other settlements. But on the other hand, nature from this only got better. Factors affecting the environment have disappeared. Therefore, fishing, hunting, picking berries and mushrooms began to attract more tourists tired of the gassed cities. Commercial bases for fishermen and hunters were developed.

Chupa Karelia fishing

It is safe to say that the village of Chupa is inhabited by real fighters. People do not want to leave their native land and how they can adapt to modern conditions. The economic situation in the country may change, but natural wealth will remain unchanged, which in difficult times helped the few residents of the town to survive and defend their positions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20592/

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