Mount Kosciuszko: photo, height, description. Where is Mount Kosciuszko located?

The highest mountain in Australia is called Kosciuszko (Kosciuszko). Although for many, even amateur climbers, it is not of particular interest, but this peak is included in the "7 peaks" program. In technical terms, climbing it is not particularly difficult, even elderly people with limited physical abilities can climb the mountain.

Where is Mount Kosciuszko located? What are its features? You can learn about this and much more by reading this article.

Mount Kosciuszko

But, first of all, it should be noted that the mountain was previously called Townsend. The name Kosciuszko belonged to the top of a neighboring peak, which was considered the highest in the Australian Alps at that time. It was later found that Mount Townsend was already 20 meters taller, and out of respect for Strzelecki Paul Edmund, who manages the land department of New South Wales, it was decided to swap the names of the two mountains. And now the highest peak on this continent has the name “Ko ciuszko”.

Mount Kosciuszko: photo, location

Kosciuszko is located on the southern section of the East Australian Mountains. This site with all its surrounding territory is often called the Snowy Mountains. This is the most popular and famous part of the mountainous Australia, bordering Victoria (state).

Kosciuszko is perfectly visible from large distances in Australia. It is noteworthy that nowhere, on any of the other continents, is the highest peak so low. Unusual and specific Kosciuszko (mountain). Its height is 2228 m above sea level.

Mount Kosciuszko: photos


The season best suited for climbing the peak is from November to March. A mountain of such a level as Kosciuszko (Mount Kosciuszko), is at least a tourist attraction than an object of climbing. This peak is one of the most comfortable and equipped in the whole world.

There are several routes for ascents, and practically do not differ in their complexity. Trekking to the summit can be started from Thredbo (this is a lift and a slow walk 6.5 km long), as well as from the Charlotte Pass, from where there are trails 9 and 12 kilometers long.

Bit of history

Mount Kosciuszko was discovered in 1839. The very first ascent to it was made after that a year later by the Pole Pavel Edmund Strzelecki (1797-1873). He gave this name to grief in honor of the hero of Poland T. Kosciuszko (1746-1817).

Soon after, the researchers discovered that the Townsend mountain, located near this one, is slightly higher than Kosciuszko (this was noted above), and therefore the renaming took place. It turns out that Strzelecki actually conquered the mountain, today called the Townsend.

Kociuszko Gora: height

Spa center

Currently, Kosciuszko (the mountain and its environs) is an important tourist center in Australia. Hundreds of thousands of tourists visit it every year. In addition to bewitching trips to the top, in these places you can have a great time at the ski resorts, the most famous of which are the Parisian Blue and Thredbo. They are fully equipped, but function only in cold and snowy seasons.

Where is Mount Kosciuszko

Mount Kosciuszko, its surrounding territory, resorts and all roads stretching here are part of the Kosciuszko National Park, famous for its magnificent natural landscapes, in which mountain peaks, stunning beauty, high-altitude meadows and lakes play an important and even greatest role.

Mountain Australia

Mount Kosciuszko is great for travel enthusiasts, for lay climbers. But the amazing nature of this fabulous corner of the earth is also represented by other magnificent peaks with beautiful landscapes.

The average peak height of the East Australian is approximately 700 meters. The highest peaks are located in the northern part of the site, and the wider and higher ones are in the southern territories (cf. height - 1000 m). The Blue Mountains and Liverpool Range are World Heritage Sites.

The mountain ranges break particularly sharply in the direction of the Pacific Ocean. In these places, the peaks have a rather spiky shape. In the western part, on the contrary, the peaks are more gentle. In general, the mountain range is divided into two parts by basins (eastern and western).

Kociuszko Mountain

Mount Kosciuszko undoubtedly leads the list of Australia 's highest mountains .

In conclusion, Australia's most interesting peaks

The highest peaks (besides Ko ciuszko) are represented by the following peaks:

1. Mount Fezertop - the second highest (1922 meters), located in the Alpine National Park (Victoria). This mountain is covered in snow from June to September.

2. Cradle Mountain Peak 1,545 meters high has become a symbol of the park. The researcher Joseph Fossi called this peak in 1827, deciding that this place is similar to a cradle. Researcher G. Hellierve in 1831 successfully reached the summit.

3. Barney (1372 meters) is located near the border with the state of New South Wales. The summit is the highest point of the MacPherson Range.

4. St. Mary's Peak (in other words St. Mary's Peak) - the highest peak (1171 m) of the Flinders Range, located in South Australia. It is located in the Flinders Rangers (National Park).

5. In the central part rises Mount Warning (1159 m). It is noteworthy that humid relict evergreen forests of the Jurassic period were preserved here.

6. Walsh Pyramid - the highest in the world separately located hill (922 m). He got this name in connection with his pronounced pyramidal appearance. The hill is located in the National Park "Vurunuran".

7. One of the most amazing is Mount Gower (or Rover). This is a wonderful attraction of the oldest island of volcanic origin (Lord Howe, about 20 million years old). Its height is 875 meters.


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