Film heaters: reviews. Wall-mounted film heater

Many people have infrared heaters. They compare favorably with other heating equipment, so they are often bought. Manufacturers are constantly trying to expand the range of products, and film heaters have appeared relatively recently. Customer reviews suggest that such devices are good for a number of reasons. Let's take a closer look at the design, operating principle and customer feedback.

film heaters reviews

The principle of operation of the device

The device operates due to the fact that the heating element gives off heat in the infrared spectrum. The film heater, reviews of which we will consider a little later, has an emitter, it is the main working body of the device. It is noteworthy that heat is released only in the radius of the unit, which depends on its power and dimensions. Nevertheless, this function allows you to use the heater exclusively for local heating. It is no secret that in everyday life, point (film), floor and ceiling heaters are often installed . All types are popular, but we will consider only one of them. The fact is that local heaters solve several problems at once.

wall mounted film heater reviews

In detail about film heaters

Many can say that film and spot heaters are two completely different things. This is partly true, on the other hand, it makes sense to combine this equipment into one large group. The main difference between film and point IOs is that the latter act as an interior item, while film ones are hidden from the human eye. The installation of both is carried out not only on the walls, but also in any other places with the help of brackets. Infrared film is quite expensive, so get ready for the high cost of the product. It makes sense to note that the film can be large, and therefore the area of ​​action of the device can be adjusted. Spot heaters differ in just small dimensions and act locally. As noted above, film heaters, reviews of which are not always positive, have a high cost. But is it justified?

On the effectiveness of film AI

It is safe to say that the floor and ceiling options look more profitable against the background of other varieties of heaters. This is due to the fact that heated air from conventional heat sources always tends to rise, which reduces their efficiency and increases energy costs. But we all know that infrared radiation heats not air, but objects, so the heat loss from an infrared emitter is usually negligible. The unit is not recommended to be used as the main source of heat for a number of reasons, but for heating cold zones in an apartment this is one of the best solutions. In any case, if you have some free money, you can purchase a wall-mounted film heater. Customer reviews are usually positive. But many of them say that you do not need to purchase Chinese-made products.

film heater

Wall-mounted film heater: customer reviews

Before buying, it is extremely important to familiarize yourself with the product closer. You can do this for free. One way is to read consumer reviews about a particular model that interests you. Buyers note that European-made heaters have proven themselves best, but domestic analogues are in particular demand, in particular, due to affordable prices and a large selection of film heaters. The price of many models of Russian companies starts at a thousand rubles and ends at around several thousand. Consumers recommend carefully choosing an infrared film that fits the interior of your room.

wall mounted film heater

About ceiling heaters

It should be noted that the AI ​​hang not only on the walls. They are built into the floor and ceiling. If you consider all the options in more detail, you will notice that their principle of operation is almost identical, and the ceiling heater can be replaced by a built-in floor, and vice versa.

If we talk about IO, placed in the ceiling, the radiation to a greater extent heats the furniture and floor. It turns out that the temperature at the feet is maximum, which is what was required to be achieved. Such IOs cannot be installed on suspended ceilings, in addition, they are afraid of water entering the body. There is one more significant minus, because of which many do not dare to buy such a heater. The disadvantage is that the infrared film must be very powerful, especially if your house has high ceilings. For this simple reason, the cost of electricity will be significantly higher than in the case of a conventional oil heater. But in practice, this does not stop consumers who buy ceiling IOs.

Underfloor heating systems

IOs of this type are built into the floor and are a modification of the "warm floor" system. Such film heaters are good in that they do not increase the temperature of the surfaces of household appliances and do not affect its life. In addition, the uniformity of heating will also please, as the happy owners of such systems have repeatedly said. Of course, most often the floor system is used to create a workplace and is an infrared film of small sizes, like a rug under your feet. This will provide you with coziness and comfort during your stay at your desk. At the same time, installing such systems on a large area is very costly and difficult, and there is no particular sense in this. Interestingly, for installation does not require special flooring. This is what floor infrared film heaters are famous for. Reviews say that their use increases the comfort of residential premises.

infrared film heaters reviews

Appearance matters

We can confidently talk about the great difference between film heaters from oil or just infrared. And the matter is not so much in the design of the product as in the functions performed by it. The fact is that the film is most often framed in the form of a picture that can be hung both in the office and at home. It is clear that the picture itself is of no value, but this is much better than attaching a conventional heater to the wall. Many may not even notice that you have AI. Therefore, always carefully select a wall-mounted film heater. Customer reviews come down to the fact that domestic companies offer a good choice, and everyone can choose a product to their taste. Want a landscape or portrait? Everything will be done at the request of the client with a certain amount. Today it is possible to order a picture you like. Of course, in this case you will have to overpay about 15% of the total cost of the product, but it's worth it. As a result, a full-fledged heater picture will hang in your room, and all this for relatively little money.

wall mounted infrared film heater reviews

Briefly about technical characteristics

You already know what a wall-mounted infrared film heater is . Customer reviews vary greatly depending on the manufacturer. But one of the strengths of such units is technical specifications. Here we are talking about such an important parameter as weight. In most cases, film-type AIs weigh no more than 0.5 kg. This is very convenient, since there is no additional load on the walls. They can be attached to drywall, tile and so on. The technical resource of use usually reaches 50,000 hours. Believe me, not every stationary heater boasts such indicators. Interestingly, infrared films are completely safe: the surface usually does not heat above 60-65 Β° C. Power consumption with dimensions of 1200 x 580 x 20 mm does not exceed 500-550 watts, which is similar to an oil heater with a power of 2 kW. As you can see, the device is quite profitable from any direction. And if you look at the cost, then it is clear that it is lower than the same indicator of the simplest heater with a small capacity.

reviews wall film heater trio

About manufacturers

European products in Russia will be in great demand for a long time. This is due to the fact that at the time of the appearance of film AI domestic companies did not release them, and a foreign novelty quickly took and strengthened the leading position in the Russian market. Nevertheless, today our companies make very decent equipment, as evidenced by the reviews. The Trio wall-mounted film heater is one of the most popular, and in terms of price / quality ratio it is practically unrivaled. By the way, the cost of domestic products is 10-15% lower than European. Already there are Russian manufacturers who managed to earn a good reputation. For example, the film heater "Home Comfort" reviews are positive. This is a relatively inexpensive and at the same time high-quality equipment. Large selection and affordability make film IOs very popular. In addition, they are able to decorate even the most austere interior, make it more vivid and colorful. Be careful when choosing film heaters. Reviews about them can be positive and not very, which depends on the manufacturer and the cost of the product.


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