In what cases is cement waterproofing used?

To create comfortable living conditions in modern homes, waterproofing is used, which prevents moisture from entering the building. The most popular is cement waterproofing. It is an affordable alternative to expensive materials. In addition, its undeniable advantage is that even an inexperienced builder can cope with its application. The installation technology is similar to applying plaster to the wall.

Water repellent properties are not inferior to other types of waterproofing materials. Correctly applied insulation on the wall surface becomes a reliable protection against moisture for many years.

Types of waterproofing coating type

The materials used as cement waterproofing have a high density, which makes them resistant to moisture from the environment. Among the huge variety of building materials, several types of coating waterproofing are distinguished:

  • polymer mastics are characterized by a long shelf life without the appearance of visible defects;
  • polymer cement mortars not only perform the function of protecting against moisture, but also have a strengthening effect;
  • stucco with an astringent effect, which includes hydrophobic non-shrinking components;
  • bituminous mastics, which are not so attractive, but have excellent water-repellent properties.

cement waterproofing

Each of the materials described above has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Selection is carried out individually, taking into account the features of the structure.

Bituminous waterproofing

This type of waterproofing has good moisture repellent properties and can withstand the load of the jet up to 0.2 MPa. The disadvantage is the insufficiently long service life, which, when properly applied, is only 6 years. Also, mastic loses its properties at a temperature of 0 degrees and is prone to cracking.

This waterproofing is rarely used as the main component of the water-repellent layer. Most often, it serves as a primer for applying stronger formulations.

Varieties of cement waterproofing

Today, there are many varieties of cement mixtures that have high water repellent properties.

cement-based waterproofing
They have some differences:

  • Mixtures of inorganic binders. Such formulations are usually applied both with a spray gun and with a spatula.
  • Cement-sand waterproofing is used for monolithic substrates. The peculiarity is that after application it must be moistened every 15 days until completely dry, in order to avoid cracking of the material. The composition includes Portland cement, gypsum and alumina cement.
  • Cement-polymer waterproofing is characterized by the presence of additives in the composition, which form a coating resembling rubber.

The choice of material depends on the place in which it is used, as well as on the desired result.

Coating type cementitious waterproofing

Cement waterproofing has several advantages, due to which it remains popular among builders:

  • the application procedure is similar to the application of plaster, so waterproofing is characterized by high density and layer thickness;
  • the material is convenient and reliable, as it has only 2 components: cement and a liquid base;
  • properly applied waterproofing withstands pressure up to 6 atmospheres, which not every material can boast of.

waterproofing cement mortar

Due to its unique properties, cementitious waterproofing mortar is used to finish not only the external and internal walls of buildings, but also for swimming pools, saunas, where the humidity level is high.

The nuances of applying cement-based waterproofing

Applying cement coating waterproofing is a simple procedure, so even a beginner can cope with it. It consists of several stages:

  1. The surface before applying cementitious waterproofing is cleaned of dirt, dust and residues of other building materials.
  2. The wall is well saturated with moisture.
  3. A waterproofing mixture is prepared from an aqueous emulsion and a dry cement mixture.
    cement coating waterproofing
  4. A thick composition is applied to the surface of the wall with a spatula and leveled using a building level.

After applying the layer, let it dry for the time specified in the instructions on the packaging of the mixture. During this period, it is important not to violate the integrity of the coating.

The principle of the action of waterproofing coating type

Cement-based waterproofing has been used by builders for many years. The solution well covers the holes and cracks in the walls through which moisture can enter. Cement waterproofing is used both for exterior and interior decoration, and is also a good primer for subsequent painting or masonry.

Due to the increased thickness of the waterproofing layer, a cement-based water-repellent material is also used as insulation. With proper application and complete drying, the mixture has a long service life without cracking or other visible defects.

Material benefits

Cement-based waterproofing has several advantages:

  • environmental friendliness and non-toxicity of materials;
  • quick hardening: finishing work can begin as early as 2 weeks after applying the mixture;
  • lack of need for frequent repair of a waterproofing layer;
  • the possibility of applying to the surface of any form;
  • no complicated tools for drawing are required: only a spatula, brush and building level can be used;
  • low cost of materials.

cement-sand waterproofing

The advantages described above are often decisive when choosing a waterproofing for interior decoration. The positive qualities of the material allow it to be used in places with high humidity without compromising on quality.

The disadvantages of cement mixtures

Despite all the visible advantages of using cement mortar as a waterproofing, it has several minor drawbacks:

  • the process of applying the mixture to the wall takes a large amount of time;
  • as a waterproofing, you can not use an ordinary mortar made of cement and sand (it does not have elasticity and is prone to cracking), additives should be added to give softness to the material;
  • when cracks appear, it is recommended to remove the layer of material at the cracking site and apply the mixture again;
  • despite the length of the service life, the wall under the waterproofing is gradually saturated with moisture, as a result of which there is a destruction of the cement layer; After several decades, the waterproofing layer should be changed, since moisture can get on the wall and cause its destruction.

Modern ready-made mixtures contain the necessary components to extend the operational life, therefore, they are devoid of most of the disadvantages described above. They include materials such as water emulsion, fine cement, quartz sand, chemical components to increase elasticity and viscosity, a crystallizing polymer that helps to harden the solution.

cement-polymer waterproofing

The choice of waterproofing for the room depends entirely on the requirements for quality and durability of the material. The decisive factor may also be the low cost and availability of the components of the cement mixture. Despite this, it has excellent properties that do not deteriorate over time.


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