Morning exercises in kindergarten

In all age groups of kindergarten, every morning begins with morning exercises. It unites children, sets them up for positiveness, promotes motor awakening, and brings up discipline and organization in children. The set of exercises that the teacher uses during charging is selected taking into account the age characteristics of the body and the time of year. Not only the types of exercises are changing, but also their duration.

In the article we will consider the main types of morning gymnastics, its components, we list the differences in charging with children of different ages. Parents will be able to find out how the complex of exercises is carried out in the morning, how many repetitions to do, what attributes are used to make the children interested.

Charge preparation

The morning gymnastics begins with building in a column. There is a set of exercises without sports equipment, but more often tutors give out flags or sultans, cubes from a plastic constructor or balls, gymnastic sticks or rattles to children. Attributes are given to the babies in advance, while older preschoolers independently take apart items from special containers in turn. Sometimes the teacher appoints a duty officer who distributes sports equipment to his comrades.

floor exercises

Cubes can be laid out on the floor so that the children after the first part of the charge stop near them to perform a set of basic exercises. The teacher before use must check the technical condition of the items used so that they are completely safe for the kids.

Where is charging done?

In the warm season, morning gymnastics is carried out on the street, on the territory of the group’s site. With older children, jogging is sometimes organized around the kindergarten building or on the outlined territory. In the cold season, morning gymnastics is performed in a group or in the gymnasium. If the kindergarten does not have a specially designated room for physical education, then time is allocated for charging in the assembly hall. Twice a week, many preschool institutions organize morning exercises with musical accompaniment. Rhythmic exercises develop a sense of tact, musical ear.

Charging Parts

  1. Introductory part. First, the children walk in a circle, then they begin to perform simple movements while walking, for example: walking on toes with hands on their belts; walking on heels with hands behind your head; “horse” walking with knees raised high; in single file. Next up is an easy run. The introductory part is completed by walking with a rebuild. Children of younger groups stop to perform basic exercises in a circle. Children of older groups can be rebuilt in 2 or 3 columns or lines.
  2. Main part. General developmental exercises for all muscle groups. Morning exercises begin with training of the shoulder girdle, then the muscles of the back and pelvis are involved. Next, exercises are performed for the legs and feet, including squats and jumps.
  3. Final part. Her goal is to restore breathing. The guys do breathing exercises either in place or while walking in a circle.
charging in the senior group

Duration of charging in each age group

Depending on the age of the children, both the duration of the charge and the number of repetitions of each type of exercise increase. If in the first younger (nursery group) charging takes 4–5 minutes, then in the second younger group the duration is 5–6 minutes. Exercises are selected 3-4 species, each of which is repeated 4-5 times. Exercises for kids are given in a playful way. The guys imitate the movements of animals, birds.

morning exercises for babies

Morning exercises in the middle group lasts 6-8 minutes, and the number of exercises becomes larger and reaches 5. Children repeat each 5-6 times.

In the older kindergarten group, exercise consists of 6 exercises with a repetition of each 6 times. The duration of the complex takes 8-10 minutes. Older children of the preparatory group are engaged in up to 12 minutes. Exercises are given more complex, repeated 8-10 times. The complex itself is expanding: the number of exercises is 6-8.

Gymnastics in the younger group

As mentioned earlier, gymnastics is performed with the kids in a playful way. Children can depict gnomes, a train, cyclists, flowers, mother's assistants, etc. Each exercise corresponds to a game task. For example, the exercise “Dwarves clean shoes” is represented by the following task:

  • starting position - legs shoulder width apart, arms along the body;
  • the right leg is placed forward on the heel, the body leans forward;
  • imitation by hands of the movement of shoe shine;
  • starting position;
  • the left leg is put forward on the heel, the body leans forward, the movements are repeated.
exercise for the back

During morning exercises in the younger group, the teacher will necessarily show the children movements. If some kid is not set up in the morning to do the exercises, then he doesn’t need to be forced. Morning exercises in kindergarten should cause only positive emotions, an indispensable condition for the teacher is an individual approach. If the child is naughty and does not want to jump with the children, leave him alone, because the baby can feel bad or upset.

Charging in the middle group

Children 4-5 years old are already familiar with the principle of doing exercises. The attention of the educator is directed to the quality and correctness of movements: clarity and rhythm are observed, the child must not lag behind the general rhythm, have time to complete the complex qualitatively. Children of the middle group do not learn exercises on charging. The teacher shows the way to perform this or that exercise, and the children repeat the movements for the teacher.

morning exercises

In the course of gymnastics, the teacher can make comments aimed at the correct position of the legs or back, special attention is paid to breathing during the lesson. Children should do the exercises at the same time, guided by the score.

The prologue includes jumps, a side gallop. The motor charge density should be high, since it takes a small amount of time, and you need to have time to complete all the exercises several times.

Features charging older preschoolers

Older preschoolers already understand the main purpose of charging, so the main attention of the teacher is drawn to the correct execution of exercises and breathing, strict observance of the rhythm and pace of the complex, a variety of movements, and accurate work with objects.

gymnastics in the hall

The prologue is accompanied by several types of walking, rebuilding. Respected discipline, even columns. The output is assigned, which should from a certain place turn and bring the children of their team to the place of construction. Many children strive to earn the right to be leaders, so they try to perform exercises in a quality manner. The carer already sometimes entrusts the exercise to children. At this time, the teacher gets the opportunity to walk through the rows, provide individual assistance, improve posture, check the breathing.

The systematic performance of morning exercises in the older group fosters a habit in children. Children are already more independent.

School Prep Group

The set of exercises for children 6-7 years old does not particularly differ from the previous age group. From children, the teacher already requires clarity and excellent quality of exercise. The guys should not only perform movements, but also know the starting position, intermediate positions. Muscles must be stressed.

morning gymnastics on the street

Much attention is paid to posture and strengthening the back muscles, because the guys will soon go to school, will spend a lot of time at school desks and preparing lessons. To avoid curvature of the spine, you need to have strong and developed back muscles.

Children's morning gymnastics provides a great mood and gives a charge of vivacity for the whole day, contributes to the liberation of shy and indecisive children, disciplines pampered and overexcited babies. During charging in the morning, the guys calm down faster after parting with their parents and adjust to a certain kindergarten mode.


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