How to iron a jacket: algorithm of actions

The science of how to iron a jacket at home is not given to every housewife. After all, it is quite difficult to iron out all the folds on this wardrobe item and at the same time not to make new ones. If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to leave this matter to professionals and take the item to dry cleaning. Those who decide to take care of clothes on their own should find out how to iron their jacket properly. This will help tips and tricks given in our material.

Jacket Ironing

What is required for ironing

Before ironing your jacket, stock up on all the necessary gadgets and objects. Then you do not have to be distracted during the process. For ironing you will need the following:

  • Ironing board. It is advisable to choose a device with a special additional board for ironing sleeves.
  • Iron. The easiest way to iron out a jacket is with devices that release steam through the sole and nose.
  • A cut of fabric. Plain gauze or linen is suitable.
  • A basin of water.

In addition, it is advisable to stock up with a spray gun to spray problem areas at the right time.

Ironing board

Product Preparation

Before ironing your jacket, be sure to clean your garment from hair, dust, or other contaminants. Keep in mind that stains under the influence of high temperatures penetrate deeper into the fibers, and then it is more difficult to remove them. In addition, such pollution emits an unpleasant odor that even cologne will not be able to mask.

If you do not find spots on the surface of the fabric, then still walk through the material with a brush. This will help remove dust and lint.

Before ironing your jacket, be sure to read the product label. The tag contains information about the recommended mode for the product. Never exceed the temperature indicated on the label. Otherwise, you ruin the wardrobe. As a rule, the temperature regime for the iron is indicated as dots. They mean the following:

  • One point. Temperature range from +90 to +110 ° C. Use a slightly warm iron.
  • Two points. Allowed temperature is from +120 to +140 ° C. Normal ironing mode.
  • Three dots. The material can withstand temperatures from +150 to +200 ° C.

Having studied the information, lay the jacket on the ironing board. Straighten the folds and heat the iron. Now proceed to the procedure itself.

Steam iron

How to iron a jacket

To achieve maximum results, it is important to follow a certain sequence during the process. Algorithm of actions:

  1. We iron pockets. Turn these parts inside out, cut out the trash and straighten the material. Iron the fabric thoroughly without leaving even small folds. If the pockets do not lend themselves, then spray them with water from the spray gun. Or iron through wet material.
  2. Sleeves and shoulders. Elements are ironed only from the wrong side. They are pulled on a special board. If there is no such device, then replace it with a towel rolled up in a tight roll. It is quite difficult to achieve perfect evenness of the fabric of the sleeves. Therefore, use a steamer or pre-moisten the material, and then iron it until it dries completely.
  3. Back, shelves, overboard. These elements are smoothed on the front side and, as a rule, there are no problems with them. But sometimes the surface of the material after the iron begins to gloss. To avoid this, iron the product through a piece of dry fabric.
  4. Lapels and collar. Pay close attention to these small and seemingly insignificant elements of clothing. After all, a badly smoothed collar or lapels will instantly “catch the eye” and give things an untidy look. Treat these items from the front through a damp cloth. Before this, be sure to straighten the material to prevent the slightest folds and creases. Straighten the corners of the collar with the iron nose.

This is the main algorithm for how to iron a jacket at home. But such products are sewn from different types of fabric. And they should be ironed, taking into account the specifics of the material.

Woolen jacket

Clothing made of this material is rather capricious, and can stretch or sit down during ironing. To avoid such deformations, do not carry the iron over the parts of the product. Just attach the device to one area first and then to another.

Be sure to iron the fabric through wet gauze. But do not forget to dry the product. If the jacket remains even slightly moist, then later it will sit down. Pay special attention to the temperature of the iron: the more wool in the product, the “colder” the device should be. Otherwise, tan marks will appear on the surface.

wool jacket

Velvet jacket

Ironing products with a pile should be especially careful. Otherwise, they will lose sight. It is best to process the product from the wrong side. Also, drive the iron exclusively in the direction of the pile. To avoid problems with such a thing, put a terry towel between the ironing board and the front of the jacket. Ideally, use a piece of fleecy for these purposes.

Cotton products

This material is resistant to high temperatures, so treat it with a hot iron. To make the fabric easier to smoothen, spray the surface with spray water. In addition, you can carry out the procedure through a section of wet gauze.

Linen products

Usually in jackets made of such material there is no lining, so smooth the thing from either side. If the iron has a steam supply function, this will greatly facilitate your task. Please note that flax cannot be brought to perfect evenness. Therefore, leave a slight bruise on the material.


Such products rarely crease, so often they do not have to be ironed. In the process, use only a warm iron, otherwise the fabric will melt. Steam treatment of the fabric will not facilitate the task, therefore it is not necessary to apply it.

Smoothing the collar

How to iron a jacket without an iron

A steamer will help align the product and get rid of creases. This device is suitable for all types of fabric and quickly smooths even strong bruises. If it is not, then you can align the product with steam. To do this, fill the bathroom with the most hot water and hang the product over it on the coat hanger. After 20 minutes, all creases and bruises smooth out. But before sending the thing to the wardrobe, let it dry in a ventilated room with room temperature.


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