Employment is ... The center of employment. State employment policy

Employment is not only one of the most important economic characteristics. In this category, one can judge the welfare of the people of any state. At the same time, the level of employment is estimated, which is an important macroeconomic indicator.

Definition of the term

Employment is a socio-economic phenomenon. It represents a socially useful activity of the population, the purpose of which is to satisfy social and personal needs, as well as to earn money (income). This definition is given by the Law on Employment in the Russian Federation. This most important document was adopted on April 19, 1991 under No. 1032-1.

Employment is also an economic category. It is a set of relations that relate to the work of citizens. This economic category expresses the degree to which the country's population is included in socially useful activities. She also points to a measure of the needs of enterprises in workers, the availability of vacancies necessary for income. All these positions make it possible to consider employment as one of the most important characteristics of the labor market.

employment is
Some authors give another definition of this term. According to them, employment is the main parameter necessary for the functioning of the labor market. Moreover, it is a certain type of relationship between people of an economic and legal nature. And this is not surprising, because a person acquires a workplace by joining one or another cooperation of labor. And until the employee remains in the subsystem of the economic sector of his choice, these relations continue to take place.

Categories of workers

The Law on Employment in the Russian Federation clarifies which of the country's citizens can be considered included in socially useful activities.

These are the people:
- working under labor contracts, as well as having another service or work for which they receive remuneration;
- having registration as an individual entrepreneur;
- engaged in subsidiary crafts and selling products under concluded contracts;
- elected, approved or appointed to paid positions;
- performing various types of work in accordance with civil law or copyright agreements;
- being members of artels (production cooperatives);
- those serving in the military, civilian alternative, in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
- full-time students of educational institutions;
- temporarily absent from their workplace due to illness, vacation, conscription, etc .;
- being participants (founders) of organizations and possessing property rights in relation to the latter.

Market economy requirements

Since the nineties of the last century, Russia has abandoned the administrative-command type of management. Its economy began to move to market rails, which required various reforms. This is not past the scope of employment. It has also undergone numerous changes. The development of innovations was based on the experience already gained by developed countries. The result of this work was the legislative act “On the employment of the population of the Russian Federation”, which reflected the basic principles of the state on this issue. The first of them is enshrined in the Constitution of Russia. It states that labor is voluntary and that citizens have the right to freely dispose of their abilities for creative and productive work.

employment law
The second of the principles set forth in the law concerns the responsibility of the state for creating the necessary conditions for employment and the free choice by citizens of the workplace. The country also has a duty to ensure and take into account the long-term interests of the nation. This is the third principle of employment. Authorities at all levels should make efforts to put in place mechanisms of state regulation, as well as not impede market self-regulation of this sphere. At the same time, the financial capabilities of extrabudgetary funds, the budget, public associations, enterprises and citizens themselves should be used in order to achieve the social and economic efficiency of the programs adopted by the government. This is the fourth principle of state policy in the field of employment.

Employment Methods and Methods

In any state, the employment policy is determined, first of all, by the tasks and goals set by society. Moreover, each country can use its own methods of solving problems in this area. So, the American model is singled out. It involves the creation of a large number of jobs where people are not required to have high productivity, and their income is low. Such a labor market suits a significant part of economically active citizens. Formally, unemployment is low. However, the number of people with low incomes is increasing significantly.

When applying the Scandinavian model, almost the entire able-bodied population will have jobs with satisfactory payment conditions. This is possible when creating a large number of vacancies in the public sector of the economy. However, the implementation of this policy is fraught with the appearance of inflationary pressure and the depletion of the treasury.

Department of Employment
When creating the European model, the number of employed people decreases with increasing labor productivity and workers' incomes. Such policies should be supported by an expensive system of benefits for the ever-increasing number of unemployed.

Types of Employment Policies

In the field of employment of its citizens, the state can carry out both active and passive activities. The first of them involves the adoption of a number of measures aimed at promoting employment. An active policy includes measures aimed at preventing the dismissal of workers and preserving jobs, improving the skills of the population and their professional training, organizing various public works, supporting private entrepreneurship, etc. All this helps to reduce unemployment in the country.

employment service
When pursuing a passive policy, the state does not take measures to promote employment. It only traces the negative consequences that occur with a high level of unemployment. At the same time, the state pays benefits to unemployed citizens and provides services for the selection of jobs. To this end, a country employment service is being organized in the country. In addition, when conducting a passive policy, the state prepares early retirement. It also provides material or non-monetary support to the unemployed.

Developed countries with a socially oriented market economy usually have an active policy in the field of employment of citizens. In this case, the state seeks to:
- the work was for everyone who was looking for it;
- labor activity was at the most effective level;
- there was freedom of choice of a workplace.

Achieving Goals

In order to outline effective measures in the implementation of policies in the field of employment of citizens, it is necessary to take into account the level and stage of economic development of the whole country. An important factor in solving the problems of employment will be the merger of this area with the solution of various economic and social problems.

How should the level characterizing employment of the population rise? Work to improve this indicator is carried out using methods that are consistent with practice and national conditions.

employment center

Pre-developed methods should be constantly coordinated in the framework of social and economic policies. Moreover, all decisions in the field of employment require active action not only from the state. Steps in this direction are needed from employers, as well as from employees.

Employment Promotion Bodies

In 1991, the Federal Employment Service was created in the Russian Federation. Today, the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of Russia is engaged in comprehensive regulation of the employment of citizens of the country. It was created in 1996, abolishing three social departments at once:

- Ministry of Social. protection of the population.
- The Ministry of Labour.
- Federal Employment Service.

At the same time, the newly formed department became responsible for the development of the state employment policy. In addition, the Ministry of Labor and Social Development manages the entire system of employment services through regional offices.

Moscow population employment

The main function of this governing body is the development and further financing of employment programs, standards and tasks in close collaboration with regional offices. Such activities are aimed at protecting the population from unemployment.

Directly subordinate to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development are regional services. They supervise the work of bodies of this department, located directly on the ground. Moreover, the responsibilities of regional services include:
- planning;
- instruction;
- financing;
- exercise control.

Local employment services, which are led by regional authorities in this area, conduct direct work with the population. This is their daily activity.

Tasks of SPZ

Citizens who want to find a suitable job for themselves should contact the Employment Center of the population of their city or town. This is a structural unit of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development, which will provide advice and inform about available vacancies. In addition, the Employment Center will provide a number of other services. Among them:

- payment of unemployment benefits;
- the provision of material and psychological assistance to the unemployed, as well as to their dependent family members.

SZN solve four main tasks. It:
- social protection of unemployed citizens;
- professional skills training;
- facilitation of employment;
- providing information on the availability of vacancies.

Directions of activity of SPZ

The state of any country organizes and regulates the employment of its citizens. The Russian Federal Employment Service carries out activities aimed at:

- making development forecasts and analysis of the level of employment;
- the development and further implementation of targeted programs at the federal and territorial levels, the purpose of which is to promote the employment of those citizens who are at risk of dismissal and who have difficulty in finding work;
- Organization of vocational guidance, training and retraining of unemployed citizens.

This work is organized and carried out under the direct supervision of the relevant federal authority, which is the Department of Employment. Within the framework of his authority, he creates and oversees territorial services.

The Department of Employment is called upon to:
- to analyze the situation prevailing in the territorial labor markets, and to develop various measures aimed at preventing or reducing the negative consequences of the mass dismissal of workers;
- organize the work on registration of the unemployed and assist them in further employment;
- Assign and pay unemployment benefits to registered citizens;
- provide citizens with state guarantees;
- organize the work of any territorial body included in this system, such as the city department of employment and the district department of ZN;
- conclude agreements with educational institutions on vocational training for the unemployed;
- promote the development of small business.

Improving community outreach

The territorial bodies of the employment service work in accordance with the federal program, which provides assistance in the employment of citizens. Their main task in this case is the mitigation of social tension in the regions of the Russian Federation. This goal is achieved with the development of a flexible labor market, balancing the supply of vacant jobs and unemployed workers, increasing the level of employment, etc. At the same time, the methods and forms of working with the population are constantly improved.

For example, they are trying to direct the employment of the population of Moscow and some other cities in the direction of intensifying the independent search for work by citizens who have applied to the centers of social protection. To do this, employees of this service are introducing into practice group consultations.

In addition, the employment of citizens is facilitated by the ongoing “Job Fairs”, “Banks for CVs of clients”, “Clubs of job seekers” and many other programs.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F20594/

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