Can I get a car for a minor? Registration of a car for a minor

The question regarding whether it is possible to arrange a car for a minor is of interest to many people. Most of them do not know if this is realistic under the law. In principle, anything is possible. Well, how to do it right is worth telling in more detail.

Is it possible to arrange a car for a minor

About the situation

Basically, the question of whether it is possible to get a car for a minor is asked by parents who want to give the car to their son or daughter who are not yet 18 years old. What to do in such a situation? After all, you need to register a vehicle! And for this you need to write a statement, collect documents, defend the queue in the traffic police, get license plates ... In general, there are a lot of procedures. But what if you plan to register a car for a minor?

So, first it is worth noting a few nuances. 18 years is the minimum age of an individual. A person who has reached it is allowed to drive a vehicle. And even if some minors have some rights at the age of 16 (get married, for example), this does not apply to driving. In this case, if an individual is under 14 years old, then all contracts and transactions that he completes must be controlled by parents. And now we’ll tell you directly about whether it is possible to arrange a car for a minor.

registration of a car for a minor

Adolescent Rights

So, children, whose age is in the range from six to 14 years, have the right to transactions that do not require the intervention of civil registration services. They can also spend money received from guardians or parents.

Persons aged 14 to 18 years can spend scholarships or earned money as they please. They also have the right to partially use the services of any credit institutions and become members of cooperative communities. And, of course, adolescents of this age are already independently responsible for property transactions.

Which of these can be concluded? Simple and logical. Car registration for a minor is also possible. And not only if the child is 14-17 years old. For a person younger than the specified age, you can also arrange a car.

Is it possible to arrange a car for a minor


As you know, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to arrange a car for a minor is positive. And this is confirmed by a legal document, such as the administrative regulation “On the procedure for registration of vehicles”. And it says that in the case when the vehicle is registered for a person who is not yet 14 years old, the official representative must be either a parent or a guardian. In principle, another person can play this role, however, he will be required to have a written confirmation of his status.

The regulation also says that children over 14 years old have the right to independently go to the MREO and submit all the necessary documents for the design of the car. But still, they must have written permission from their guardians or parents. Based on this document, registration will be carried out. Otherwise, no one will issue a car into the ownership of a child in the traffic police. But the rest of the administrative regulations prohibit nothing. The teenager will be the official owner of the vehicle. That's just he will not be allowed to drive until the moment he is 18 years old. And, of course, until he graduates from a driving school, does not pass exams at the traffic police, and does not receive a driver’s license. These are the main conditions.

Is it possible to register a car for a child


Talking about whether it is possible to arrange a car for a minor, one cannot but mention the list of documents without which this procedure will not work. After all, this is not only the entry in the data form. We also need certain documentation.

In order to draw up a vehicle for a 14-year-old teenager, the guardian or parent is required to give written permission to provide certain securities. This is, firstly, a passport or birth certificate of a minor. Secondly - vehicle data sheet. Thirdly, his registration certificate. And you will also need a completed application and directly written confirmation of the guardians / parents. In principle, that’s all. But to sell the car that the child owns will be very difficult. The most difficult thing is to get a certificate from the guardianship authorities for this. She will be needed in any situation, with or without parents.

Design scheme

Talking about whether it is possible to register a car for a child, one cannot but mention the whole scheme. In fact, it is approximately the same as the one used in the case of buying and selling a car with hands.

To begin with, the potential owner must write a statement based on which the car will be registered with the traffic police. It will be considered at once, you have to wait a bit. Then it will be possible to submit documents through the window. A distinctive feature is that in the book of account, as well as in the registration cards, information will be indicated not only about the owner, but also about guarantors (guardians, parents).

Another key point: a certain prohibition is imposed on the minor owner. To be more precise, the teenager will not be able to remove the car from the register. And, in fact, he will be able to become a full owner upon reaching the age of 18. Then he will have all the opportunities - to drive this car, to deregister, sell, etc. All restrictions are removed after 00:00 comes on the day when the owner is born.

car ownership of a child

Tax payment

Let the minor be the owner, but no one has canceled the taxation. However, not all children (especially nowadays) feel a desire to work, and, accordingly, they do not have money to pay the road tax . In this case, the decision of all financial issues fall on the shoulders of the parents or guardians.

And who can drive a car until the child is 18 years old? Everything is simple here - only guardians or parents are entitled to manage the vehicle. After all, it was they who consented to the registration procedure. So everything is right and legal. But the owner himself has no right to this because of his age. A car is a source of increased danger, so first you have to unlearn at a driving school and get rights.


This is also an interesting and controversial topic. What can be said regarding the payment of fines for a car designed for a minor? There are a lot of questions. In fact, when the TS is registered for a teenager whose age is less than 16 years, then fines ... you just can not pay. Even if the case is referred to court. In fact, the owner is an individual who does not bear administrative responsibility. And even if the violation was recorded by the camera, payment may well be avoided.

car registration for a minor

The latest nuances

So, as it was already possible to understand, to issue a car for a child is quite realistic. So if you want to give your son or daughter such an expensive gift, you can not be afraid that the law will not allow to carry out the plan. However, it is worth remembering: the registration procedure should be carried out only in the presence of a teenager. It is necessary. Without the personal presence of the future owner, nothing will come of it - such is the law.

And if you take into account all of the above, it will turn out quickly and easily to resolve all issues with the registration of the vehicle.


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